Who will be the point guard next year?

Here's the starting 5 I'd like to see... Assuming Moss is a stud.
1. C Williams 6'6
2. Moss 6'6
3. Jok 6'6
4. Uhl 6'8
5. Tyler Cook 6'8

A lot of length and athleticism there, maybe not enough 3pt shooting so maybe go with another shooter over moss, but we obviously still have shooters coming off the bench in Brady, Jones, Fleming, Baer, and possibly Bohannon.

I am putting Baer in the starting lineup. Bumping Moss, moving Jok to the 2. With Jones and Moss the first off the bench.

Tyler Cook will have to be all that and a bag of chips for next year to be a good team. I am going to rely on Moss & Hutton pulling out the Baer card too. Several scouts rated those 2 to be something. Lets hope they are right. Glad they are redshirting and soaking it all in, learning unselfish play, our motion offense, and defense. Rebounding too. That would be a plus. .

A lot will have to happen for next year to be successful. Mainly, if we have to have a steady PG not great, but steady, and we will be fine. Then Jon can eat crow. ;)

On Iowa!
Iowa will lack for experience but not talent IMO. The starting lineup that intrigues me...

Although both look like they will be solid contributors down the line, neither Williams or Bohannon look like PGs to me. At best combo guards, sort of in the Clemmons mold. If they can limit turnovers and not be a liability on defense, Iowa has a chance to be alright considering there is a lot of young talent surrounding them. Still think Fran has still not landed that true dominant PG since he arrived and he considers it the most important position for success in his system. Looking back at his teams in past programs, he's always had a stellar PG on his good teams. Gesell is the closest he's had.
Iowa will lack for experience but not talent IMO. The starting lineup that intrigues me...


Baer will start-just not sure who moves out of that line up. Jok is only legitimate shooter in your line up. Uhl is decent as is Baer. Shooting is the great equalizer-so maybe Fleming takes a spot as well or Ellingson.
Iowa will lack for experience but not talent IMO. The starting lineup that intrigues me...


My only concern would be 3pt shooting there. As far as I know Williams doesn't have a ton of outside range, which would leave Jok and Uhl as the only 3pt threats. That would be a very athletic bunch though.
If you are looking at a NIT season......the good thing is I think after a season of hard knocks and learning, they should be in good shape 2 years from now.

I should have said looks pretty fun to me. It would be an exciting lineup possibly. The 3 point shooting would be a problem like others have said.
Iowa will lack for experience but not talent IMO. The starting lineup that intrigues me...

Cook has said that the Iowa coaches have emphasized that he expand his shooting range for next year. If he or Wagner can start knocking down at least some mid range jumpers then I am behind this lineup 1000%.

If that doesn't happen one of our shooters would need to be put in there.
Baer will start-just not sure who moves out of that line up. Jok is only legitimate shooter in your line up. Uhl is decent as is Baer. Shooting is the great equalizer-so maybe Fleming takes a spot as well or Ellingson.

We'll see how the season ends up but as of right now Baer has been better than decent, shooting the 3 at a 45% clip I believe.
I don't see Fleming over taking anyone unless he makes huge improvements but hope I'm wrong because that means he would be much improved.

I'd agree with the original poster that PG is concerning next year, heck its been the one thing keeping us from being elite the last few years IMHO. We have serviceable PGs, but until we get a stud PG hard to see us getting to the next level. I'm wondering if a transfer PG or JUCO next year would be our best bet to bridge the gap until Fran's son gets here? Unless Fran sees Bohannon and Williams as able to handle the position at this level right away, but that is putting a lot of pressure on them. Overall though, our lineup is very athletic, long & lanky. Missing a go to guy like Uthoff though.
I love how it's "concerning" when Freshman can't beat out players that have been in the system and program for multiple years .... IMO, that should be expected.
I love how it's "concerning" when Freshman can't beat out players that have been in the system and program for multiple years .... IMO, that should be expected.

Yep, unless you just recruited the Fab 5, this should be expected.

My main concern with freshmen is that they show flashes of what they can do once they are the upper-classmen. They should be able to contribue, but they will not normally be the guys carrying the load until those ahead of them are gone.

