Who hugged a stranger after the Iowa MSU game?

Great thread... I did hug a stranger, and then I went to another room of the bar to high five some friends and never saw him again, I will always wonder if it could have turned into somethig special.
Yep....got a nice hug from the guy next to me after the touchdown. There was a truly different feeling in the Iowa section after the game. I don't know how to explain it because Iowa fans at away games are always amazing......but there was a family comaraderie like I've never experienced. It was very special. Thanks Iowa fans!
Hugged my dog that was sitting in my recliner with me as I was screaming like a little girl. My wife thinks I'm an idiot!
There were 4 guys that averaged probably 75-80 years old behind me in the iowa section. They jumped across the row to hug each other, of course I joined in!
I hugged everyone in sight, then sat down to try and catch my breath, decided there was no chance of that happening so I jumped up and started hugging again.
I was there with 7 friends and my wife .... we all hugged it out and then started up and down the aisle hugging and high fivin the whole way. It was when the best experiences I've ever had as an Iowa fan.

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