Where is all the Ferentz Hate?

I've said it before, I'll say it again - I think KF is a really good football coach. His only crime is that we experienced a 3 year period (2002-04) in which we were given the impression he was a GREAT football coach. A segment of the fan base has never forgiven him for that, but I really believe will look back in 20 years and believe KF was one of the best to ever coach the black & gold.

Well put.
The progran has been in trouble
Kirk made some staff changes
Kirk and Co got a little too comfortable with the same ol same ol routine
Nobody hated Kirk
The program was not headed in the right direction
You can't argue that
Not sure what the point of this post is
64-56. Not good enough, IMO.

How about roughly

This is about where I see things heading the next 5 years, give or take 1-2/year....under KF. Not awesome, but pretty solid. IMO.

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