Whats with the imported?


Well-Known Member
I have been on this site sense day one. All of a sudden,my password was wrong. I then have to have the log on suffix "imported"hawkytalk. What gives,I see I am not alone. Is there anyway I can get rid of this Jon?
It's Jon's way of taking a stand against the immigration laws in Arizona. Just kiddin Jon, please don't ground me.
I have been on this site sense day one. All of a sudden,my password was wrong. I then have to have the log on suffix "imported"hawkytalk. What gives,I see I am not alone. Is there anyway I can get rid of this Jon?
It is a compliment - we always have to pay more for imported items (ie. imported beer, imported cars,)
I have been on this site sense day one. All of a sudden,my password was wrong. I then have to have the log on suffix "imported"hawkytalk. What gives,I see I am not alone. Is there anyway I can get rid of this Jon?

Are you sure it's not a pre-fix?

I used to get a kick out of "imported_Ankle" & just figured he had surgery with an artificial ankle/hardware or something. Thanks to your post, now I know it is a site bug.
I may be wrong, but I believe it's from importing the usernames at one time from one database to another. Some got unlucky I suppose.

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