What would you like to see from the Iowa offense tomorrow

Ostrich. Go Get Hawks!

Fran, I don't want to fight with you. I want to be friends. Why can't we be friends franstheman? We both like the Hawkeyes and we both have 0 vCash which means we have A TON in common. If you want to be friends just let me know.
[h=2]What would you like to see from the Iowa offense tomorrow....[/h]How about some SCORING that is MORE than three stinking points at the end of the 4th quarter! I am standing by my forecast; 12-42.... Its going to be ugly...

As ugly as your constant nonsensical pictures in every post?
Tell the defense we are running between the tackles from inside the 5 yard line and them not stopping us. I think back to the Robert Gallery Eric Steinbach days. We simply don't line up any more and "Wisconsin (circa 2010, 2011) anyone anymore"
A Completed forward pass.

Enthusiasm from the opening kick off.

A coach that cares about beating someone besides Penn State (where is he from?)

Best players playing at all positions.

Not running RB's into angry lines when the angry lines know the rb is coming off tackle.

If a good lead is gained, not stepping off the gas so younger players can eventually get in rather than fighting for the win late in the 4th.

More offensive plays per game.

That about sums it up.

That would sum it up.

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