Who will be next years lightning rod?

Not sure what you mean.

I'm guessing he means with all the NBA talk and having those aspirations, then falling short like 95% of every other player in CBB does. That IMO should be (and likely is) every players goal, I certainly don't hold that against Tyler, but the fan base sure does.
Brought it on himself...to some degree. He was nowhere near NBA ready last year (and probably isn't now), so going to the NBA eval drew plenty of snickers...along with expectations he'd play at that kind of level this year.

IMO I want every player on the team to have that mind set - getting to the NBA and having lofty goals and setting the bar as high as they can. Most are gonna fail, but I don't fault him for putting himself out there, he has goals.
Brought it on himself...to some degree. He was nowhere near NBA ready last year (and probably isn't now), so going to the NBA eval drew plenty of snickers...along with expectations he'd play at that kind of level this year.

So the kid goes through the NBA draft process to find out where he stands, comes back to school and that means he brought it on himself?

No, that's not a him problem, that's a you problem if that's how you roll.

These guys are unpaid amateurs. They don't make millions like the guys that coach them. They go to school, stay out of trouble and represent your university in as very positive light.

If you anonymously coming on a message board, social media, etc. and rip these guys, it's chickenshit and weak.

Cook didn't bring any of this on himself or deserve the bullshit that's taken place on these boards. There were like four or five threads dedicated just to him after the Tennessee game.

He deserved than and brought it on himself?

That's bullshit.
I gave up my anonymously posting the second I stepped on here. I also don't rip guys. I do fight with some posters here and there when I think somethings unfair. I am an easy target. You know who I am. You can find me. You can make fun of me. I enjoy it. Here is my band's music video - I play all over the state. I should have given it up a LOOONG time ago. Come at me. I'm a man... I'm 40.

So the kid goes through the NBA draft process to find out where he stands, comes back to school and that means he brought it on himself?

No, that's not a him problem, that's a you problem if that's how you roll.

These guys are unpaid amateurs. They don't make millions like the guys that coach them. They go to school, stay out of trouble and represent your university in as very positive light.

If you anonymously coming on a message board, social media, etc. and rip these guys, it's chickenshit and weak.

Cook didn't bring any of this on himself or deserve the bullshit that's taken place on these boards. There were like four or five threads dedicated just to him after the Tennessee game.

He deserved than and brought it on himself?

That's bullshit.

Wow, Rob. Get up on the wrong side of the bed? Take it easy man.

When any player infers that they're at a higher level... it's going to draw scrutiny. If I told everybody in my office I was looking into a big promotion or interviewing for a bigger job they're gonna look at me differently...or if a kid in high school (perhaps a better comparison) started talking about offers he was getting, or college coaches visited his games people are going to expect more of him.

Direct your anger at me if you wish...but it's a pretty universal concept. I didn't invent it or endorse it...I'm just saying that's how things tend to work. If he wants to do the NBA eval, more power to him...but it sends a message that affects people's perceptions. That's not ripping a kid or attacking him. I didn't say he deserved it, etc etc. TC seems to be a good kid and teammate...I didn't say a bad word about him. I simply suggested it's a natural reaction for people...which it is. Good, bad or indifferent...that's just the way things work in the real world...even amateur athletics. You invite more scrutiny if you suggest you're playing at a "higher level".

For all we know, that was part of TC's plan. He wanted higher expectations for himself.
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Steering this back to the topic of the OP, my candidate is Wiescamp. He will be a sophomore and the Fran sophomore jinx is real. Garza this year came very close to falling into the Venus flytrap known as the sophomore jinx but emerged just in time (Nebraska game, postseason)

I could everything that Joe did right the eyes of fans this year being wrong next year. And fans getting impatient in a hurry he doesn't raise his game to another level.
Steering this back to the topic of the OP, my candidate is Wiescamp. He will be a sophomore and the Fran sophomore jinx is real. Garza this year came very close to falling into the Venus flytrap known as the sophomore jinx but emerged just in time (Nebraska game, postseason)

I could everything that Joe did right the eyes of fans this year being wrong next year. And fans getting impatient in a hurry he doesn't raise his game to another level.

