What would you like to see from the Iowa offense tomorrow


Well-Known Member
(First off I hate posting on this site with A smart phone and no app)
I would like to see them take a shot or 2 deep early in the game. Maybe use one of those "deep routes" CJF talked about in the spring. Also if the run with wiseman is working good get both wiseman and bullock in the game at the same time by either both being running backs or having bullock at WR and putting him in motion or setting him off the line like a TE and do a end around or something. If we have a running back that is running like wiseman has been we can't go to him every play, and I'm not liking when they stop running him they just throw a short pass when the DB's are playing up waiting for the run or short pass. Hate to say it but a KoK reverse once in awhile might work if wiseman is running like he has been.
Any thoughts?
I would like to see JVB play a solid 4 quarters of football. Iowa has no shot tomorrow or the rest of the way without a passing game.

Note: Weisman has been great, but tomorrow could potentially be huge wakeup call.
Play a clean game, let MSU make the mistakes. I would love to see us control the line of scrimmage and not have to worry about a passing game.
[h=2]What would you like to see from the Iowa offense tomorrow....[/h]How about some SCORING that is MORE than three stinking points at the end of the 4th quarter! I am standing by my forecast; 12-42.... Its going to be ugly...
I really hope that JVB and the WRs are on the same page for 4 quarters. No more throwing at a WR that's in full sprint not looking.
I want to see death and destruction left by our offense. I would like to see Iowa up by 35 at half and when they get the ball in the second they throw a bomb down field trying to run the score up. I would also like to see Vandy act like a senior quarter back instead of the pee wee football QB that's in the starting position because his dad is the coach. No letting up and no mercy for Dantonio and his team of cheaters. Also, I do not want to see the following...

Don't want to forget...I would also like to see Morris hit Maxwell so hard that he ***** himself.
I want to see death and destruction left by our offense. I would like to see Iowa up by 35 at half and when they get the ball in the second they throw a bomb down field trying to run the score up. I would also like to see Vandy act like a senior quarter back instead of the pee wee football QB that's in the starting position because his dad is the coach. No letting up and no mercy for Dantonio and his team of cheaters. Also, I do not want to see the following...


So what is Ferentz supposed to do? Just hide in the closet like you?

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