What's bugging Andy


Well-Known Member
For those not from around the Des Moines area (I lived there from 2000-2010) this is a WHO TV segment done weekly and Andy gives his two cents on whatever's going on. I'm not surprised he wasn't a big Fran guy in the sense that he's not all about that Francon 5 stuff. That just is what it is. But what was news to me was how Fran evidently had a beef with Keith Murphy going back to 2018 so I'll attach this youtube link to it and hopefully you can watch for yourselves. If it doesn't work just look up whats bugging Andy on youtube and it shouldn't be hard to find.


Keith is probably the nicest most professional local media guy there's ever been. To not like Murph says more about Fran and defiantly his wife then anything. That's pretty mind blowing and I'm surprised this hadn't gotten out. Or if it had I'm the last to hear about it anyway. I'd heard that some local media wasn't crazy about Fran via Scott Dochterman on his pods but he was always vague and never said why. So to hear this example is a bit eye opening. It wasn't like Keith bashed Fran he just had questions to Barta about the extension. Which as we also remember when this went down Barta was 1 foot out the door. He knew full well he was retiring shortly after.

When it came to Fran and the whole raising $ for cancer thing I'd always had nothing but good things to say about him. But man come on.... This sort of thing goes beyond petty it's straight up immature. That's just my 2 cents on it
For those not from around the Des Moines area (I lived there from 2000-2010) this is a WHO TV segment done weekly and Andy gives his two cents on whatever's going on. I'm not surprised he wasn't a big Fran guy in the sense that he's not all about that Francon 5 stuff. That just is what it is. But what was news to me was how Fran evidently had a beef with Keith Murphy going back to 2018 so I'll attach this youtube link to it and hopefully you can watch for yourselves. If it doesn't work just look up whats bugging Andy on youtube and it shouldn't be hard to find.


Keith is probably the nicest most professional local media guy there's ever been. To not like Murph says more about Fran and defiantly his wife then anything. That's pretty mind blowing and I'm surprised this hadn't gotten out. Or if it had I'm the last to hear about it anyway. I'd heard that some local media wasn't crazy about Fran via Scott Dochterman on his pods but he was always vague and never said why. So to hear this example is a bit eye opening. It wasn't like Keith bashed Fran he just had questions to Barta about the extension. Which as we also remember when this went down Barta was 1 foot out the door. He knew full well he was retiring shortly after.

When it came to Fran and the whole raising $ for cancer thing I'd always had nothing but good things to say about him. But man come on.... This sort of thing goes beyond petty it's straight up immature. That's just my 2 cents on it
I'll watch this on my lunch but yeah, Fran had severed several media guys over the year and didn't have the relationships you need to have to help keep your program in the spotlight. His inability to connect with Iowa media and fans is more of the reason he's out vs. his actual coaching prowess. This had to be done more for repairing the future and re-growing the brand then it needed to be done X and O's.

I think if we end up with either of our top 2 picks, Iowa fans are going to be super excited and re-engaged. Heck, I think either coach would have the ability to recruit a roster good enough to make the NCAA.
Wow, good video. When you look at the total sum of his Iowa tenure, these things do add up.

One of my personal beliefs has always been that when the stands start to be empty, that's when a coach goes. Fran did bring this on himself, or mostly by himself. It was time.
He makes some solid points, but I can't help but agree with some of the responses pointing out that any journalist with integrity would opine on these issues in the moment, not after the coach is fired.

Fran is a complex guy. He has always genuinely loved his players, and they were loyal to him, almost to a fault, but he has a vindictive side fueled by being thin-skinned in a profession that definitely requires thick skin.

I've posted before that Fran's biggest mistake over his career has been his inability or perhaps refusal to immerse himself into the Hawkeye community or consistently display at least some degree of enthusiasm about the program. Some have speculated that it is his Philadelphia personality. Perhaps, but, regardless, any great coach would recognize that as an integral part of success, and for whatever reason he refused to do so.
He makes some solid points, but I can't help but agree with some of the responses pointing out that any journalist with integrity would opine on these issues in the moment, not after the coach is fired.

