What's our ceiling?

Again, that thread had a lot to do with CJ being out for an extended period of time. We are almost 20 games into the season and we've played bad with a healthy CJ one time. There will be plenty more losses this year, but its 2/3 of the way through the season already. It's ok to admit we are pretty good. Threads 3 weeks ago about being nervous about the rest of the season (especially considering the injury) has nothing to do with right now.
Ya exactly. Had we not had CJ for the last two games they might have been losses instead of wins who knows. When I saw a guy in a walking boot I assumed he’d be out several weeks. I still look at our schedule right now and say I’d absolutely take 11-9 right now. Imagine if we had lost the last two we’d be grinding for a 9 win season most likely.

@InGoodCo isn’t wrong either, this message board flies off the handle one way or another when it’s going bad or the other way when it’s going good. But that’s the nature of a message board really.

Very happy with where we sit right now and the recent win streak. There will be some tough nights in the coming weeks, but the team is in a good position right now.
I aint nervous about Iowa being good, I know we are. I don't need to wait and see. My point in all of that was that - We're probably not as good as we've looked the last 2 weeks or so (3 top 25 wins) and we aren't as bad as when we lost to DePaul or Nebraska either. We're likely somewhere in between, which is good enough to dance which to me, is an accomplishment considering the expectations coming into the season.

We aren't as good as we looked against Maryland maybe, because Maryland looked terrible. I think we're exactly how good we looked vs Northwestern, Michigan, and Rutgers. Rutgers is a good team and they had an on night. They were making a lot of stupid shots. That's good when you beat a good team on their good night.

I honestly don't think there is a single team in the conference that's noticeably better than us. Maybe only a couple teams that are even a little better. I even think this team has more room to improve with CJ, Joe T, and Evelyn being first year guys here.
If I had to guess, out in the 2nd round. Iowa's remaining conference games is very formidable (especially with the remaining road game) and it is going to make it hard to get a decent enough of a seed to avoid a 1 or 2 in the 2nd round. I think Iowa will give whoever team that maybe a very good game, but come up short like we are all to familiar with when we get to this spot.

But, getting to the tournament would certainly be an achieving year this year for Fran and this team.
Some are mentioning Iowa is now a dark horse final 4 crasher potentially. I'd love to see it and looking around college hoops with still over a month of season plus BIG tourney (what a blood bath that'll be) to go I guess I can say why not just as much. The right seed with the right bracket and who knows? Now thinks could snowball drastically in either direction from where we are so I don't mean to get the hype train rolling too far too fast. I'm just curious what ya'll think so far on what our ceiling may be.

For programs of our caliber, I pretty much always consider anything beyond Sweet 16 as "gravy". Rarely will we be 3-seed or higher, while 4-seed and lower will normally have tough match-ups past first round, barring first round upsets.

If we make Sweet 16, it's a good season.
Depends on which team shows up. If the Iowa team that played Nebraska shows up they are 1 and done. The team that knocked the shit out of Maryland could go all the way.
Depends on which team shows up. If the Iowa team that played Nebraska shows up they are 1 and done. The team that knocked the shit out of Maryland could go all the way.

I kinda disagree about the team that showed up against Maryland. We didn't even look that good for that game. Maryland just played awful.

I think the team that showed up the entire year has a good chance at the sweet 16 as long as they keep playing like they have been. They've moved up to the 4/5 seed with their play. Stay there and they have a good shot at the sweet 16. Almost a 50/50 chance.
I kinda disagree about the team that showed up against Maryland. We didn't even look that good for that game. Maryland just played awful.

I think the team that showed up the entire year has a good chance at the sweet 16 as long as they keep playing like they have been. They've moved up to the 4/5 seed with their play. Stay there and they have a good shot at the sweet 16. Almost a 50/50 chance.
Iowa has some excellent long range shooters. Such a team can beat anyone, or lose to anyone.
I kinda disagree about the team that showed up against Maryland. We didn't even look that good for that game. Maryland just played awful.

I think the team that showed up the entire year has a good chance at the sweet 16 as long as they keep playing like they have been. They've moved up to the 4/5 seed with their play. Stay there and they have a good shot at the sweet 16. Almost a 50/50 chance.

You are not giving the team enough credit as to why Maryland played like shit.
You are not giving the team enough credit as to why Maryland played like shit.

