For those not from around the Des Moines area (I lived there from 2000-2010) this is a WHO TV segment done weekly and Andy gives his two cents on whatever's going on. I'm not surprised he wasn't a big Fran guy in the sense that he's not all about that Francon 5 stuff. That just is what it is. But what was news to me was how Fran evidently had a beef with Keith Murphy going back to 2018 so I'll attach this youtube link to it and hopefully you can watch for yourselves. If it doesn't work just look up whats bugging Andy on youtube and it shouldn't be hard to find.
Keith is probably the nicest most professional local media guy there's ever been. To not like Murph says more about Fran and defiantly his wife then anything. That's pretty mind blowing and I'm surprised this hadn't gotten out. Or if it had I'm the last to hear about it anyway. I'd heard that some local media wasn't crazy about Fran via Scott Dochterman on his pods but he was always vague and never said why. So to hear this example is a bit eye opening. It wasn't like Keith bashed Fran he just had questions to Barta about the extension. Which as we also remember when this went down Barta was 1 foot out the door. He knew full well he was retiring shortly after.
When it came to Fran and the whole raising $ for cancer thing I'd always had nothing but good things to say about him. But man come on.... This sort of thing goes beyond petty it's straight up immature. That's just my 2 cents on it
Keith is probably the nicest most professional local media guy there's ever been. To not like Murph says more about Fran and defiantly his wife then anything. That's pretty mind blowing and I'm surprised this hadn't gotten out. Or if it had I'm the last to hear about it anyway. I'd heard that some local media wasn't crazy about Fran via Scott Dochterman on his pods but he was always vague and never said why. So to hear this example is a bit eye opening. It wasn't like Keith bashed Fran he just had questions to Barta about the extension. Which as we also remember when this went down Barta was 1 foot out the door. He knew full well he was retiring shortly after.
When it came to Fran and the whole raising $ for cancer thing I'd always had nothing but good things to say about him. But man come on.... This sort of thing goes beyond petty it's straight up immature. That's just my 2 cents on it