Which Big 10 fan bases will be for & against Iowa vs MSU?


Well-Known Member
My take, Rooting for Iowa: Michigan, Penn St, Nebraska, N'Western, Indiana, Purdue. Against Iowa: Ohio St., Wisky, Minnesota, Illinois. I don't know where to put Rutgers and Maryland since they are so new to the conference. Not sure how they feel about Iowa & MSU. You can get a good feel for fan bases when you visit their boards though.
I put the majority of 13 fan bases rooting for MSU, believing they would be the better representative.

This is Iowa against the world right now.
I spoke with a number of Nebraska fans yesterday. Most of them hate Wisconsin and Ohio State. They also don't care for Michigan State. A lot of them hope Iowa does well because we are an underdog story.
I spoke with a number of Nebraska fans yesterday. Most of them hate Wisconsin and Ohio State. They also don't care for Michigan State. A lot of them hope Iowa does well because we are an underdog story.

This. Just from a perusal of other forums including reddit Iowa's underdog story is playing well big time among many fan bases in the B1G and elsewhere.