who on here actually went to UI?

Neither Iowa nor Drake has a good law school. But in degrees of bad, Drake is really, really bad, while Iowa's is just kind of bad. In the Midwest, I would only recommend Chicago, Michigan or Northwestern to any prospective law student today.

In terms of the grad offerings, Iowa is obviously far better. For undergrad studies, Iowa has more majors and course offerings and more labs for physical sciences or research, but the trade off is class size. In addition, at Drake you are not going to get a non-native English speaking TA teaching your class. I took two undergrad classes at Iowa and thought they were pretty much going through the motions, the teachers more or less just lectured and it was unlike most of my classes at Drake, where the students were expected to contribute to class.

With what college costs today, I would be reluctant to pay that kind of scratch for my kid to sit in a several hundred person class where the tests are all multiple guess for ease of grading and I think for development of writing and public speaking skills, smaller schools have an advantage. But the flip side is that the Big Ten campuses in Iowa City/Madison/Ann Arbor/East Lansing are all magnitudes better places to live for an 18 year old than the Missouri Valley campuses in Omaha/Neck Moines/Peoria.

But to put this to rest once and for all, Ghost and I are both Bulldog/Hawkeyes and following the banning of Vintage, the power rankings for best posters are:
1) Ghost
2) Me
Ergo, Drake is better than Iowa if Ghost says it is.

no mention of gene's on university?
When I went to Iowa, I had a habit in my classes that I would usually blow off one paper in each class, each semester. I still skated by with a B average.

Iowa gives you access to amazing resources and the faculty is at the top of their fields...however, you can get by with little effort because no one cares whether or not you learn anything. All Professor Elbowpatch cares about is getting his research published, and your T.A. Simrahn only cares about his work Visa, and your other T.A. Persephone is distracted by planning her candlelight vigil to the victims of men's penises. Your final exam is just the headings in the text book in a 75 question, multiple choice format you can finish in 20 minutes.
When I went to Iowa, I had a habit in my classes that I would usually blow off one paper in each class, each semester. I still skated by with a B average.

Iowa gives you access to amazing resources and the faculty is at the top of their fields...however, you can get by with little effort because no one cares whether or not you learn anything. All Professor Elbowpatch cares about is getting his research published, and your T.A. Simrahn only cares about his work Visa, and your other T.A. Persephone is distracted by planning her candlelight vigil to the victims of men's penises. Your final exam is just the headings in the text book in a 75 question, multiple choice format you can finish in 20 minutes.

Translation: couldn't get laid in Iowa City, too ugly and skinny, got laffed at and pushed around by tuff popped-collar frat guys from Arlington Heights.

I can see why you preferred the ghetto campus of Drake, playa.
Translation: couldn't get laid in Iowa City, too ugly and skinny, got laffed at and pushed around by tuff popped-collar frat guys from Arlington Heights.

I can see why you preferred the ghetto campus of Drake, playa.

Yep, just about nailed it. A skinny ugly dude like me can clean up on University Ave.
Hawkeye born and raised....When it came time to pick a college I didn't even apply anywhere else but the U....I would go on other visits and ask them "So do you guys have Hawkeye football?" They would always look at me incredulously and then say "well no, but we do have <insert craptastic mascot here> football!!" to which I would then leave visit.

Go Hawks!!
It just hit me as I read this thread. Iowa fans take themselves waaaaayyyy less serious than ISU fans do. It’s almost uncanny. I’ve always suggested Iowa & ISU fans are more of the same. Even used to spend quite a bit of time over at Cyfan and although there are plenty of good cats over there that get their brothers are crack smokers, you don’t get near the laughs or self-deprecation style humor. I like people who can poke fun at themselves and get it isn‘t that big a deal
just curious if anyone actually attended the university they cheer for. Ive lived in the state for 7 years now and have only met about 10 graduates from UI, whats the deal with that?

The University of Iowa is a mythical place that doesn't really exist...it's a hospital and a college athletics department...don't let the fact that it's a larger university than Iowa State fool you...it does not exist...our version of Area 51, if you will...now please, continue your trolling at your leisure...
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In reality though I was raised by tavern hawks.....so....I guess I'm like a half-blood...or a muggle or something....like Ron Weasley
Neither Iowa nor Drake has a good law school. But in degrees of bad, Drake is really, really bad, while Iowa's is just kind of bad. In the Midwest, I would only recommend Chicago, Michigan or Northwestern to any prospective law student today.

No love for Wash U, Notre Dame or Minnesota? All 3 are ranked in the top 25 in the nation in US News and World Report's rankings and all 3 are cheaper than any of the three you mentioned.
I have a degree from both institutions, so I think if anyone here is able to compare the two, it would be me. Based on my experiences, I think Drake was the better school and the better experience.

Of course, the entire issue is subjective, however, as a Christian youth leader, I have handfuls of students making college choices every year, and I always recommend Drake without hesitation.

Yes, if you like the Ghetto then Drake is definitely the best school in Iowa, hands down. There isn't even a comparrison between the two when it comes to facilities and location, and yes I have been to both places.
undergrad from ISU

doctorate from the steve french school of HN trolling... (enrollment for the class of 12' begins soon for those interested)
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Not an alumn. Lived in Iowa through sixth grade.
Three much older siblings went to University of Iowa at the end of the sixties early seventies. Born in Estherville Iowa. Lived in Armstrong, West Branch, Primghar, Van Horne, and Iowa City.

Came back to attended Iowa in Summer & Fall 1981. It was the fall Hayden put Iowa football back on the map. Because my father was retired from working in Iowa I got in state tuition, even though I had spent my teen years out of state.
Was too immature to do consistently well in class. Too introverted and shy for the envirnment as well. Did well on partial load first summer semester and bombed my first fall semester. DId get laid first time at UI. Was pretty stoned. Never did get her name. Not a bad looken’ gal though. Or at least that is how I remember it????

Went to Jr. Collage and had the fortune of getting into an excellent pre-engineering program, with loads of problem solving. Transferred to University of Missouri Rolla for BA & MA in Physics.

Until recently I'd regularly visited my brother and sister back in Iowa. Always a good visit and many good memories & a few bad ones too.
Because of hardship I don't get the chance to get back to visit too often anymore. We keep in touch though. The Internet is good for that.