Whats with new posters?

Idiots come in all ages and number of posts. I think a lot of the guys that frequently post on here and have for awhile are a little intimidating to a lot of the newcomers. I think a lot of people assume that someone with a new join date or low post count is either young or just joined. Some people like myself have been reading the the boards for a long time and didn't feel the need to create an account or post. Just my two cents.
well i`m long time reader of hawkeyenation and forgive me if i give wierd posts on this board. sorry for that i so much want to be part of this hawkeye family. i know my grammers suck and i blame on being deafmy whole life. please be patient with me...

My brother is deaf and writes and reads perfectly. Better grammar than me. Now my sister who is blind .. well that is whole another story.
Let me start by saying i'm not calling out any other posters by name and I'm not trying to pick on people with low post counts. Now that being said I don't understand why some newer people to this site are coming out in their first 5 posts or so with outlandish threads causing problems. Maybe its just me?I know I'm not HN veteran by any means and feel free to correct me. I'm not saying all new posters are bad but I don't want another Slez to emerge. Just want people to be as rational and reasonable as possible to avoid conflict. Were all hawks here! Go Hawks.

Sometimes getting to the bottom of things requires a bit of disagreement.

But hey, dood, you feel free to supply definitions for concepts such as "bad", "rational", "reasonable", and "conflict" since you have suggested you're an authority.

Are you really an expert?

From my experience here most of the posters that cause problems are the ones with post counts well into the thousands.

The new posters the OP is referring to have a very short shelf life and are easy to handle. They only show up when Iowa loses. Just ignore and they go away.

But there is a group of "tenured" posters who basically think their word is the law and a slight disagreement turns into a ******* match completely void of facts.
this board is starting to feel like a high school drama fest...

Popular kids with high post counts picking on the the not-so popular low posts ("losers")--ironically enough the high post count users, obviously do not have a life, stare at the computer screen 12 hours a day and have no social life, nor ability to function outside of a "internet forum" where they are "cool". So who is the real "loser"
I have been an avid Hawkeye fan for over 50 years. I have been through both thick and thin. While I am a new poster to this board, that reason alone does not automatically discount the value of my experience, insight, or opinion.

There are many posters on this board that clearly understand the game, and I respect them for that. However, there are also plenty of hooligans that try to stir the pot at any and every opportunity.

That said, I will not tolerate a hooligan attempting to belittle me based solely on my post count. If they persist, I will defend my opportunity to participate on this forum with vigor (and the silent majority will cheer).

I think the adjustments that Jon made late last year was an acknowledgement of that opportunity for new posters, and I thank him for that.

I acknowledge that some new posters have been emboldened and attempted to assume the role of Devil's advocate, but that's nature. It abhors a vacuum.

I don't think people have a problem with you and hawk33. It's the people who never post (or have just created a user name) and then start a new topic only to bash KF and Iowa. That's what pi**es people off. Of course, it's not just the newbies that do it either. There are some people on here that create thread after thread stating the same gripes over and over in some feeble attempt to get others to grab their torches and pitchforks (and maybe they think naming themselves after some lame 80's musician helps) but all it really does is annoy people to the point where they no longer want to visit this board at the same frequency.
The amount of posts really has no relevance on how a persons opinion should be perceived by others on a site like this. If it is someone being a clown or a troll that is different.
I like the losers who try to pick internet fights, internet tough guys are my favorite they make me laugh.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmt1vb3f2D8]The Internet Toughguy - YouTube[/ame]
Wow nobody read the thread just the title I'm guessing. I said new posters are good just that a select few are going crazy and stirring the pot very early in their HN career is that not fair to say?
I have been reading hawkeyenation for years but never posted until I couldn't take it anymore. People like ferentz4ever going on every single post on the board saying fire kirk, he is terrible, he is over paid... Iowa is at best the 5th best job in the big ten and he has us competing for the big ten almost every year. reality is we are one bad fire and one bad hire away from being isu or Minnesota.

Its funny you should use those two schools.
From my experience here most of the posters that cause problems are the ones with post counts well into the thousands.

The new posters the OP is referring to have a very short shelf life and are easy to handle. They only show up when Iowa loses. Just ignore and they go away.

But there is a group of "tenured" posters who basically think their word is the law and a slight disagreement turns into a ******* match completely void of facts.

I think its a part of negative recruiting from other schools (MSU) trying to make iowa look like the drama capitol in relation to HN drama causing possible recruits & newby fans to shy away (cuz our fan base is better than the other upper middle tier programs)... but I also think its only a matter of time before they catch the lochness monster NESSIE!!!

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