What if KOK were Iowa's OC this year?

Would have won ISU
Would have won CMU
Would have won Indiana
Would have won Purdue

That looks like 8-2 (4-2) and still controlling our own destiny to get to Indy. I hope all you idiots that were hell bent on getting KOK out of here are satisfied.
Would have won ISU
Would have won CMU
Would have won Indiana
Would have won Purdue

That looks like 8-2 (4-2) and still controlling our own destiny to get to Indy. I hope all you idiots that were hell bent on getting KOK out of here are satisfied.

I really hope this is sattire.
And we would have a senior qb that was in a system that he is much more suited for. If jvb has a better year than last year numbers wise he has a pretty darn good year. The year he has had this year compared to where I expected him to be is vastly different. Either jvb has no ability to adapt or this is a bad bad system. KFC should really be thinking about which one it is as he thinks about next year. IMO
COACH O'KEEFE: "Thanks for your question, Jon. Obviously, I've known Kirk a long time. He's a fantastic guy. Great Coach. I have a lot of respect for Greg as well. That said, I think you'd be looking at a 10-0 record if I was still on staff in 'Fort Kinnick,' as those message board goobers call it. We really hadn't had a breakout year yet. I'd been working on a package called the 'Vandencat.' JVB would have looked like Brad Banks, Drew Tate, Tebow, Chuck Long, and Jesus all in one person at QB in the Black and Gold. We've installed a similar package down here in Miami. Saving it for the playoffs. Thanks."
I don't think there would be much of a difference. KF is still the head coach in both scenarios. This is KF's offense and KF's defense. The names underneath him are interchangeable.

I don't know if I agree with this, I am not saying no way no how, but his previous staff were around a heck of a long time to just be interchangeable. Its not impossible but maybe Norm and Ken didn't have that much control but I'm guessing with how bad we are with GD...its on his shoulders as far as the offense goes but Kurt shouldn't have hired him in the first place.
GD has called a KoK offense more and more towards the end of the season. I noticed this, and actually asked Hawkeye Game Film about it. He agreed. I'm an amateur, he knows what he is talking about. I think the answer to the question is more about talent level and execution, rather than who is OC and what plays are being called.

I would agree with the OP about if the results don't changes next year, and the year after, I'm going to rethink this. If he needs to go at that point, I'll admit I was wrong, and help usher him out the door to the extent possible.
I agree 100%. While the offense may not have been A LOT better under KOK, his vertical passing game would have also helped out the running game by forcing safeties and corners to at least think twice about getting beat deep, instead of slamming the line of scrimmage to stop the running game and shutdown underneath routes. It is so easy to stop Davis's attack it's crazy. I wish we could mix the KOK vertical game with the Davis screen game, because he has had some good calls on 3rd down with all out blitzes coming where a competent QB completes the pass for big plays.
GD has called a KoK offense more and more towards the end of the season. I noticed this, and actually asked Hawkeye Game Film about it. He agreed. I'm an amateur, he knows what he is talking about. I think the answer to the question is more about talent level and execution, rather than who is OC and what plays are being called.

I would agree with the OP about if the results don't changes next year, and the year after, I'm going to rethink this. If he needs to go at that point, I'll admit I was wrong, and help usher him out the door to the extent possible.

Did you help usher KOK out teh door?
I don't think there would be much of a difference. KF is still the head coach in both scenarios. This is KF's offense and KF's defense. The names underneath him are interchangeable.

You can't possibly think this. The offenses look nothing alike, except when they randomly pull out the play action bootlegs (like they have recently).

This is EXACTLY what Davis was running at Texas after VY went pro. I also don't think it's any coincidence that Texas has had exactly ONE 1,000 yard rusher (excluding Young) since Cedric Benson left. And since Jamaal Charles went pro, Texas didn't have ANYONE rush for more than 592 yards in a season.

Tell me how that sounds ANYTHING like KOK's offense?
GD has called a KoK offense more and more towards the end of the season. I noticed this, and actually asked Hawkeye Game Film about it. He agreed. I'm an amateur, he knows what he is talking about. I think the answer to the question is more about talent level and execution, rather than who is OC and what plays are being called.

