What is more idiotic...

As much as I love Stanzi, he doesn't throw the deep ball particularly well. He has completions that cover yards, but they are usually 15-20 yard routes and then the receivers do the rest. I have watched Stanzi miss on deep routes quite a bit since he came to Iowa.
The good thing is, for the most part, it's not essential that he complete a high percentage of deep balls. What's important is for him to attempt them to loosen the underneath routes.

If this was about arm strength I would care. If he was throwing everything 100 mph like JC I would care. But neither is the case so the point is moot. He is been good enough with the short and intermediate routes. He has missed on some deep balls, so what......Football these days are about the short and immediate routes anyway. The only throw that I am concerned about at the next level with Stanzi is those deep outs along the sidelines that you have to make especially against press coverage with tight windows. If anything that will be his downfall in the NFL, not the deep throws.
If this was about arm strength I would care. If he was throwing everything 100 mph like JC I would care. But neither is the case so the point is moot. He is been good enough with the short and intermediate routes. He has missed on some deep balls, so what......Football these days are about the short and immediate routes anyway. The only throw that I am concerned about at the next level with Stanzi is those deep outs along the sidelines that you have to make especially against press coverage with tight windows. If anything that will be his downfall in the NFL, not the deep throws.

Well there's a difference between not caring and thinking Millen was an idiot for his comments. I think most of us agree with your analysis.
Well there's a difference between not caring and thinking Millen was an idiot for his comments. I think most of us agree with your analysis.

Fair enough.

I wasn't the one calling him an idiot. I don't hold that trainwreck in Detriot against him i can separate the two. My only beef was that he was butchering names. Reilly Rife? Taylor Sash? He's done enough Iowa games recently to know how to pronounce their names.
Fair enough.

I wasn't the one calling him an idiot. I don't hold that trainwreck in Detriot against him i can separate the two. My only beef was that he was butchering names. Reilly Rife? Taylor Sash? He's done enough Iowa games recently to know how to pronounce their names.

While Detroit wasn't totally his fault, batting 1.5 for 4 on FOUR STRAIGHT FIRST ROUND WR(!!!!!) certainly didn't help (I give him partial points for Roy Williams, as he was fairly productive in Detroit).
This has been a fun discussion. My point on the OP was to connect the previous talk about Millen's assessment of Ricky's long passing, with a truly historic idiotic assessment of an Iowa player's ability.

I, for one, think the jury is still out with Ricky's long passing ability. He does seem to aim the ball a bit. I thought the pass to ARob in the last game, and yes that qualifies as a deep ball, was a good example of just throwing the ball on a rope. Ricky usually tries to loft the ball and let the receiver run under it. I think one thing he runs into is that he doesn't necessarily have a guy with another gear to go after long throws, nor does he have a guy that has shown the ability to adjust and fight through guys for the ball, which means his balls need to be a little too perfect.
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Everytime I hear Romo, it's like he has regressed a bit mentally. I think those hits really took their affect on him, and this has nothing to do with the comments above.

Would agree 100%.

Pro "experts" get it wrong just as often as college "experts" get it wrong with players.
Fair enough.

I wasn't the one calling him an idiot. I don't hold that trainwreck in Detriot against him i can separate the two. My only beef was that he was butchering names. Reilly Rife? Taylor Sash? He's done enough Iowa games recently to know how to pronounce their names.

Yes. And I was called a moron (by Burky) just for simple opinion on a public message board. :(
Again, you can't equate yards to deep balls. Just because he had a completion for 50 yards doesn't make it a deep ball. A lot of those have been yards after catch. If you look at Stanzi's full body of work at Iowa, the deep ball has been his least effective weapon. Now that doesn't mean that he never hits them. It just means it's a lower percentage than he(or the coaches) probably would like.

Hmm...I would actually go the other way on this. I think he throws a really good deep ball, while his least effective weapon is throwing down the middle of the field (non-checkdown throws). There are a few exceptions (Indiana last year, Wisconsin this year where he threw the ball too far out of bounds, etc) but for the most part, I think he's very accurate on the long ball. I'm racking my brain a bit, but I can certainly think of more throws that he's hit than he's missed.
Everytime I hear Romo, it's like he has regressed a bit mentally. I think those hits really took their affect on him, and this has nothing to do with the comments above.

Good point on Romo-very true. But when he was spitting in opponents' faces and beating up a defenseless teammate you'd have to say those weren't the smartest things to do in the world, and not totally attributable to the blows to the head.
Just a guy trying to be a little too precise......its a non-issue as far I am concerned.... Completing 68% of his passes this year up from 56% from last year.

Ding ding ding!

Not to mention, the throw to DJK was against a stiff headwind. Last year's Indiana game proved what can happen in a strong wind from one quarter to the next...
Good point on Romo-very true. But when he was spitting in opponents' faces and beating up a defenseless teammate you'd have to say those weren't the smartest things to do in the world, and not totally attributable to the blows to the head.

Roid rage explains those things pretty well.

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