Who here is not a fan of expansion?


Well-Known Member
Looks like that is the direction things are going to end up going in. I worry this is not a good thing for us in the long run. The media always pimps Ohio St, Michigan, and Penn St. Now we get to hear about Nebraska and just think about the media love fest if Notre Dame joins the league. Not that we can't compete with these expansion teams, but Nebraska is a reasonably good team with a rich tradition. The conference competition will be that much harder with these new teams. And, what would the scheduling look like? Mike Hlas in the CR Gazette had a good article today talking about the downsides the Big East has with scheduling in conference basketball games.

The geographical make up of where a lot of these Big 12 teams could be going seems rather silly. Texas schools being apart of the PAC 10?

I don't know. But, many on here have always wanted more of a chance to play against Nebraska (At times I wished for it to work out to play against them in bowl games). I guess we are going to be playing them that much more now.
Looks like that is the direction things are going to end up going in. I worry this is not a good thing for us in the long run. The media always pimps Ohio St, Michigan, and Penn St. Now we get to hear about Nebraska and just think about the media love fest if Notre Dame joins the league. Not that we can't compete with these expansion teams, but Nebraska is a reasonably good team with a rich tradition. The conference competition will be that much harder with these new teams. And, what would the scheduling look like? Mike Hlas in the CR Gazette had a good article today talking about the downsides the Big East has with scheduling in conference basketball games.

The geographical make up of where a lot of these Big 12 teams could be going seems rather silly. Texas schools being apart of the PAC 10?

I don't know. But, many on here have always wanted more of a chance to play against Nebraska (At times I wished for it to work out to play against them in bowl games). I guess we are going to be playing them that much more now.

Nebraska and Notre Dame are schools we can compete with on a regular basis. Texas does not fit that description. Personally, I could care less if Notre Dame and Nebraska get more media attention, even when ND isn't any good (like right now). That just means there is less attention on us, even when we ARE really good. We can always play the underdog/disrespect card. And we always seem to play much better football when we have that hand.
Most certainly I know we compete with them. But, there will be more landmines on the way to future Big Ten Titles.

I guess I also worry Nebraska or Notre Dame gets picked over Iowa for a bowl game because of their name and tradition (in certain cases). However, we travel so well so that might not make a difference.

I do think it is going to make things harder for us, but we just have to go out and earn like we have been doing.
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Heres something else to think about guys. If you have a harder schedule and lose or win you still get more respect. Expecially if you win wich isnt impossible to be. Guys nebraska, like iowa or ohio state or anyone isnt above anything. Think about this, if Nebraska is truly a more noticable team then iowa then if you beat Nebraska you get more respect and better bowl invites. It is truly a good thing for all people in the new big 12
I am more on board with adding one team. Adding Notre Dame would be my favorite. So I am not against expansion per se. I am very uncomfortable with 16 teams.
Watch the SECspn network lose interest in Nebby now. For that matter watch them lose interest in all the schools that join or start a competing network. Same thing will happen if ND jumps.
I prefer to call "expansion"..."Consolidation"...but I digress....this is nothing but a good thing for the Big-10. Year after year the league is belittled for being weak, we can't win in the big bowls, and quite frankly, Minney, Indy, Purdue, etc, don't strike fear in others' hearts. Now, add Nebby and ND...and we've elevated our stature quite significantly.

Expansion for expansion sake would be non-value-added....however in this case...adding Nebby and ND, for sure, is value-added to Iowa's FB program.
Add 1 team and thats it. More then that i'm not a big fan of. I do not like the thought of there being 4 super conferences.
Not a fan of expansion. I'm good with adding one more team, that being ND or Nebraska, only because I would love to for the Hawks to play them on a regular basis. In the long run, super sized conferences could erode tradition, which is one of the things that makes college football great and why so many people like it.
I would prefer not to expand, seems to cheapen tradition.
Talk of adding GaTech, Syracuse, et al just rubs me the wrong way. The Big Ten is a midwest conf.

If the confs expand, the entire look and feel of college sports will be affected.
Not a fan.

I don't like the 6-team, 2-division set-up in the B12. I do not pay attention to the SEC's divsional set-up. Is it better?

I like our current 11-team conference when we play all of the Big Three: OSU, PSU, scUM. I despised the years when one or more of them were off the schedule.

All that said, it comes down to the Benjamins, and the boatloads of Benjamins will take precedence over my measely opinions.

Who knows, expansion/consolidation might be a monumental improvement.
Not a big fan of the change, but change is going to happen. We might as well get the best teams available. I would like to see Oklahoma over Missouri. New name for the conference Prestige World Wide.
I would be fine with stopping,right now,with just Nebraska.
If ND is not part of any additional package,forget it.
If just Nebraska came now,the league could always expand down the road,and the Big 12 could just add TCU and remain intact. Not sure I want the 4-5 superconference thing. If everyone had a ceasefire with just Neb,and TCU moving, I would be fine. Part of me does not want ISU to be totally shafted..just to remain irrelevant in a big league is fine by me.

What do you say...add Neb and call it a day? We get the title game,we add a big program with national recognition,and we are still able to add ND and Rutgers down the road if the timing is right.

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