yup I could see that - he pushed his own expectation bar pretty high after this season. If he struggles there will be a lot of "See, told you a kid from his level of HS couldn't play here" - I really hope that's not the case and I find it hard to believe a player of his caliber is going to slump, but if he doesn't exceed this season that's what it likely will be. This isn't unique to Iowa fans, it's just fans in general....but one player typically takes the brunt. In football it's typically always the QB, which makes sense due to the nature of their position.
I think just some of the responses on here already show that Cook was the lightning rod this season, it wasn't even close. This is why I was going back and forth with @NikeHawk21 earlier this week. It wasn't necessary just about what @NikeHawk21 was saying, it was a season's worth of piling on of Cook by others. Just like Dochterman I found it incredibly unfair.
I was watching the Wisconsin tournament game with Badger fans and they were saying they were so excited for Happ to be done. Walking turnover who can’t make a layup and doesn’t play defense they said. This is arguably one of the best players in the history of their program.
They just had another player transfer out, Tai Strickland. Iverson is graduated too. When Wisconsin get the crap kicked out of them on the boards next year they are going to wish Happ was still on the team.
Wow, Rob. Get up on the wrong side of the bed? Take it easy man.

When any player infers that they're at a higher level... it's going to draw scrutiny. I didn't think that was earth shattering. It's true in any field...when you posture you draw attention. If I told everybody in my office I was looking into a big promotion or interviewing for a bigger job they're gonna look at me differently...or if a kid in high school (perhaps a better comparison) started talking about offers he was getting, or college coaches visited his games people are going to expect more of him.

I didn't say he deserved it, etc etc...TC seems to be a good kid and teammate. But good, bad or indifferent...that's just the way things work in the real world...even amateur athletics. You invite more scrutiny if you suggest you're playing at a "higher level".

Direct your anger at me if you wish...but it's a pretty universal concept. I didn't invent it.

No. I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And don't patronize me by telling me to take it easy. I feel passionate about what I'm discussing.

You said Cook brought it on himself. So, yeah, you did say he deserved it. He should of or could have acted differently so people wouldn't jump on him? By doing what?

He wasn't posturing. He was going through a process available to him for an evaluation about his future, similar to if someone takes an internship in their academic field of study for a gauge on their future. Moss did the same thing as did plenty of others.

You, and others who think like you, decided that he was posturing. That's the way you look at it, not the way it is.

Your expectations don't justify your actions. Saying that's the way it is in the "real-world" is stereotypical BS. These guys are under a public microscope that most people in the "real-world" will never experience or understand. The "real-world" analogies are nonsense.

Again, expecting more, like your comparison of a HS athlete getting attention, doesn't mean over-the-top criticism and scapegoating is justified. It's your choice to do it, but it doesn't make it right.

I will agree that I'm pissing in the wind here. Your mentality is not the exception anymore. With the Stephen A. Smiths and Skip Baylesses of the world, sports conversation has just become one big echo chamber of criticizing athletes.

While I don't like it, I can see some justification in professional sports. Athletes are paid a lot of money to perform. I've got no time for it being done to college athletes. I think it's weak.

And with that, I'm out. I'm not going to change the tone here.

On social media, I've just started blocking and muting people. I'm not getting into it with them anymore. I'm going to reduce these exchanges on here as well. My life is better without you.

I started monitoring the HN message boards in '03. I'm worn TF out by the growing negativity.
Brought it on himself...to some degree. He was nowhere near NBA ready last year (and probably isn't now), so going to the NBA eval drew plenty of snickers...along with expectations he'd play at that kind of level this year.

This describes 75% of the guys who get drafted in the lottery each year. Thats the world of college basketball, guys going to the NBA long before they're even close to ready.
Could well be Toussaint. He will be expected to run the offense, and as a freshman, that just isn't going to happen without a LOT of growing pains.
But in the end, I think he is going to be a great asset to Iowa. It will just take a year or two. (hopefully less;))
No. I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And don't patronize me by telling me to take it easy. I feel passionate about what I'm discussing.

You said Cook brought it on himself. So, yeah, you did say he deserved it. He should of or could have acted differently so people wouldn't jump on him? By doing what?