I would agree with the OP about if the results don't changes next year, and the year after, I'm going to rethink this. If he needs to go at that point, I'll admit I was wrong, and help usher him out the door to the extent possible.

That's true, lately. It's also no coincidence that the offense has looked better when doing that. The thing is, they don't stick with it. They run KOK stuff for awhile, have reasonable success with it, then go away from it for 20 minutes.
This entire thread except for a select few are proof that most fans have no clue what they're talking about.
Would have won ISU
Would have won CMU
Would have won Indiana
Would have won Purdue

That looks like 8-2 (4-2) and still controlling our own destiny to get to Indy. I hope all you idiots that were hell bent on getting KOK out of here are satisfied.

Incredible ..... It would be possible to be 8-2 and be very mediocre. there is a LOT of room upside with this team...through bad...up to mediocre...to average to above average.... a
I don't think there would be much of a difference. KF is still the head coach in both scenarios. This is KF's offense and KF's defense. The names underneath him are interchangeable.

7-5. Wins over ISU, CMU and Purdue. Possibly Indiana as well.
My preseason thoughts were that this team had 6-7 win floor with O'Keefe and 3-4 win floor with GD.

As the last defender of JVB standing, the kid IS NOT AS BAD AS HE LOOKS. Yes, McNutt helped a lot last season, but JVB threw 25 TDs against 7 picks last year. That is precisely the boring, average QB play we need to win 7 or 8 games. And we saw some glimpses from the youngster in 2010 at Columbus with the great TD pass in a narrow window and the TD pass that Terry S dropped. The raw talent is there, but GD has completely put this offense in reverse with the new routes and independent reads that the recievers appear to be making on many plays (sorry, but there is no way JVB is so inaccurate that he misses several passes a game by 5+ yards - he and the receivers are on totally different pages at least 25% of the time it seems).

And my Monday Morning QB take is that Davis's offense with these multiple reads is exacerbating JVB's locking on problem because he doesn't know what the primary receiver is going to do and if he looks him off he has no idea where the secondary receivers are or what routes they are running. I'll give Davis a pass due to the injuries because the o-line looks bad right now and the RB situation is grim, but O'Keefe actually managed injuries fairly well and I don't think that even with the injuries he loses to Indiana and Purdue.

From a purely technical perspective and assuming away the problems caused by GD's failure to stretch defenses with anything remotely deep, I do think Davis has a good offensive strategy, but the problem with it is that it is not suited for the college game where you have significant year over year turnover and limited practice time. In other words, the pass plays seem to me to be better suited for the NFL with a highly skilled and intelligent QB who has worked with his receivers and coaches for countless hours. The strategy simply asks far too much of college kids.

For all of the crap O'Keefe got, he did understand the virtues of a more limited playbook with more focus on execution and I think that strategy won a ton of games for us not because the O'Keefe offenses were high powered, but they often converted a few key third downs late and could change field position, which played into the macro strategy of running the team. Obviously, the downside to using O'Keefe's philosophy is that we became easier to game plan and for defenses to execute against us. But right now the offensive coaching looks so bad that defenses don't even need to really execute against us because we shoot ourselves in the foot. Norm used to defend his bend but don't break defense on the basis of "well, there aren't a lot of college QBs who can consistently beat you on drives where they have to make several good passes in order to score so we will defend against the big play and make that QB really work to beat us" and he was right (save for Northwestern) and then of course we get an offensive coordinator who has built a strategy that is built precisely on an expectation that the QB is going to have to go something like 7 out of 10 or better EVERY FREAKING DRIVE in order for our offense to score. It makes no sense and is completely counter to what I think Kurt's macro philosophy is.

Sorry for the rant.
That's true, lately. It's also no coincidence that the offense has looked better when doing that. The thing is, they don't stick with it. They run KOK stuff for awhile, have reasonable success with it, then go away from it for 20 minutes.

That early TD against Indiana was KOK's playbook. Then, GD put it away.


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