What will next year's lineup look like?


125: Does Matt stay here?
133: Dennis moves on
141: Marion has this slot
149: Metcalf moves on
157: Kerr leg up
165: Morningstar moves on
174: Borschel moves on
184: Keddy moves on
197: Beatty moves on..Lofthouse?
HWT: Erkeson moves on

Those of you that are in the room from time to time, who fills the holes? Younger Moore have a chance to be in the lineup? Older Moore will...Gambrall will..
125- McD if he can make the weight or Clark

133- Nate Moore or Ramos who hasn't been beaten but suffered from an injury can't remember

141- Marion

149-Dylan Carew or Marion if he can't make 141

157-165 St. John gets the job at either one of these weights and the other will be kerr probably

174- Ethan Lofthouse

184- Grant Gambrall

197- Luke Lofthouse or Brody Ambrose

285- Blake Raising or Jordan Johnson.
Well if St. John stays at 157 he will have the spot as he won it already this year then redshirted. The lower weights are gonna be a battle and will all depend on the weights they are at by next year.
Concerning McD and his weight. Saw an article where he said that he made the determination that he was going to go 25 in the summer and started to lower his weight at that time. He said that once he got down there, he just had to maintain. Coming from someone that cut weight, granted the wrong way, it is tough to do. My guess is that he will move up to 33, but if he feels he can get back down there, and maintain his strength, he might try to get back down.
We have BIG TIME talent that isn't even in the lineup yet.

Call me a homer, but I think we'll certainly be right in the mix for another title next year.

Maybe not favored, but definitely will have a good shot. People are really underestimated the talent we have in the room right now, IMHO.
And FWIW, a well respected wrestling "insider" on TOS said earlier this year that Tony Ramos (true freshman 125/133) MORE than held his own vs McDonough in the room this year.

I think Matt will go 133 and Ramos will take 125.
Could Nate Moore move up to 141, and then Marion to 149?

I'm certainly no wrestling expert...but Marion has looking a little undersized at times wrestling at 141...Marion's advantage seems to be his gas tank and his willingness to get after guys. I don't see him moving up.
I'm very much looking forward to next Yr.

I too have my doubts about Marion at 149 but that would help the lineup if he could be big enough to do it. Doubt it though.

McDonough is my alltime favorite Iowa wrestler and I have been an Iowa Wrestling fan since the late Gary Kurdelmeier was head coach.
Here are my thoughts not to different from what Pin has up top:

125: I not so sure that Matt wont stay at 125 for next year I would guess that as well as he wrestled this year that at this time he doesnt cut much and it seems that he has bought into the "living the lifestyle" that Brands preeches so much. Backups Ramos, Clark

133: I will wait and see how Moore recovers over the summer before I list him as the front runner. Likely canidates are Moore, Ramos(if McD is at 125), Middle Ballweg.

141: Marion because he is not very thick at 141 and it would be tough to bulk up all the way to 149. Backups: Middle Ballweg, Dziewa(Redeshirt)

149: I would say that Carew is the likely front runner. Others Sherdian, Baldosaro(Redshirt), possible that older Ballweg makes cut to try and get spot.

157: I think they can get St. John on a program to build some muscle but not gain weight I know it sounds weird but its possible. Others Ballweg, Kelly(Redshirt)

165: I would say that Kerr is the front runner but I would guess that Janssen has alot of fire burning inside. Moore will redshirt and probably wrestle up at 165 and make the choice on weight(157/165) after his redshirt year.

174: Lofthouse I like what I saw from him this year and expect big things from him in the future.

184: Gambrall. Backup Wagner

197: Brodie Ambrose I think will win the spot if he can control his weight. Lofthouse is right there though and did a great job of filling the starter spot this year.

Hwt: Rasing and Johnson will battle this out with Telford redshirting.

There is my thoughts and maybe alot of them are what I want to happen, dont let these sway you any I have only been in the room once for wrestleoffs so I have no inside info. Thanks

I think Iowa will start out in the top 5 with Cornell and the Pokes being the front runners dont look past this young group of Hawks though Brands and Co. will have them ready to compete.

Now i have to go celebrate #23 at the casino.

Philly here we come, its a great day to be a HAWKEYE!!!!!!!
I am very excited to see how the line-up shakes out next year. I thought Kerr said in a recent interview that he only planned to stay at 157 for one year. I think that the only spot in the line-up that is a certainty is Gambrall at 184. Other guys like Marion, McD and St. John are locks to be in the line-up just not locks on weights yet. I think the line up could be any combination of these wrestlers...

125: McD, Ramos, Clark
133: McD, Ramos, Moore
141: Marion, McD, Moore
149: Carew, Marion
157: Janssen, St. John
165: St. John, Janssen, Kerr
174: Lofthouse, Kerr
184: Gambrall
197: Ambrose, Lofthouse
HWT: Rasing, Johnson

If I had to guess how things will shake out...

125: Ramos
133: McD
141: Marion
149: Carew
157: Janssen
165: St. John
174: Lofthouse
184: Gambrall
197: Ambrose
HWT: Rasing

I hate predicting against Moore, Kerr and Luke but with the depth we have someone has to sit out.
Honestly its pretty hard to tell what our lineup will look like right now! Either way we should have a pretty salty lineup next year also!!! I sure am glad everybody has thrown us under the bus and pretty much said we wont be that good next year! Here's my thoughts:

125: Steel or Ramos
133: Steel, Moore or Clark
141: Steel or Marion
149: Carew
157: Janssen
165: St. John or Keer
174: E. Lofthouse
184: Gambrall
197: Ambrose or L. Lofthouse
Hwt: Raisng

I see no reason why we couldn't have at least 7 AA's and we will have National Champ contenders with: Steel,Marion,St. John & Gambrall. A lot of the top end wrestlers Graduate so don't count us out!
No problem Hawks1010, although I can't take credit for the nickname. I heard USAHawk use the nickname to describe him. So I ran with it. I loved it then and still do today!
I love how a "down" year for us will still probably be a solid top 5 team! The talent we have and continue to bring in will keep us up there for a long time. This staff knows how to find, bring in, and mold top talent. We will be fine for years to come. I feel the need for some "steel" shirts.