He wasn't posturing. He was going through a process available to him for an evaluation about his future, similar to if someone takes an internship in their academic field of study for a gauge on their future. Moss did the same thing as did plenty of others.

You, and others who think like you, decided that he was posturing. That's the way you look at it, not the way it is.

Your expectations don't justify your actions. Saying that's the way it is in the "real-world" is stereotypical BS. These guys are under a public microscope that most people in the "real-world" will never experience or understand. The "real-world" analogies are nonsense.

Again, expecting more, like your comparison of a HS athlete getting attention, doesn't mean over-the-top criticism and scapegoating is justified. It's your choice to do it, but it doesn't make it right.

I will agree that I'm pissing in the wind here. Your mentality is not the exception anymore. With the Stephen A. Smiths and Skip Baylesses of the world, sports conversation has just become one big echo chamber of criticizing athletes.

While I don't like it, I can see some justification in professional sports. Athletes are paid a lot of money to perform. I've got no time for it being done to college athletes. I think it's weak.

And with that, I'm out. I'm not going to change the tone here.

On social media, I've just started blocking and muting people. I'm not getting into it with them anymore. I'm going to reduce these exchanges on here as well. My life is better without you.

I started monitoring the HN message boards in '03. I'm worn TF out by the growing negativity.
that makes me a little sad because i love when you interact on here or Twitter. Makes you cool in my book because you're easily accessible to talk Iowa sports and to most, sorta of a celebrity in the Iowa sports world. I love when Doc or Moorehouse tweet me back and I likely get it because I am having fun with them. Unfortunately, in the digital age, if you are selling some sort of brand or product, a quick way ahead is engaging with your fans or readers. But it also opens the doors to the negative and that really can have a mental toll on anyone. That doesn't make you weak, doesn't make you grouchy, doesn't make you thin skinned, it makes you human. Thanks for being accessible, as a fan, we appreciate it.
No. I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And don't patronize me by telling me to take it easy. I feel passionate about what I'm discussing.

You said Cook brought it on himself. So, yeah, you did say he deserved it. He should of or could have acted differently so people wouldn't jump on him? By doing what?

He wasn't posturing. He was going through a process available to him for an evaluation about his future, similar to if someone takes an internship in their academic field of study for a gauge on their future. Moss did the same thing as did plenty of others.

You, and others who think like you, decided that he was posturing. That's the way you look at it, not the way it is.

Your expectations don't justify your actions. Saying that's the way it is in the "real-world" is stereotypical BS. These guys are under a public microscope that most people in the "real-world" will never experience or understand. The "real-world" analogies are nonsense.

Again, expecting more, like your comparison of a HS athlete getting attention, doesn't mean over-the-top criticism and scapegoating is justified. It's your choice to do it, but it doesn't make it right.

I will agree that I'm pissing in the wind here. Your mentality is not the exception anymore. With the Stephen A. Smiths and Skip Baylesses of the world, sports conversation has just become one big echo chamber of criticizing athletes.

While I don't like it, I can see some justification in professional sports. Athletes are paid a lot of money to perform. I've got no time for it being done to college athletes. I think it's weak.

And with that, I'm out. I'm not going to change the tone here.

On social media, I've just started blocking and muting people. I'm not getting into it with them anymore. I'm going to reduce these exchanges on here as well. My life is better without you.

I started monitoring the HN message boards in '03. I'm worn TF out by the growing negativity.

Are you starting to think about closing down the site? I was just thinking the other day about when the end of Hawkeye Nation would happen with the way message boards are dying out. Reading your post made me think it might come sooner rather than later.
If player ability was the only reason to rip on a player, the end of bench guys would always be the ones getting ripped on the most. Tyler is supposed to be the best player on the team and for 3/4 of the season he played like it, or close to it. He wasn't getting torn up here at the time. Nowhere near to the point where he could have been considered the lightning rid. If this thread would have came up a month ago, almost no one would have suggested Cook was the guy. But the last month has been bad. Both his play and his criticism. That's what's sticking out in people's minds. On a side note, I'm sure Cook is more disappointed in his play the last month than anyone else.