Maybe not. And I've thought about that. It's not like I'm saying they domt deserve any credit tho. But Maryland struggled bad at simple things that had nothing to do with Iowa. An announcer during the Wisconsin Purdue game last night said they every college team has a few games a year where nothing goes right. I think he's right. We've had two with DePaul and Nebraska. Maryland had the one against us. Every rebound seemed to come to us. Every 50/50 ball seemed to come to us. Every layup of theirs rolled off the rim. Now you can say our hustle helped get the rebounds and the 50/50 balls, but you can tell when the ball just keeps randomly bouncing towards one team. I see it when it happens to us and I see it when it benefits us. That night it benefited us big time.
Maybe not. And I've thought about that. It's not like I'm saying they domt deserve any credit tho. But Maryland struggled bad at simple things that had nothing to do with Iowa. An announcer during the Wisconsin Purdue game last night said they every college team has a few games a year where nothing goes right. I think he's right. We've had two with DePaul and Nebraska. Maryland had the one against us. Every rebound seemed to come to us. Every 50/50 ball seemed to come to us. Every layup of theirs rolled off the rim. Now you can say our hustle helped get the rebounds and the 50/50 balls, but you can tell when the ball just keeps randomly bouncing towards one team. I see it when it happens to us and I see it when it benefits us. That night it benefited us big time.

Ok, fine, you’ve convinced me. Even if Iowa played its absolute best they won’t do jack shit in the tournament.
Ok, fine, you’ve convinced me. Even if Iowa played its absolute best they won’t do jack shit in the tournament.

Truthfully, Iowa has played pretty steady the entire year. Their worst two games were DePaul (very early in the year) and Nebraska (competed hard but shot terrible without their 3rd best player). I can't really think of any games where they played noticeably better than their norm. I get why you would think the Maryland game falls into that category, and maybe it does. I'm just not convinced it does. What do you think? What games can you think of where Iowa played out of their minds? I feel like they've been steady the whole year minus two horrible showings. If I'm right on this one, that's a great sign for the rest of the year.
If Joe T can consistently play like he did against Rutgers this Team is going to reach another level beyond where it has already been. I have seen very few players with his quickness and change of direction. He is borderline unguardable. That would give this team pretty much every piece it needs to make as deep of a run as any Team in the country. You still have to get the bounces and breaks as upsets are the norm.

BUT the HAWKS are past due! ELITE EIGHT
Truthfully, Iowa has played pretty steady the entire year. Their worst two games were DePaul (very early in the year) and Nebraska (competed hard but shot terrible without their 3rd best player). I can't really think of any games where they played noticeably better than their norm. I get why you would think the Maryland game falls into that category, and maybe it does. I'm just not convinced it does. What do you think? What games can you think of where Iowa played out of their minds? I feel like they've been steady the whole year minus two horrible showings. If I'm right on this one, that's a great sign for the rest of the year.

Look all I was trying to say was if Iowa plays it's worst they are one and done, when they play their best they could go all the way. I gave examples post JBo and you have a problem with the example I used. I don't want to argue the damn Maryland game if you don't think that's the game they played their absolute best then pick a different one. Don't take me down this rabbit hole of arguing about whether or not Maryland is the game where they played their best, I don't care.
Look all I was trying to say was if Iowa plays it's worst they are one and done, when they play their best they could go all the way. I gave examples post JBo and you have a problem with the example I used. I don't want to argue the damn Maryland game if you don't think that's the game they played their absolute best then pick a different one. Don't take me down this rabbit hole of arguing about whether or not Maryland is the game where they played their best, I don't care.

Either you need to learn how to read or I need to learn how to write, because your response is in no way related to the post I was trying to write. I was expanding on what you said and taking the conversation further. I wanted to talk about whether or not iowa is playing extremely consistent like I think they are. I asked you if you had an opinion on if you agree and asked if you can think of other games we played overly good (other than the Maryland game where I recognized how it made sense you thought they played really well). My post had absolutely nothing to do with how you responded. If you want to read it again with a different tone, then respond to the conversation I was actually trying to have, that would be awesome. If you don't want to, that's fine too.
Either you need to learn how to read or I need to learn how to write, because your response is in no way related to the post I was trying to write.

That's because you keep taking me down a path that's not on topic or had anything to do with the point I was trying to make.

My post had absolutely nothing to do with how you responded. If you want to read it again with a different tone, then respond to the conversation I was actually trying to have, that would be awesome. If you don't want to, that's fine too.

No shit, you were the one who derailed it.

Again, all I was trying to say is when Iowa is plays it's worse then they won't go anywhere in the NCAA tournament, when they play their best they could go far if not win it all. I left the examples out this time so it wouldn't distract you. Now do you agree with that or disagree?
That's because you keep taking me down a path that's not on topic or had anything to do with the point I was trying to make.

No shit, you were the one who derailed it.

Again, all I was trying to say is when Iowa is plays it's worse then they won't go anywhere in the NCAA tournament, when they play their best they could go far if not win it all. I left the examples out this time so it wouldn't distract you. Now do you agree with that or disagree?

Yes I agree with your extremely obvious point that if we play our best we can win and if we play our worst we can lose. Your post got me thinking about how consistent iowa has played this year so I asked you what you thought about it. I guess I could have not quoted you and just asked everyone in general. But since it was your post that made me think about it, and we were already exchanging posts, I just asked you your opinion. My bad I guess....