I'm with others that I'm very concerned about next year at the PG position. Guard play is arguably the most important part of a team. Williams may be good in the long run, but he'll be a first year player, so there's going to be growing pains. Next year's team is also going to be very young, overall.

Hate to say it, but I think those who don't think we'll miss a beat next year are going to be disappointed. Again, that doesn't mean I think the future looks bleak, but next year will likely be a rebuilding year.
Yep, unless you just recruited the Fab 5, this should be expected.

My main concern with freshmen is that they show flashes of what they can do once they are the upper-classmen, but they will not normally be the guys carrying the load until those ahead of them are gone.

I'm with others that I'm very concerned about next year at the PG position. Guard play is arguably the most important part of a team. Williams may be good in the long run, but he'll be a first year player, so there's going to be growing pains. Next year's team is also going to be very young, overall. Hate to say it, but I think those who don't think we'll miss a beat next year are going to be disappointed. Again, that doesn't mean I think the future looks bleak, but next year will likely be a rebuilding year.

This is where I am at. Fran has shown that he can find under recruited kids and develop them. I think he has a great core to work with that look to have high upsides like Marble, White and Uthoff. Players like Williams, Moss, Wagner, Hutton, and Cook all could be really good, but need a couple years to really develop.
Iowa will be fine. I think there is a good mix that will learn to play with each other. The size concerns me. Iowa could use another Reggie Evans type player that can get 15-20 rebounds a game. That was fun. Doesn't Iowa have that stud kid from Muscatine coming in?
Next year is going to be a struggle. A new PG, limited size and lack of experience will be too much to overcome.

I know he's coming off the game of his life but I'm not sure you will be able to keep Baer out of the starting lineup next year.

Although Cook is a good recruit, I'm also not sure I'd count on him starting year 1.


We'll have good size at all positions but we won't have a rim protector and probably struggle to score at least certainly in comparison to the past couple years.
I think I just heard on a podcast that Bohannon put up 40 with 9 3 pointers. Can anyone confirm this?
Pretty much all of the comments in this thread are reasonable IMO. I'm not worried because I honestly believe Fran will have the most talent on next year's roster since he's been at Iowa. The concerns with PG, outside shooting, experience, defense, etc. all make sense. But a group of talented and unselfish players can win their fair share of games, be competitive and work their way into the NCAA Tournament conversation IMO.

Side Note - We have seen how far Ellingson and Baer have come...after spending a year in the system learning. Hutton and Moss are getting this same type of experience going into next year.
As for outside shooting next year...

Jok is shooting 34.5 from 3 and 85.7 from the line.
Uhl...45.0 and 75.0.
Jones...45.0 and never shot a FT.
Ellingson...33.3 and 77.8.
Baer...45.8 and has not shot a FT.

That's 5 guys that can shoot and 3 of them didn't play last year. So we could easily add to this next year.
As for outside shooting next year...

Jok is shooting 34.5 from 3 and 85.7 from the line.
Uhl...45.0 and 75.0.
Jones...45.0 and never shot a FT.
Ellingson...33.3 and 77.8.
Baer...45.8 and has not shot a FT.

That's 5 guys that can shoot and 3 of them didn't play last year. So we could easily add to this next year.

Agreed, I think perimeter shooting will be a strength of this team.

1. Depth, I think this team could go at 10/11 deep with quality players
2. Perimeter shooting (I think moss, Fleming, and Hutton are capable shooters as well.
3. ATHLETICISM - Cook, Wagner, Uhl, Jones, Baer, and maybe Pemsl in the front court. Moss, Hutton, Williams, and Jok in the backcourt. Wow!

Weaknesses/ causes for concern:
1. PG
2. Can Jok be primary scorer? Who's 2nd option?
3. Can we defend a true center? (There isn't many true centers left in my mind anyway).

Also look at the players that will be gone. Tremble, Sulamoin, Layman, and maybe Stone at Maryland, Valentine (MSU), Lavert (UM), Ferrell (IU), potentially Hayes (UW), along with a handful of others.

I think we will be a tourney team at the very least. Go Hawks!

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