When Do "Kids" Become Young Men?


Well-Known Member
We all have pet peeves. What are pet peeves to some are meaningless to others. I get that. Does it really irk anyone else when college-aged young men and women are referred to as "kids"? Has this always been the case. It is one of those things, that when I hear it, just jumps out to me.

If I were a coach, I would do everything I could to change the reference from "kids" to "young men or young women". If you refer to them as kids, they may just act as such.

Seriously, what age do you go from a kid to an adult? I would think it's after 18. I would think a college aged student who can serve their country, have a drink or father a child should be referred to as an adult or at least young man.

I just can't stand it hearing this age referred to as a kid. Just bugs the crap out of me. Anyone on board with me?

That's all. Carry on!

"And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson"....:p
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I agree that it is hard to call an 18 year old, male or female, who has gone through basic and advanced training at Quantico a "kid". Physically they are not kids. Mentally most scientists have been saying there is still some brain growth to be had by the mid 20s. And I would say an 18-20 year old without mental issues has the basic thinking skills to navigate life, although maybe not the impulse control to do it.

Heck there are lots of 30+ adults who dont have the impulse control. Coaches and others call them kids because they are lazy and it is easier to say that monosyllabic word and it is used as a comparison to 40+ year olds. They are certainly at least young adults.
Kids should still rely on Mom and Dad for needs. If you are not having to rely on Mom and Dad, you should not be referred to as a "kid", IMO.
Nothing worse than a headline that says "Teenager shot by police officer" and it turns out it was a 19 year old gang banger who pulled a gun on a cop. Once you are 18, you are a man, end of story!!!!!
Nothing worse than a headline that says "Teenager shot by police officer" and it turns out it was a 19 year old gang banger who pulled a gun on a cop. Once you are 18, you are a man, end of story!!!!!

My thoughts exactly. So tired of seeing the liberal media paint people like Michael Brown and others as "kids". Hold people accountable for their stupid decisions instead of blaming others.
kids complain and whine when they dont get something they want or something they dont like happens to them. Young men take it without complaints and rectify it themselves. The transition is different for everyone. I know some mature young men that are in high school and I know some pretty immature kids in their late 20s.

But for sportscasters I think it is fair to call underclassmen kids and upperclassmen young men, but it doesnt really bother me
kids complain and whine when they dont get something they want or something they dont like happens to them. Young men take it without complaints and rectify it themselves. The transition is different for everyone. I know some mature young men that are in high school and I know some pretty immature kids in their late 20s.

But for sportscasters I think it is fair to call underclassmen kids and upperclassmen young men, but it doesnt really bother me

Nice angle. I get that.
We all have pet peeves. What are pet peeves to some are meaningless to others. I get that. Does it really irk anyone else when college-aged young men and women are referred to as "kids"? Has this always been the case. It is one of those things, that when I hear it, just jumps out to me.

If I were a coach, I would do everything I could to change the reference from "kids" to "young men or young women". If you refer to them as kids, they may just act as such.

Seriously, what age do you go from a kid to an adult? I would think it's after 18. I would think a college aged student who can serve their country, have a drink or father a child should be referred to as an adult or at least young man.

I just can't stand it hearing this age referred to as a kid. Just bugs the crap out of me. Anyone on board with me?

That's all. Carry on!
If a 13 year old fathers a child would you classify him as an adult? If your Mom refers to you and your siblings as her kids do you get on her. Most people refer to someone as a kid because of the correlation between their age and the age of the young person that they're talking about. A member of one of my Bible studies told me I'm just a kid. I'm 56 but to her at age 97 I am a kid. Most people who use the word kid are not using it in a derogatory way and in a lot of cases would like to switch ages and would delight in being called a kid.
A kid becomes a young man once is his pulled over by the Iowa City police going to fast on his scooter.
If a 13 year old fathers a child would you classify him as an adult? If your Mom refers to you and your siblings as her kids do you get on her. Most people refer to someone as a kid because of the correlation between their age and the age of the young person that they're talking about. A member of one of my Bible studies told me I'm just a kid. I'm 56 but to her at age 97 I am a kid. Most people who use the word kid are not using it in a derogatory way and in a lot of cases would like to switch ages and would delight in being called a kid.

No, the 13 year old is a kid who made a stupid decision. It's ironic and I see the point you were trying to make, but that situation shows just how immature they still are and reinforces that they still are a kid.
Maybe Jon can ask Deace on one of their MONTHLY podcasts. Wink Wink!

I'd like to hear Steve's opinion on this. Could be good for a 2 1/2 minute long breathless rant.
Imo, It's less about age, more about experiences. Personally, I think most 18-21 year olds in college, who are living at home, or dont also work full time are "kids". Whereas 18-21 year olds that are in the active military, have full time jobs and families, etc are adults. But I'm sure their are exceptions on both sides.

Supporting oneself or having responsibility for someone other than yourself goes a long way to being an "adult"

I'm sure if I asked my 19 year old self, I would have said I was a "man" "adult". My 39 year old self would laugh at that answer.

College athletes work hard and many have to sacrifice a lot. Most are kids though. There are a bunch of "kids" making millions in the pros.

Hell, I know 40 year olds that are still "kids"

I just wish these kids Would Get Off My Damn Lawn.