Who will be the Iowa basketball coach in 2011-12?

it should be Dana Altman from Creighton. that would really help us. that guy would turn us around in a heart beat
it should be Dana Altman from Creighton. that would really help us. that guy would turn us around in a heart beat

I've never been that big of a fan of the Altman hire, to be honest. He really didn't get a whole lot done at K State: 68-54 overall, and 19-37 in conference play (ouch).

Dana Altman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's had some success at Creighton, but I have to wonder why more programs haven't tried to lure him away from there by now. He's been coaching Creighton since 1994. I realize that Arkansas tried to hire him, and then Altman accepted and then backed out, which also strikes me as a little odd also. I don't know. Something just bothers me about Altman.

Would his success at Creighton translate to success in the Big Ten? His time at KSU would say "no".
We should hire an experienced coach who is 11-0 this year and has a win over a ranked opponent.
I think that if we put together an attractive package of free lawn mowers and hair cuts we may be able to lure Alford back.

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