Who is Marc Maggard

I get it, talent wins games over "systems". But, unrestrained talent can also cause a lot of headaches, maybe headaches Hawkeye fans wouldn't mind dealing with for awhile. But in the end, if hired, can Forbes do the other things to be a successful coach in the Big Ten? I've read much about his recruiting abilities, but can he coach? Can he "fire up" the fan base? This program is reeling and needs to get it right this time.

If Hawk fans don't want the "headaches" of having great talent, well.... I just don't know what to tell ya. Have fun losing??? lol.

Getting it right means getting talent..... period.

Welcome to HawkeyeNation Marc. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and showing an interest in our program.
Sounds like Forbes is good for college basketball. When you consider his IOWA roots, it almost sounds like a match made in Heaven (or is it IOWA?), doesn't it?
If Hawk fans don't want the "headaches" of having great talent, well.... I just don't know what to tell ya. Have fun losing??? lol.

Getting it right means getting talent..... period.


Not surprising perspective from you, given your business. If Forbes is hired, I'll be for him, 100%. He wouldn't be my first choice, but then, no one that matters is asking me. I appreciate your insight, but until a week ago, if you'd have asked people in Iowa who Steve Forbes was, they'd say he was the "flat tax" guy. I don't get the love, maybe you want him away from the SEC?
Not surprising perspective from you, given your business. If Forbes is hired, I'll be for him, 100%. He wouldn't be my first choice, but then, no one that matters is asking me. I appreciate your insight, but until a week ago, if you'd have asked people in Iowa who Steve Forbes was, they'd say he was the "flat tax" guy. I don't get the love, maybe you want him away from the SEC?

I vote yes for flat tax too!

But yeah, it's all about the talent.... any coach will tell you that. It's not a big secret.

Honestly, I don't really have a dog in the hunt. I don't care who Iowa hires. I just know a lot about the coaches you guys are looking at and given that, I think Forbes is a home run for you guys.

I've never liked it when uninformed arguments are made about people, so I figured I'd give my informed opinion to a fan base that I think deserves a good coach.

As a UK guy, I don't think UT will fall off the map if Forbes is hired by Iowa.... Pearl isn't too shabby and he'll attract another hot assistant...... I just know Steve a little bit and have seen how amazing he is as a recruiter.

If Hawk fans don't want the "headaches" of having great talent, well.... I just don't know what to tell ya. Have fun losing??? lol.

Getting it right means getting talent..... period.

Welcome to the site Marc. Great insight. From what you are saying, I am fired up for Mr. Forbes. Gary, pull the trigger on this guy!!!!
I get it, talent wins games over "systems". But, unrestrained talent can also cause a lot of headaches, maybe headaches Hawkeye fans wouldn't mind dealing with for awhile. But in the end, if hired, can Forbes do the other things to be a successful coach in the Big Ten? I've read much about his recruiting abilities, but can he coach? Can he "fire up" the fan base? This program is reeling and needs to get it right this time.

To the above quote...I was concerned about this to. Specifically it is different from going from a recruiter to a coach. Recruiter you try to be their buddy but the coach needs to instill some discipline. The talent needs to play well together and if it doesn't you can have really unenjoyable basketball to watch (See the Knicks the last several years).

However, Marc made a really good point about Forbes. He was a head coach (and a successful one) at two JC schools. While not associated with the same pressure to win this would certainly be good training in how to deal with players with talent but who shall we say may come with some extra baggage. If you can get JC players together I think he will be able to manage a roster with 4-5 Iowa kids and 6-8 out of state players.

Thanks for contributions Marc. I didn't mean to quote you but I thought that was an excellent point about Forbes. Of the realistic names being floated now Forbes is my second choice behind Scott Drew (and I don't know how realistic he would be).
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I get it, talent wins games over "systems". But, unrestrained talent can also cause a lot of headaches, maybe headaches Hawkeye fans wouldn't mind dealing with for awhile. But in the end, if hired, can Forbes do the other things to be a successful coach in the Big Ten? I've read much about his recruiting abilities, but can he coach? Can he "fire up" the fan base? This program is reeling and needs to get it right this time.

Unrestrained talent?

What the heck are you talking about?
I vote yes for flat tax too!