Fran is a complex guy. He has always genuinely loved his players, and they were loyal to him, almost to a fault, but he has a vindictive side fueled by being thin-skinned in a profession that definitely requires thick skin.

I've posted before that Fran's biggest mistake over his career has been his inability or perhaps refusal to immerse himself into the Hawkeye community or consistently display at least some degree of enthusiasm about the program. Some have speculated that it is his Philadelphia personality. Perhaps, but, regardless, any great coach would recognize that as an integral part of success, and for whatever reason he refused to do so.
I think this is supported by fan's like (I think, generally) of his franimal side. The only passion we as fans really ever got from him were his on-court freakouts.

Contrast that with Kirk. Nobody questions his passion for not just the game, but the program.
He makes some solid points, but I can't help but agree with some of the responses pointing out that any journalist with integrity would opine on these issues in the moment, not after the coach is fired.

Fran is a complex guy. He has always genuinely loved his players, and they were loyal to him, almost to a fault, but he has a vindictive side fueled by being thin-skinned in a profession that definitely requires thick skin.

I've posted before that Fran's biggest mistake over his career has been his inability or perhaps refusal to immerse himself into the Hawkeye community or consistently display at least some degree of enthusiasm about the program. Some have speculated that it is his Philadelphia personality. Perhaps, but, regardless, any great coach would recognize that as an integral part of success, and for whatever reason he refused to do so.
I wondered this as well. Yet it seemed to have been a well known thing amongst those in the media. It wasn't a secret so much as it just wasn't something they were going to put him on blast publicly for. It's actually a fairly honorable thing for the media to do. That said they being WHO didn't want to be the story. It could become problematic to be reporting on themselves.

Fran just cut off an entire major local news station in Des Moines. Probably the biggest one and they didn't report on any of it as far as I know. Maybe I'm just behind and in the dark so please correct me if I'm way off base on that.

Fran making himself to be not available to all the media situationally over petty stuff like that is news. It shoulda been brought to light and he's fortunate it wasn't. We fans should be able to hear those things and form our own opinions on them. That's how I look at it anyway
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The reason I don't want McCollum, at least me personally, is that they were the slowest moving team in CBB this season by a huge margin. They walk the ball up the court, they use the entire shot clock and it would be a drastic change in styles. I am not sure ANY of the current Iowa guys would stay if he's the guy. Maybe I am wrong, but his style of play just is not that appealing to me.
The reason I don't want McCollum, at least me personally, is that they were the slowest moving team in CBB this season by a huge margin. They walk the ball up the court, they use the entire shot clock and it would be a drastic change in styles. I am not sure ANY of the current Iowa guys would stay if he's the guy. Maybe I am wrong, but his style of play just is not that appealing to me.
Yeah I only saw a little bit of them play this yr and so I hadn't seen enough to really come to that conclusion but then I'd heard about it... So yeah we don't need a Licklighter 2.0 situation. Not only is it not appealing to watch but it's tough to win consistently with. Even schools like Wisconsin have evolved away from it. So let Indiana get him. We'll take DeVries
For those not from around the Des Moines area (I lived there from 2000-2010) this is a WHO TV segment done weekly and Andy gives his two cents on whatever's going on. I'm not surprised he wasn't a big Fran guy in the sense that he's not all about that Francon 5 stuff. That just is what it is. But what was news to me was how Fran evidently had a beef with Keith Murphy going back to 2018 so I'll attach this youtube link to it and hopefully you can watch for yourselves. If it doesn't work just look up whats bugging Andy on youtube and it shouldn't be hard to find.


Keith is probably the nicest most professional local media guy there's ever been. To not like Murph says more about Fran and defiantly his wife then anything. That's pretty mind blowing and I'm surprised this hadn't gotten out. Or if it had I'm the last to hear about it anyway. I'd heard that some local media wasn't crazy about Fran via Scott Dochterman on his pods but he was always vague and never said why. So to hear this example is a bit eye opening. It wasn't like Keith bashed Fran he just had questions to Barta about the extension. Which as we also remember when this went down Barta was 1 foot out the door. He knew full well he was retiring shortly after.

