Where to buy Iowa clothing for big folks?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know a good place to shop for bigger sizes (3XL/4XL) in the IC/Coralville area? I'm looking for some Iowa shirts to give as Christmas gifts. I know there are numerous Iowa apparel shops on the Coralville strip, but I live in CR and am working a lot this week so I won't have a lot of time to shop/look at all of them. I know bigger sizes above XXL are harder to find so I was hoping to get some suggestions.

Thanks in advance and Go Hawks!
Instead of giving someone a XXXXL shirt, maybe a salad would make a better gift.

Wow, your 8th post since October 2009 is a laughable attempt at an insult and your 7th post was nearly three months ago. I looked up "troll" in the dictionary and sure enough, the first definition was BodyByDoyle.

Instead of regurgitating feces, maybe you should stick to pumping up with Hans, Franz.
Wow, your 8th post since October 2009 is a laughable attempt at an insult and your 7th post was nearly three months ago. I looked up "troll" in the dictionary and sure enough, the first definition was BodyByDoyle.

Instead of regurgitating feces, maybe you should stick to pumping up with Hans, Franz.

Ah, it's all good. Got to let it slide off ya. :)
Wow, your 8th post since October 2009 is a laughable attempt at an insult and your 7th post was nearly three months ago. I looked up "troll" in the dictionary and sure enough, the first definition was BodyByDoyle.

Instead of regurgitating feces, maybe you should stick to pumping up with Hans, Franz.

He he rarely posts, therefore morbid obesity and the health care costs it raises for everyone shouldn't be brought up.
Huge, literally, problem in Merca. Gluttony is not a disease, nor is lack of self control. Mercas number one gdp.... Type II diabetes. Not to mention you take half the seat I paid for at kinnick.
Huge, literally, problem in Merca. Gluttony is not a disease, nor is lack of self control. Mercas number one gdp.... Type II diabetes. Not to mention you take half the seat I paid for at kinnick.

Buy two seats then you won't have a problem.I know a guy that does that.
Iowa apparel production companies need to cut things off at XXL. We can't be encouraging morbid obesity. Looks bad on TV.
Instead of giving someone a XXXXL shirt, maybe a salad would make a better gift.
I'm glad you want to classify everybody who's larger as a fat lazy slob who does nothing but sit around and eat junk food. I have a disease called Pply Arterisis No Dosa. One of the treatments to relieve some of the pain is to be treated with Prednisone. I was 6'2" 195 lbs. when they srarted me on this medication. It causes a bloating of the body. I gained 60 lbs. in one month. I was on a heavy dose of this drug for 8 years. I'm now down to 230 lbs. but because of my disability I can't exercise to lose more weight. I'm sorry for jumping on you like this but the tongue is a very strong weapon and you can hurt people who might be sensitive. I don't feel sorry for my life, in fact my health problems have brought me so many blessings that I never would have realized if I would have been healthy. I wouldn't trade my life today for the life I had when I was healthy. I ask that you choose your words carefully. We don't know what the future has in store for us.