Who's ready for some Hawk football

With all the rain coming today and potentially Friday night/ Saturday morning, wonder if some of the grass lots may end up closed off. That always throws a wrench into parking.
I'll be at Kinnick Saturday hearing the PA announcer saying "Here come the Hawkeyes" and Ree4 will be hearing "Here comes the bride, all dressed in white":)
Hey, if we're bragging about shit, It's cool. I'll be there for all the rest of them, season tickets on the west stands, 40 yd line and didn't pay a dime!
To be fair they aren't really football fans and this is a big day for them, they are really nice people and deserve all the happiness they get, but I'll be cranky as fk all day Sat and my poor wife will know it

Yeah, some people just aren't into college football, and/or, don't consider the consequences of a Fall wedding. Have had to attend a few of those, especially fans of other teams...who conveniently schedule it around THEIR teams' schedules.
Why would someone willing ruin a football weekend by getting married that day. 52 Saturdays in a year people. Pick one that doesn't interfere with a game.
I made this very clear to my girlfriend. When the time comes to get married it’s happening in the off-season, just like our vacations. She knows full well that for fifteen weeks we aren’t doing anything on Saturdays unless she wants to go to a game with me or sit in a sports bar.
I got married during the Iowa defeat of Wisconsin at Camp Randall in '03. Whiff on my part to have the wedding scheduled the same time as that.
Why would someone willing ruin a football weekend by getting married that day. 52 Saturdays in a year people. Pick one that doesn't interfere with a game.
My future wife wanted to get married in the fall. I said that's fine, but we are getting married on a Friday. She agreed.
I made this very clear to my girlfriend. When the time comes to get married it’s happening in the off-season, just like our vacations. She knows full well that for fifteen weeks we aren’t doing anything on Saturdays unless she wants to go to a game with me or sit in a sports bar.

Is she not a keeper?
My brother pulled that crap on me 3 yrs ago getting married in October... Dude got me an old school Hawkeye helmet all cased up for being the best man so it wasn't a total loss.... Ha
I made this very clear to my girlfriend. When the time comes to get married it’s happening in the off-season, just like our vacations. She knows full well that for fifteen weeks we aren’t doing anything on Saturdays unless she wants to go to a game with me or sit in a sports bar.

When we were setting our date in 2008 we originally thought about having it on Oct. 25th, during Iowa's bye week which happened to be the week after we played Wisconsin at home. However my mom's family is from Milwaukee and huge Badger fans (no one's perfect) and my cousins were staying with us that weekend and we didn't want them to have to make the trip two weeks in a row so we decided on a summer wedding. Iowa ended up winning 38-16 and I can't help but think how fun it would have been to continue to rub it in there faces during the ceremony. But the bottom line is weddings and football fandom don't mesh.
Yeah man, she listens to me talk about football and actually takes an active interest now that she understands the game.

Then she doesn't want to marry you on a football Saturday?

My wife hates football. There are somethings in life better than watching football.
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Talk to me about these ribs. What smoker you got? I presume baby back? How long do you smoke?

About my setup - I just got a house in April so this year I have been using a Masterbuilt propane smoker I bought at Home Depot for $120 on sale. I get the loinback ribs from Costco (3 racks for about $25-28) and rub them in smoked paprika, ground mustard, garlic, cumin, cayenne, pepper, and salt (no sugar/brown sugar bince I'm trying to not eat sugar anymore). I smoke them for 2.5 hours on applewood or hickory at 225-ish and then finish them for the last hour or so in the oven at 225 wrapped in foil to keep them moist. If I decide to sauce them before serving (I generally prefer not to bince I feel like the meat should stand on its own and because I don't want to add too much sugar) I will hit them with Sticky Fingers bbq sauce and give them a few minutes on the grill to get the sauce carmelized.

What kind of beer you taking?
You're doing it wrong.
Talk to me about these ribs. What smoker you got? I presume baby back? How long do you smoke?
Not addressed at me but I'll be doing ribs too. Baby back are a marketing gimmick. I do St. Louis cut (spare ribs). More meat on them. I have a Blaz'n Grill Works pellet smoker. I do EAT BBQ rub (https://www.atbbq.com/eat-barbecue-zero-to-hero-barbecue-rub.html) no affiliation. At the end I do a light glazing with BBQ sauce. I like it to just be tacky, not slathered. Ribs take 5-6 hours between 225-250 degrees.

I don't foil my ribs. If you hit them with a spray bottle of apple juice and apple cider vinegar periodically they won't dry out and I don't want mushy steamed ribs.

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