Who believe's Ronnie Harmon got paid...

I was a student at the time, Ronnie and Kevin both rode around on matching mopeds and wore white parkas, they were very visible. I dont think Ronnie did anything on purpose, he just had a bad day. Ronnie showing up in Iowa City a couple years ago for a game is really all the evidence I need to know he didnt sell us out. Had he sold us out I think he would have just stayed away.
I knew a few of the players very well and one of them, AFTER the Rose Bowl had a 25 inch Mitsubishi and a VCR in his room @ Slater that was a gift from his agent. Thats funny now, a 25 inch TV was like going to the theatre.
I was a teenager when that happened... I never thought Harmon did it on purpose then, and I don't think so now.
The one conspiracy I do believe is UNLV loss to Duke in the 91 NCAA Championship. I can't remember what the line was for that game, but UNLV was planning to win the game, but not cover the spread. If you watch the game knowing that mentality you can see how they lost. Again... they didn't lose on purpose, but they blew it trying to win by less than the spread and Duke went off in the last few minutes. So they accomplished one of their goals. Sad part... I think Tarkanian was involved.

If you ever get a chance to watch that please do... it is fitting they lost!
A couple of thoughts - -

Ronnie Harmon did not play defense. UCLA scored a lot of points against the hawkeyes. Maybe they were pretty darned good.

At the half, both teams had equal turn overs.

I still think Harmon threw the game.
what do you guys think? watching the great Big Ten Elite made me revisit this.

Man watching the tape just looks so suspicious - not just the fumbles but his reactions after- very weird.
I don't really remember the game that well but I remember my dad immediately saying "Harmon got paid off" after his 3rd fumble.
Well, they conveniently did not interview one of the main offensive weapons of that season for this "Elite" documentary. And if they did, it was left on the editing table, for one reason or another. They may have steered away from the controversy, but by not having any interviews with RH seems to be another tell.
I would also like to have a full investigation conducted against Northwestern for the 1900 food poisoning incident. Primary evidence, every Iowa player had stomach cramps with the exception of one player who had not eaten the pregame meal at the hotel that was owned by a Northwestern insider. Had it not been for this Iowa would have won easily rather than it being a tie.
I just can't believe that Hayden thought Ronnie was on the take. He had him back in IC and treated him well. No point in doing that if he thought he threw one of the biggest games of his coaching career. I have NEVER heard any of Harmon's teammates buy into the "Harmon's on the take" theory either.

That said, I absolutely think he threw the game and instead of being one of my favorite Hawkeyes of all time, he is just dead to me.

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