Kirk is a system/detail guy. Everything needs to be in place, the plan is painfully evaluated, put in place, coached. Kirk and son seem to be rendered ineffective as the game progresses, leading to their weakness...molasses brain in the midst of the game, needing to tweak, make changes, think on the fly, but unable to. The leadership reverts to frozen brain, falling back on the "plan" that is now, in the moment out of date. This is especially evident, over and over, when Iowa is facing a team equal to or better than they are: Wisconsin, Stanford, Ohio State, etc. The Kirk way of planning and sticking to a plan works best vs Purdue/Illinois/Minnesota where Iowa can implement a plan and stick to it.
You need to be flexible, creative, unpredictable to get to that higher level. Our coaches remain stuck in the mud even as the game (and opportunities) unfold around them at a hectic pace.
7-5, 8-4 coaching = Longevity, $$$, "Legacy," Greasing the wheels for a couple more decades of Kirk Ball, gifted to son.
(Yes, I know Iowa beat Ohio State last year)