Where is all the Ferentz Hate?


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking what a quiet off season this has been. Something is missing...something that kept us occupied while the Spring and Summer months wore on. It was the polarizing posts of disdain for our head coach that fueled the months to pass quickly. I miss those days...the debate of whether he could coach any longer, whether the team was ever any good under Ferentz's leadership (or was the talent so great he just couldn't keep it down), or whether he really wanted to lose games as some sort of learning experience for his players. Boy, those were some good points and posts.

As we head into the 2014, the answers appear to be much clearer. Certainly we have questions at LB in particular, but if you look at all the position groups heading into the season...it's difficult to argue that we won't be better at every position other than the LB position. I know the loss of CJ at TE will hurt, but there is more than enough talent to offset any loss. If anything we add more speed to the positions with Duzey and Kittle. If the offense makes another leap forward at the same magnitude of last year, we will be able to put points up to win games rather than always relying on the defense to get stops every series.

I have to say, I miss the counter arguments about the head coach. Are they admitting by their silence they were wrong about KF?
He is what he is at this point. Last year was probably about the ceiling of the program, four years in a row without finishing in the top 25, three years in a row without a bowl win, one winning conference record in the last four year, a 2014 recruiting class that ranked 10th-12th (depending on the ranking system) in the B10, all for about $4mil a year.
He is what he is at this point. Last year was probably about the ceiling of the program, four years in a row without finishing in the top 25, three years in a row without a bowl win, one winning conference record in the last four year, a 2014 recruiting class that ranked 10th-12th (depending on the ranking system) in the B10, all for about $4mil a year.

Yes we have all disected KF's tenure. I think we do know that he had some great assistant coaches and players then recruiting and coaching went a little downhill.

Almost all the entropy in the universe would have to be negated to all everything to fall in line to be in a national championship game. As many have said including me starting in 2005-6 the coaching staff is usually good for 1+ losses a year during game time.

But I do think KF can have a good run at Division and Big10 championships. Last years defense with a little more timely offense against Wisky and MSU and the hawks win the division.

Many of us think a division win is possible this year. Another defensive year close to last year with an offense that can score 4-7 more points a game and maintain field position and that trip to Indy in December may be there.

So I guess KF is doing pretty well, about what you said in bold above.
But OP is stirring the pot!!

Stirring the pot as much as the haters were last year. It was definitely unbearable at times last off season. A random thread once in a while pointing it out isn't even close to what it was last year.
My main beef with kirk was out over conservative 3rd down defense. I'm glad to see that has seemed to change. If we would have had the raider package in '09 and '10, who knows what might have happened.
I think a lot of us are still stunned by the dramatic collapse of the basketball team.

This is the correct answer. The hoops program has been the lightning rod of criticism recently. But many thanks to the OP for reminding us that we still have a football team to gripe about!

If 2014 is an average to mediocre season, the KF lynch mob will be back out in full force. No worries.
I don't think the football team will disappoint this year. New season, new enthusiasm.

Can a hypnotist make me forget about the basketball season?
Stirring the pot as much as the haters were last year. It was definitely unbearable at times last off season. A random thread once in a while pointing it out isn't even close to what it was last year.

I agree with you but this thread is a little early, wait until the spring game in IC and if the receivers are dropping balls and if the linebackers and Dbacks look sloppy then the haters will come out.

I still think 2012 was very similar to Tate's SR year in 2006 and Christenson's year in 2007 where the passing game really sucked, Tate must have had and avg of 8 dropped passes a game his last year which drove him totally crazy .
Ok, for the first time in about 4 months, a lively discussion on Football. Let's look at what's happened the past two years. Other than maybe Phil Parker (Defensive Backs), there isn't one coach that was coaching their current position groups in 2011. The entire staff turned over. It's pretty impressive to me that KF has his team on an uptrend when he basically changed the entire coaching staff in two years. Even the haters have to give props there. Now, other than maybe Greg Davis (I'm going with jury still out on Greg), do you think all the changes were an upgrade? Woods and Reid, yes. Brian Ferentz, Yes (if only for recruiting at this point). Chris White, yes. Bobby Kennedy, yes. Reese Morgan, yes. Based on what we saw last year, I'd say the changes have been very effective. We still have issues at WR, but I don't think anyone can argue that we have a ton more options there than we had two years ago. Recruiting effectiveness always lags a year since new coaches don't have much time to build relationships upon hire. It's clear, with 7 guys already in the fold, that the recruiting has picked up and with BF, Woods, and White on the trail...it will continue to get better.

Congrats to KF...a ten win season in 2014 and I'm sure our AD will be preparing the extension to his contract and a Coach K type raise.
Mediocre coach. Mediocre recruiter. Way too conservative. Gets more out of his agent and Gary Barta than he does out of his players. 8 wins is the minimum win total per season that he should get. That's 4-0 in the OOC and 4-4 in conference or 3-1 OOC/5-3 in conf. He's 6-5 in Bowl games. 64-56 in conference games. Looking at KF's wikipedia page is ridiculous. There's actually a section titled "Pro Football Opportunities" that discusses in detail, all of the rumors that tied KF to NFL coaching vacancies. Not sure why that is important or who it might be important to. It certainly hasn't helped recruiting.
I could go on.
How did I do?
So, people complain when the program under performs, but they don't complain after a good season? What a revelation!
So, people complain when the program under performs, but they don't complain after a good season? What a revelation!

Ferentz is a fine coach. We are lucky to have him. He has a system and he is not going to vary from it.

The pattern over the years has been a team that is good enough to play in a bunch of close games each year. We never seem to have the talent (or the game plan) to dominate teany injuries, this team will win a minimum of 8 games again, with 9 or 10 not beyond the realm of possibility.

We will have 3 or 4 games come down to the last possession (we always do). The defense may not be as good, so the offense will have to pick up the slack.....
My Uncles cousins moms dads sisters hair stylists brothers dog groomer saw him at multiple frat parties past midnight trying to soothe the student body. Pics to follow.

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