Who Hates Minnesota?


Well-Known Member
I was reading the Gopher Football forum, looking for tickets for the game Saturday, and came across a thread that was titled "Who Hates Iowa?"

One good post caught my eye...
Hating your rivals is part of the game. In sports, hate is respect. It has absolutely nothing to do with "building up a sense of self-esteem". But you know that already, don't you? If we go to the Iowa boards (we can actually check for ourselves, you know), there's going to be plenty of good old-fashioned hate.
I was reading the Gopher Football forum, looking for tickets for the game Saturday, and came across a thread that was titled "Who Hates Iowa?"

One good post caught my eye...

One of the stupidest "cheers" out there. Right up there with "Thats another Golden Gopher FIIIIIIRSST DOWN!!"

I dont respect the Gopher program enough to hate them. But it is clear they hate us. Evidenced by the fact that they do this chant during games against New Mexico State, Miami (OH), etc. Pathetic.
One of the stupidest "cheers" out there. Right up there with "Thats another Golden Gopher FIIIIIIRSST DOWN!!"

I dont respect the Gopher program enough to hate them. But it is clear they hate us. Evidenced by the fact that they do this chant during games against New Mexico State, Miami (OH), etc. Pathetic.
You mean the ""Who hates Iowa?" "We hate Iowa!"" cheer that i heard them do last week in dinkytown before and after the nebraska game? Yup i think they hate Iowa
You mean the ""Who hates Iowa?" "We hate Iowa!"" cheer that i heard them do last week in dinkytown before and after the nebraska game? Yup i think they hate Iowa

That be the one.

One of many memories of the old Kinnick North was the last game ever played there. The students were making laps around the concourse yelling this before the game. We win the game 55-0 and there is nobody left in the building except Hawk fans at the end of the game. They had a ceremony involving the band and closing down the Dome as the home of Gopher football after the game and hardly any Gopher fans stuck around to see it. Loved it!!
I was in the 2nd row behind the Iowa bench last year. Only DJK and a handful of others seemed to care. It was one of the most embarrassing memories of Iowa football I have. I still am astounded we lost to such a lowly program. Unfortunately, they feel like they can beat us (and in sports, that's pretty darn important). They couldn't have beaten Eden Prairie High School for some of their games this year, yet they'll play us tough again. Kirk needs to come out and punch them in the gut and then not let up. Go Hawks!
Not I. There is not a single thing that I "hate" about the State of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota, or the people of Minnesota.

I actually like Minnesota. Aside from their unusual hatred of all things Iowa, they are, generally speaking, very nice and caring people.
Minnesota hasn't been good (competed for a conference championship) in my lifetime so I don't really care about them. At all. They're just another Big Ten team we play.

I hate Northwestern, Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan, Ohio State, Indiana, Penn State and Michigan State before Minnesota. And I don't even really hate Michigan Sate, Penn State and Indiana.

The Vikings represent everything that's wrong with professional sports and America though. But that's NFL.
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Lower tier program = lower tier fans. Minnesota has always been a special kind of pathetic.

Living up here for a number years, I can tell you it's one of the most angst-ridden sports towns in America. Humorous to watch..they just can't stand getting beaten by Iowa and Wisconsin regularly.

I rarely get into it with other fans (especially on the road), but this was one of my faves. Before kicking their butts in 2008, a bunch of Gophers yelled at me outside the stadium... "Go back to IOWA you hick".
I replied, "I live in Minnetonka, Einstein...probably in a nicer house than you". Shut em up pretty fast.
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I hate teams that are supposed to be good that we beat on a somewhat consistent basis. Penn State, Michigan, Michigan State, etc. I also hate NW. Don't care about Minny.
Judging from these boards after last years game it's pretty evident you all hate loosing to them.
Judging from these boards after last years game it's pretty evident you all hate loosing to them.

Which team do you like losing to? I suppose I can stomach losses to teams like OSU and Wisconsin better than Minny, so I guess you have a point.
Having grown up in Minnesota, the "Who hates Iowa?!" chant has nothing to do with rivalry, respect, hate...anything. It just...is. Minnesota vs Wisconsin? You'll hear it. Minnesota-Ohio State? Minnesota-Michigan? Doesn't matter the game, you'll hear it.
Judging from these boards after last years game it's pretty evident you all hate loosing to them.

That could easily be attributed to the fact that Minnesota was awful and a loss to them is awful. My guess is that has more to do with it than that as I don't know anyone who hates Minnesota.

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