Who Dick Vatale thinks Iowa should take..

Let me take a crack it. Who cares how long and why he has been out. As far as I can remember, there has not been any regulations that he broke. I don't remember any confirtations with anyone that he has had. Like others have stated, maybe he felt he needed a break after being let go. He got the ESPN gig and has been enjoying it. Like every one else, we at times find our current job is getting old or there is not much to prove and we would like to explore new opportunities. Perhaps back to the first love. In Lavins case he may want a fresh start at a decent school like Iowa. He coached at one of the top BB schools of all time. We have viewed his resume several times on this post. If he is interested coaching at somewhere like Iowa then I would welcome someone like his statue and style.

For the record I like Dicky V and I think I can do a good impersonation of him. To bad you wouldn't be able to hear me.
No disrespect UP but quit reading into my posts and inserting things..

I'm not saying just because your successful at UCLA you can be successful at Iowa.

No disrespect taken, and I sincerely mean no disrespect to you at all, but if you are not saying this, why even bring up his record at UCLA then? You are saying here, look at what he did at UCLA. He must be a good coach. We should hire him at Iowa where he could do for us what he did at UCLA. Are you not?

I am saying that just because you have a certain amount of "success" at a school like UCLA does not mean that you will necessarily have similar success at a school like Iowa.

Gene Chizik was a coaching genius when he was at Auburn and Texas. Put him in Ames and he doesn't have a clue.
For the record Jon said only this:

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Re: Who Dick Vatale thinks Iowa should take..
Don't you wonder why he has been out of the game so long?
Jon Miller

If you go back and look I said he said it on the RADIO, not on this site.
No disrespect taken, and I sincerely mean no disrespect to you at all, but if you are not saying this, why even bring up his record at UCLA then? You are saying here, look at what he did at UCLA. He must be a good coach. We should hire him at Iowa where he could do for us what he did at UCLA. Are you not?

I am saying that just because you have a certain amount of "success" at a school like UCLA does not mean that you will necessarily have similar success at a school like Iowa.

Gene Chizik was a coaching genius when he was at Auburn and Texas. Put him in Ames and he doesn't have a clue.

Which makes you wonder how much of a "genius" he really is.

Good coaches can coach anywhere.
Iowa ain't UCLA. Show me a coach that has a record of taking over a down program, building it and eventually taking it to The Dance (who also plays an up-temo style) and I will take more notice than I do of a coach who takes over a glamour program to only get it to underperform.

I will give you that Lavin didn't take over a down program.

The reason I believe Lavin can turn the program around is based on recruiting. He has had the exposure on ESPN, has players he coached playing in the NBA and had success as a head college basketball coach.

Talent is the biggest problem with Iowa's basketball and I think if he came in he could bring in better talent.
Which makes you wonder how much of a "genius" he really is.

Good coaches can coach anywhere.

To clarify what I said, Gene Chizik was CONSIDERED a coaching genius when he had the name, reputation, money, facilities and athletes of places like Auburn and Texas under him. When he got to Ames and had to start a program from nearly square one, he was a fish out of water.

Any coach will be as successful as their abilities will allow them to be when they are in an ideal situation, such as UCLA. It takes a certain kind of coach with a certain mindset and certain abilities and expectations to be successful in places that are less that ideal. Iowa is not a black hole, not in the least, but it is also nowhere near ideal.

The nect Iowa coach will have to earn every penny that he is paid when he gets here. Not an environment for a hot house flower coming from a glamour program. Again, I am not saying that Steve Lavin can't be successful at Iowa, just that what he did at UCLA has no bearing on what he may be able to do here.
I'm not saying I want this guy or not, but there's some wild posts out on this one.

As far as sitting out for 7 years, it's by choice. Not many teams have have had the success that he had there during his tenure. If he had wanted to coach he certainly could have.

Broadcasting games is a good gig, I can see how it'd be nice to take a break for a while and get paid to talk without having to worry about 19 year old kids deciding your fate. It's a different sport but Dick Vermeil spent 15 years as a broadcaster before coming back and winning a Super Bowl.

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