When it came to Fran and the whole raising $ for cancer thing I'd always had nothing but good things to say about him. But man come on.... This sort of thing goes beyond petty it's straight up immature. That's just my 2 cents on it
I watched the video. Thanks for posting it.

My take: Pretty big hit job on Fran. A little short on some of the “evidence” about Fran’s sinful ways. He has been at Iowa for 15 years. I am not surprised that he had a few skeletons, all of which were enumerated by Andy, year by year. Honestly, it sort of smacked of a personal attack, rather than an evaluation. Not much pure journalism.

So. Fran is on to his next adventure. I am sure that after 15 years as a school superintendent, my retirement was met by some loud cheers. That is public employment.
If Fran is smart, he will follow my lead and say, only in secret, “Have a nice day, asshole.”
I think this is supported by fan's like (I think, generally) of his franimal side. The only passion we as fans really ever got from him were his on-court freakouts.

Contrast that with Kirk. Nobody questions his passion for not just the game, but the program.
If you couldn’t hear his passion in almost every single interview, I don’t know what you’re looking for. I could listen to Fran talk ball all day. His “freakouts” were usually warranted, as he was sticking up for his players. He was super invested in his players and the game.
If you couldn’t hear his passion in almost every single interview, I don’t know what you’re looking for. I could listen to Fran talk ball all day. His “freakouts” were usually warranted, as he was sticking up for his players. He was super invested in his players and the game.
I don't dispute that he was passionate about his players and basketball. I'm definitely looking for a greater commitment to the UofI and its fans in our next HC.
I watched the video. Thanks for posting it.

My take: Pretty big hit job on Fran. A little short on some of the “evidence” about Fran’s sinful ways. He has been at Iowa for 15 years. I am not surprised that he had a few skeletons, all of which were enumerated by Andy, year by year. Honestly, it sort of smacked of a personal attack, rather than an evaluation. Not much pure journalism.

So. Fran is on to his next adventure. I am sure that after 15 years as a school superintendent, my retirement was met by some loud cheers. That is public employment.
If Fran is smart, he will follow my lead and say, only in secret, “Have a nice day, asshole.”
It is a whole lot of vitriol and spin, but nobody here is disputing any of the content. I think it can both be true that there are some spiteful punks in the media, and Fran deserves much of the hate getting leveled at him. Sort of like... Well, current events better left to the unmoderated board.
There seems to be a little bit of pent-up frustration with Fran on the reporters part, but nothing he said can be disputed.

This piece is a good reminder of just how many times over the years Fran lost his cool during games, particularly that losing his cool generally sent him over the edge. I think Hawkeye fans just kind of got used to him boiling over, which isn’t necessarily a good thing.

I never really liked his outbursts because most of the time it made him look immature and out of control, not like someone who was just standing up for his players or because he was upset with a bad call. This was a bad look for Fran, the program, and the university as a whole. It sure as hell didn’t do him any favors with the referees when he wanted calls to go his way either.

I personally I’m looking forward to a new coach and therefore a new outlook. I am relieved that there are no more games this season and that Beth can focus on finalizing a deal with a new coach who no doubt will give us all optimism heading into next season, regardless of who it may be.
If you couldn’t hear his passion in almost every single interview, I don’t know what you’re looking for. I could listen to Fran talk ball all day. His “freakouts” were usually warranted, as he was sticking up for his players. He was super invested in his players and the game.
I am very pleased that you posted these thoughts. I always listened to his post game interviews with Bobby H. And, watched or read his BT network appearances. He was really, really good. I do not know why those who did not think Fran connected with the fans missed this action. Too bad.
It is a whole lot of vitriol and spin, but nobody here is disputing any of the content. I think it can both be true that there are some spiteful punks in the media, and Fran deserves much of the hate getting leveled at him. Sort of like... Well, current events better left to the unmoderated board.
Fran deserves much of the hate? You need to re-examine your thinking wow.

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