But yeah, it's all about the talent.... any coach will tell you that. It's not a big secret.

Honestly, I don't really have a dog in the hunt. I don't care who Iowa hires. I just know a lot about the coaches you guys are looking at and given that, I think Forbes is a home run for you guys.

I've never liked it when uninformed arguments are made about people, so I figured I'd give my informed opinion to a fan base that I think deserves a good coach.

As a UK guy, I don't think UT will fall off the map if Forbes is hired by Iowa.... Pearl isn't too shabby and he'll attract another hot assistant...... I just know Steve a little bit and have seen how amazing he is as a recruiter.


I think that Gregory would be a good coach. However, he would probably leave after some success, if ther was any. Forbes could be the savior of the Iowa program, he'll never leave, and he brings everything we need. I really hope the Barta in Cincy is just a looking at Gregory cause we're waiting for Forbes to get done in TN.

I don't think that Gregory will be able to recruit like Forbes, energize the fan base like Forbes, and he doesn't have the Hawkeye passion that Forbes does.

I will actually be disappointed if anyone else gets the job (except for Pearl)
I stated scouting summer basketball in 1996. I work for about 100 different colleges and also run a UK website for UK fans. The two jobs are not really related, but obviously, my access to people in basketball circles gives me insight that UK fans at my website seem to enjoy. I'm a UK fan, but not at the expense of other great basketball programs.....


This is off topic but Marc do you think there's any chance Bledsoe comes back next year or is he going pretty much gone?
Marc should email Gary Barta and inform him, jk... Marc, if Tenn loses tonight to OSU do you think Iowa will interview Forbes? Or do you think at least the chances of them interviewing him go up? I'm thinking the only reason Iowa hasnt contacted Forbes is because he is still in the tourny.
This is off topic but Marc do you think there's any chance Bledsoe comes back next year or is he going pretty much gone?

Nearly zero chance he returns.

UK will lose Wall, Cousins, Patterson and Bledsoe.

There is also a slight chance that Orton might go...but he's currently leaning at returning.

Bledsoe's family has serious financial stress. He'll be a top 20 pick in this year's poor PG draft. He'll go pro.

To the above quote...I was concerned about this to. Specifically it is different from going from a recruiter to a coach. The talent needs to play well together and if it doesn't you can have really unenjoyable basketball to watch (See the Knicks the last several years).

However, Marc made a really good point about Forbes. He was a head coach (and a successful one) at two JC schools. While not associated with the same pressure to win this would certainly be good training in how to deal with players with talent but who shall we say may come with some extra baggage. If you can get JC players together I think he will be able to manage a roster with 4-5 Iowa kids and 6-8 out of state players.

Thanks for contributions Marc. I didn't mean to quote you but I thought that was an excellent point about Forbes. Of the realistic names being floated now Forbes is my second choice behind Scott Drew (and I don't know how realistic he would be).

Play well together? Why wouldn't really good players play well together?

You don't have to like each other to be good either. Shaq and Kobe hated each other and were one of the best duos in the NBA.

I feel like people are just making up things to get worried about.
Marc should email Gary Barta and inform him, jk... Marc, if Tenn loses tonight to OSU do you think Iowa will interview Forbes? Or do you think at least the chances of them interviewing him go up? I'm thinking the only reason Iowa hasnt contacted Forbes is because he is still in the tourny.

No idea. Can't comment on something I have zero info on.

Forbes HAS had conversations with people about Iowa..... don't believe that zero contact has been made.......

Play well together? Why wouldn't really good players play well together?

You don't have to like each other to be good either. Shaq and Kobe hated each other and were one of the best duos in the NBA.

I feel like people are just making up things to get worried about.

I think it is a concern that sometimes certain players just won't play within any team concept. It is the coaches job to try and instill that. I think Forbes work at a JC will help him with that. I am not really worried about it because of that experience Forbes had.
What type of players would Forbes recruit, like typical 2 guard 2 foward 1 center style or a starting five that ranges between 6'4 to 6'10(Lengthier players) like at Tenn?
I think it is a concern that sometimes certain players just won't play within any team concept. It is the coaches job to try and instill that. I think Forbes work at a JC will help him with that. I am not really worried about it because of that experience Forbes had.

That seems like a more logical way to put it.

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