Where does the buy out have to be before the big time boosters..............

take matters into their own hands? I would think at least a few on here got some connections to the big boy boosters and would know. Not me though, as I'm just a lowly cavalry man.

I don't think it's the money...the buyout will happen if there isn't improvement next year. Iowa can't have the football program turn into the Lick Era, no matter what "the number" is...and if the money stops rolling in because the interest stops rolling in, then the number is going to stay high in relative terms.
I don't think it's the money...the buyout will happen if there isn't improvement next year. Iowa can't have the football program turn into the Lick Era, no matter what "the number" is...and if the money stops rolling in because the interest stops rolling in, then the number is going to stay high in relative terms.

Ok, ok. Well, do the big boy boosters have this kinda attitude, "Get there first with the most men."If they do, may God bless them.

You frighten HawkeyeShane.

Look, this is a war now. ferrentz has declared war on all hawkeye fans without us knowing it. And look what has happened as we were sleeping. The program has devolved and with that our FREEDOM to enjoy hawkeye winning seasons. Our individual LIBERTY to expect to win every Saturday is now almost gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we continue to pretend that ferrentz has not declared war on us, then we will continue to see both our FREEDOM and LIBERTY as hawk fans contract to nothing. Do you understand what has taken place and is taking place right now to us??????????????????????????????????

It is in these time that real men take charge. For if we do not, what kinda state can we expect our wives and children to grow up in? More horrible Saturdays where we continue to see the head coach thumb his nose at our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

I am willing to take on the responsibility of General FREEDCOMANCHE for the hawkeye faithful, but only if I am so blessed and honored to be nominated and elected by you great men. If I am so honored, I will raise a hawk army and will invade Iowa City and capture the hawk flag and lead us again to greatness.

ferrentz can take away most of our Saturday wins, but he can never take away our FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't think I've read a thread where you havnt brought this up.... The horse is dead dude.... Find some new material, it ain't happening, not this year..... Get over it
I don't think I've read a thread where you havnt brought this up.... The horse is dead dude.... Find some new material, it ain't happening, not this year..... Get over it


I think Kirk is a lot like Mr. Davis Davis was. We fired him and Iowa basketball has yet to really bounce back.... Why do people not understand that? I'm not saying Kirk is doing a rockstar job, but canning him this year isn't the answer. Maybe next year, MAYBE. No ones going to pony up to buy him out, Barta isn't going to fire him, and Kirk ain't leaving voluntarily. Can we talk about something else now?
I think Kirk is a lot like Mr. Davis Davis was. We fired him and Iowa basketball has yet to really bounce back.... Why do people not understand that? I'm not saying Kirk is doing a rockstar job, but canning him this year isn't the answer. Maybe next year, MAYBE. No ones going to pony up to buy him out, Barta isn't going to fire him, and Kirk ain't leaving voluntarily. Can we talk about something else now?

You and ghost just don't get what's happened and what is currently happening. I have now excluded you from my army to take back hawk football.

We had a ****** year. What's not to get? I don't need to be in your army. And, I take being placed in the same group as Ghost as a compliment. Dudes a legend.
My neighbor is swearing to himself because his bike got wet. He tried to hose the bike of, and noe I hear him calling himself names because there is water running down his biking shoes.

This has been a great morning. Free breakfast, free entertainment.
Golfer, wouldn't Kinnick have to hit Lauterbur/Cummings era ennui for the big donors to press Barta to pull the trigger? Unless Kirk has three or four more seasons like this one, and I don't see that happening. The matrix seems different for football and basketball.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news to our Native American friend, but KF isn't going anywhere. He's got a young team...his offensive line and TE's will be very good next year, and he returns 9 guys on defense. Even with our inept passing attack from last year, we probably win 7 games next season. He isn't going anywhere with a 7 win season as he will also have a ton of people back in 2014.

If you look at last season...we still could have won 9 games realistically if someone would have made a big play at a critical time and in many cases, Purdue/Nebraska/Central Michigan, we had several opportunities to win those games, despite the pitiful offensive performances. The reality is, if Scherff and Donnal don't go down, we win the Indiana, Purdue, and most likely the Nebraska games. We would have also given NW a run for their money. We had hammered Minnesota, beat MSU at MSU, and then the wheels came off in the first quarter at Penn State...that was a death blow to our offense (especially the running game which gave us a chance to throw something) and it also crippled our defense as we couldn't control clock against good teams. When you are as young as we were, losing arguably your best and third best offensive lineman, really freaking kills you.

Trust me I'm not thrilled with the thought of the "horizontal offense" again next year, but if the offensive line stays healthy, we are going to be much better at it. Let's face it, JVB just didn't fit this offense and his receivers didn't help him. Our defense will also be much better than last year as I fully expect a couple of the younger guys to make big strides in the DL. I would still love for us to get a 260lb DE from the Juco ranks to add some speed rush to the DL, but I know those guys are hard to get for Iowa.

KF is here to stay.

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