who on here actually went to UI?

I attended the U of I but turned pro after my junior year. I decided to take my talents to the family business.
'00 Grad, but why does that matter? I would rather 90% of fans be non-graduates, which helps to gainer broader support ($$) for the school. Never understood little brother's beef that Iowa has so many fans that never went there. That is a great thing IMO. You think Bammer is filling up its stadium with college grads?
'00 Grad, but why does that matter? I would rather 90% of fans be non-graduates, which helps to gainer broader support ($$) for the school. Never understood little brother's beef that Iowa has so many fans that never went there. That is a great thing IMO. You think Bammer is filling up its stadium with college grads?

Ding, ding, ding...and your last questioned can be answered by the fact that they don’t have many of those fans and they are jealous, so they try and turn it into a bad thing…..

And no Bama, Auburn Georgia, Florida, Miami, et al…….aren’t filling their stadiums with grads……
Ding, ding, ding...and your last questioned can be answered by the fact that they don’t have many of those fans and they are jealous, so they try and turn it into a bad thing…..

And no Bama, Auburn Georgia, Florida, Miami, et al…….aren’t filling their stadiums with grads……

I highly doubt "Roll Damn Tide" guy graduated from Bama.
I realize the op is a really smart person and was trying to make a point...i think....on a message board...not sure....i think he's really smart and cool....on a message board. oh well....

Hawk since birth, no say in the matter but damn glad dad and bro's taught me the correct way. Grew up in Siouxer City area, tiny town about 15 miles East of S.C.

tiny scholly to small state school in NE, hey, not the first choice but $5k/year opposed to $20k/year pulls a lot of decision weight. 94-99 so it was absolute misery dealing with the fuskers winner NC's 3 of my 5 years there, puke.

Now live and work in Omaha, married a reasonable husker. I Preach the word and law of the Hawkeyes in a sea of red wearing crazy people....

Go Hawks....
I realize the op is a really smart person and was trying to make a point...i think....on a message board...not sure....i think he's really smart and cool....on a message board. oh well....

Hawk since birth, no say in the matter but damn glad dad and bro's taught me the correct way. Grew up in Siouxer City area, tiny town about 15 miles East of S.C.

tiny scholly to small state school in NE, hey, not the first choice but $5k/year opposed to $20k/year pulls a lot of decision weight. 94-99 so it was absolute misery dealing with the fuskers winner NC's 3 of my 5 years there, puke.

Now live and work in Omaha, married a reasonable husker. I Preach the word and law of the Hawkeyes in a sea of red wearing crazy people....

Go Hawks....

My cup runeth over with tavernhoks...
I realize the op is a really smart person and was trying to make a point...i think....on a message board...not sure....i think he's really smart and cool....on a message board. oh well....

Yeah it’s kind of funny how these threads take on a meaning and sentiment opposite of what the original poster meant….
Yeah it’s kind of funny how these threads take on a meaning and sentiment opposite of what the original poster meant….

That's kinda the goal. The troll fails at the trollin' if we made it into a real thread way outside of what he wanted it to be..
Yes, if you like the Ghetto then Drake is definitely the best school in Iowa, hands down. There isn't even a comparrison between the two when it comes to facilities and location, and yes I have been to both places.

Yeah, maybe if you're a high-level graduate student. If you're an undergrad at Iowa, you're walking wallet being processed through a diploma mill. You'll learn more about fake IDs and hogging than you will in your given field.
2006 Grad. BA in Psychology. Before you ask, yes that is a worthless degree than I am doing nothing with. Thanks for your concern. Better than birthing cattle at Mary Greeley Labor and Delivery in Ames though.
Wow, what a stupid post. You're a loser with a useless degree and you're going to bag on the physicians at Mary Greeley who, 1. Graduated from Iowa 2. Are Iowa fans 3. Deliver future Iowa fans to Iowa fan parents.You're an embarrassment to Hawkeyes fans.

Uhhhh....overreact much? yeesh. sorry pal. thought rival smack was fair game. my bad.
05-29-2012 02:10 PMBSpringsteen
"I attended the University of Iowa from 1997-2002. At which point I left needing one class to graduate. That class, was freshman pre-req science.

True story."

I can verify this is indeed a true story.

As for Myself: 98-2000. Graduated.
I have a bachelor's from iowa, a master's from UNI, and certificates from UGA and wharton. however my biggest source of pride is the single summer class I took at hawkeye tech.