Where Are Post-CC Hawk Fans? Hawks v Maryland


Well-Known Member
C'mon Hawk fans! Surprised at such lack of interest in Hawk women!

Anyway - Not much to say bout this early rout with #8 Maryland thumping #23 Iowa. Was hoping for a really good game but seems Iowa is who they are ... Poor ball handlers, poor defenders and only 1 outside threat (if she's wide open). Tough to hang with the ranked teams averaging high teens turnovers and low % shooting.

Said before, they are NOT top 25 this year. Will make tourney but it'll be a quick exit. Nonetheless, it's a rebuild / adjustment year in the post-CC era and still worth watching to see the future ... When they'll return to form as the talented youth grow together.
Dearly love watching the Hawk women

Bit late to the game

Just watched them score their third basket

16-6 right now

Maryland is Tough and ranked

They are tired of losing to the Hawks
I really do think they're a year away from being really good. They'll miss Lucy next fall, but I think most of the Fr will jump most of returning players outside of Hannah and start a new stretch of Top 10 teams year after year.
MUST have Guyton at point! Just better handles and more athletic than Stremlow. Lucy ok but not great passer. Lucy better at 2 to create her own shot.
Like McCabe but she's very Peyton- like ... If not hitting shots doesn't bring much more to the game.
Finish with starters - need OGrady for size - only have Guyton over Fuerbach.
They're good but just not consistently there yet.
Despite outcome ... Women are still my fav Hawk team to watch right now. Simply can not dispute their grit. Unfortunately, grit only gets you so far and can't overcome the deficits in handlers, passing, and defense.
Yeah I don’t think having Hannah post up late game when she’s having an off night around the basket is the right move. On top of her not being good at the line.
I sorta get it ... She IS the best post player. Jan tried to play the odds she'd break-out the last 4 minutes but she was just getting mauled and, as stated, just a rough night.

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