What's your threshold for a raise and extension this year?



5 wins
6 wins
7 wins
8 wins
9 wins'
10 wins
11 wins
12 wins
13 wins

10 wins. No raise. 1 year more before re-evaluating buyout. Very easy schedule. We will see what Wisky has this weekend and NE is down.
7-1 in conference.
west division champions
11-2 with close loss in BigTen CCG
Iowa gets Rose Bowl while both OSU and MSU go to CFP.
Iowa wins Rose Bowl over Pac-12 team.
finishes 12-2

If all that happens, the coach might deserve an extension.
Keep his salary the same regardless of how many wins but give him $10 coupon for concession stands.Don't have a problem with giving a extension just feel like his salary is high enough.Maybe give some of the assistance a raise instead.Just keep Winning. Go Hawks
Kirk hasn't earned a raise based on the results from 2010-2014. However, if 2015 ends in the 10-win range, I would think a 1-year extension would be fair. If nothing more than to ensure success with recruiting.
As long as it isn't guaranteed, I don't really care how many extra years they add on to his contract. I think Iowa should be done handing out fully guaranteed contracts to coaches beyond three years years out.
If KF got an extension, there is no doubt in my mind he would immediately revert back to the old Kirk. He's actually having to work for the first time in about 10 years.
If the season continues to go well...

Give him the extension (multiple years are okay)
Lower the buy-out considerably.
Lower the salary modestly.
Increase the performance-based incentives substantially.

I'm okay with increasing his total pay if the program continues to do well. Just make it dependent on the actual results.
no amount of wins, including a national title. This, like 2009, should be a "save my ***" year for ferentz. Unfortulately in 2009 our ****less AD forgot that.
unless the bottom completely falls out, he's getting extended regardless because of this start, so a lot of you are high as hell.
11-12 wins: extension + future perf based raise/incentives.
B1G champion: Retire on his terms
NC: Retire and annoint successor who is not an offspring whenever ready. If he beats tosu 59-0 or better in b1g final and gets nc, I'm OK with hereditary succession.
5 wins
6 wins
7 wins
8 wins
9 wins'
10 wins
11 wins
12 wins
13 wins


Really? We're just now getting into the territory where this contract may not be QUITE such an albatross.

It would take a pretty special season, especially with this Hostess special of a schedule we've got this year. KF is making enough per year, so I concur with others on the "no raise" part of it. For an extension, even if it's just a year, it's gotta be 10-2 or better. If you think about it, 9-3 probably means we lost to about every GOOD team on the schedule, and took care of business against the average/bad teams. 9-3 would be a solid season, but given the soft schedule, I wouldn't go bananas trying to hand out more $$$.

If KF can win 9-10+ games a couple years in a row, then maybe we're talking a different situation. Just IMO.