What will it take to upset Wisconsin?


Ian Pike Hammer

Pick only 2, which are the most important?

1. Win the turn-over battle
2. Force at least 3 turn-overs
3. Stanley MUST play better!
4. Must shut down Wisky's running game (Taylor)
5. Must run for over 100 yards ourselves
6. Aggressive play calling by our OC
7. Need to be within 7 points of Wisc. in the 4th qrtr.
8. We need to put at least 30 points on the board!
9. A special teams or defensive TD wouldn't hurt!
10. Balance between our passing and running game
KF has been game planning all off season to beat Connie. I'm calling an Iowa W in a close game. You heard it here first.
Pick only 2, which are the most important?

1. Win the turn-over battle
2. Force at least 3 turn-overs
3. Stanley MUST play better!
4. Must shut down Wisky's running game (Taylor)
5. Must run for over 100 yards ourselves
6. Intelligent play calling by our OC
7. Need to be within 7 points of Wisc. in the 4th qrtr.
8. We need to put at least 30 points on the board!
9. A special teams or defensive TD wouldn't hurt!
10. Balance between our passing and running game

Helped you out on #6
Effective passing game to backs, tight ends, and somehow the receivers. I not talking home runs but quick patterns to keep them from stuffing the box. If not it just becomes the inevitable game of field position which Wisky would love to play until they wear us down. And of course Charlton Heston.
Effective passing game to backs, tight ends, and somehow the receivers. I not talking home runs but quick patterns to keep them from stuffing the box. If not it just becomes the inevitable game of field position which Wisky would love to play until they wear us down. And of course Charlton Heston.
Quick, effective passes and of course Charlton Heston, John Wayne, or the Ghostbusters
Do to Taylor what they did to Montgomery. And I'll go with force 3 turnovers for the second one.

THIS is a main thing that needs to happen HAVE TO FORCE HORNIbrook to beat you from third and long on offense the hawks need to control their from seven and negate that bltz
Yeah right. He doesn't game plan for anyone. We will come out and look completely lost on offense as usual.
Yeah right. He doesn't game plan for anyone. We will come out and look completely lost on offense as usual.
Allow Kok to work with Oc. I think we will be aggressive. Cap knows.Like the Radio Character "the shadow" knows! So does the CAP! Go Hawks!!
Pick only 2, which are the most important?

1. Win the turn-over battle
2. Force at least 3 turn-overs
3. Stanley MUST play better!
4. Must shut down Wisky's running game (Taylor)
5. Must run for over 100 yards ourselves
6. Aggressive play calling by our OC
7. Need to be within 7 points of Wisc. in the 4th qrtr.
8. We need to put at least 30 points on the board!
9. A special teams or defensive TD wouldn't hurt!
10. Balance between our passing and running game

How about a 17 yard gain on a fake punt with our backs near the end zone on a 4th and 4?