Who’s Going To Be At The Game?

Yeah, pre-HD TV, going in person was like, "wow, look at the details! So vibrant!"

Today? I dunno, I'd just as soon watch from the couch. Going in person is an occasional treat - soak up the in-person experience for a few hours, but that'll hold me for another 3-5 years.

Yes, if you can catch an early to mid October game when the temperature and humidity are really autumn like with crispness in the air and the leaves are turning then that is a great time to see a game in Kinnick.
Going after my son's XX meet in Burlington, just concerned about parking as I'm gonna be getting in late around 1 pm. Usually park at the ped mall and walk but with the train down I'm getting nervous. Might have a long walk, my kid can run it I might need a few stops to get there.
Gary Dolphin just opened a bar in Dubuque's millwork district that's pretty cool.

But I think we're saving that for the clones with will happen to be my birthday as well.

Will probably be catching Badgers early and Hawkeyes later but don't know where yet.