Who here is not a fan of expansion?

I am not a fan and here's why...

I went to the spring game and afterwards stopped at Gameday to get even more Hawkeye stuff. One of the things I purchased was a Big Ten mini pennant set. I thought it would look great on the only thing that is expanding (waist not included) and that's the Hawkeye alter/wall in my office. Now with Nebraska joining I'll have to find a set of Formerly-known-as-the-Big 12 mini pennants just to get the Nebraska pennant. Cripes!

I wonder...since it's still in the package if its worth more money than the $10.95 I was charged for it.....a collectors item already.
I don't like it because Iowa will most likely end up in the division that does not contain the traditional Big Ten power teams (OSU, UM, PSU). That means we'll probably only play one of them most years, and some years may not play them at all.

And I'd rather not have to play Nebraska and deal with their boorish fans on an annual basis.

Other than that I'm all for expansion. :)
I'm 62 and from the old school but things change and I really do like the thought of adding a few good programs to our conference. I'm ok with 16 and am not afraid of TX, ND, Nebby or MO. Bring them on.

Also tell the politicians to stay the he double L out of this. I'm tired of them thinking they need to control everything in our lived from birth to the grave...enough is enough.
Nebraska and Notre Dame are schools we can compete with on a regular basis. Texas does not fit that description. Personally, I could care less if Notre Dame and Nebraska get more media attention, even when ND isn't any good (like right now). That just means there is less attention on us, even when we ARE really good. We can always play the underdog/disrespect card. And we always seem to play much better football when we have that hand.
Texas wasn't anything special until the B12 came along. If they were smart, they should have done more to keep it together, and I wish they would have. Curses on Jim Delaney!
Hey guys I'm not gonna lie I'm a Clone fan and was just reading your perspective on the whole expansion situation and was wondering what you guys thought about these super conferences. I mean you will rarely if ever have another 11-1 or 12-0 team in any of them. The way I see it when you stick that many top tier programs together were going to end up with a bunch of 8-4 or 9-3 teams that don't play everyone in the conference. I just don't think the conferences should be over 12 teams, unless they extend the season, and I don't see that happening. (And believe me you really don't want to deal with Nebraska fans)
I don't like it because Iowa will most likely end up in the division that does not contain the traditional Big Ten power teams (OSU, UM, PSU). That means we'll probably only play one of them most years, and some years may not play them at all.

Other than that I'm all for expansion. :)

Not for it, but what are you going to do. Seriously hope it is not Neb, have in-laws that are Neb fans.

Agree and mentioned in a prior post that expansion could simply mean a lot tougher road to a conf title, and it's hard enough the way it is currently.

Would prefer Texas, ND and 2 teams from either East or South.