Which score looks more impressive?

A few scenarios here, which score looks more impressive for this week vs. IU? Put yourself in the position of a poll voter watching the ticker...

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Number 3 for me.

Its a happy meduim of offensively Iowa put up points comfortably, and defensively held IU to a respectable amount of points.
I'm actually thinking 4 or 5...thinking as a poll voter, I would think that maybe Iowa put it on Indiana pretty good, then IU got a late score or two in garbage time to make the score respectable.

#5. People know we can play defense, but don't think we have enough offense to score if necessary. Ricky would also have a huge game if this were to happen, which would make future opponents respect the pass game more and take some pressure off the running game.
I like # 2, its a sound WHOOPIN, plus it shows we have class not to show up another opponents weak all around team play.
Number 5 would likely get us more air-time on Sportscenter and other highlight shows, and people that only care about how many points we score would want to see the bigger number, so I'll go with number 5.
You give the voters too much respect in thinking they take the time to look at the scores for more than who won.

That being said...Shut out. No one expects our offense to light up the board, but they do expect out d-fense to shut people down.
#4 for me. Looks like the Off. put in on the other team pretty good, and the 17 for the D still looks good b/c it is below 20.
Iowa is gonna win tomorrow! I'm calling it right now! We will play with passion and we will not let the voters or the naysayers get to the hawks!

Iowa 24
IU 10
#1 HANDS DOWN... I know it'd look nice to put up a lot of points but nothing looks better than a shut-out... 17-0 is a good way to win... Plus if we allow 17 or 24 points it hurts our D's stats...

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