What if Iowa lost to Purdue today?


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about this alot while drinking coffee this morning. If Iowa loses to Purdue today what then:

-Alllll the KF apologists should run for cover because it would be absolute proof this train done left the tracks of success that it built.

-Iowa's mediocre recruiting classes go from mediocre to abyssmal under a KF regime and we enter the dark years again.

-We become the laughing stock of the Big Ten and the coaching staff does too...with whispers from opposing coaching staffs that our guys are stale, senile and don't get that to win in college football these days you have to score about 30 pts EACH AND EVERY GAME.

Your thoughts?
I guess you could take a page from all the KF haters and say "We should beat Purdue. No exceptions." I do agree we "should" beat Purdue. If we don't it just gives more credence to the fact that it's time to make a change.
Im hoping Hawkeye fans don't become "fair weather". Many had low expectations this season. We seemed to show some bright spots and some expected us to roll. This team and this season is unpredictable. We could win the next 3 or lose them. Some already are looking to next season.
I want to see this team defy the popular thought and win out and go 8-4 and pull a typical well prepared KF bowl win and end the season on a high note and keep the momentum rolling into next season.
I started this thread because I can't even IMAGINE losing today. Unlike others I think there is ZERO chance we come out flat...we've done nothing in 2 years to take anyone for granted....that's why losing today to a starting line-up of 14 freshmen would be devastating IMO and is akin to the "seventh sign" that the end is near. I'd like to see 7-5 with just one upset this year followed by an even better year next year.
I have a feeling that win or lose the KF haters will be dominating the discussions today after the game. Just remember how bad it was after the Northwestern game, the melt downs were so bad you would have thought they lost the game.

But if they lose to Purdue today I know I will need a place to vent. I will not be happy at all.
I think that a dominating 23-7 win today is good. If everyone plays up to their ability this should be one the Hawks lead from start to finish. We should come out defensively to crush their will early and often.
I have a feeling that win or lose the KF haters will be dominating the discussions today after the game. Just remember how bad it was after the Northwestern game, the melt downs were so bad you would have thought they lost the game.

But if they lose to Purdue today I know I will need a place to vent. I will not be happy at all.

I think that a dominating 23-7 win today is good. If everyone plays up to their ability this should be one the Hawks lead from start to finish. We should come out defensively to crush their will early and often.

And at the same time the offense needs to play with uptempo but not scared or urgent. The offense needs to be crisp and have the idea of dominating.

If the hawks can get on a roll and be up 17-0 or so in the second qtr then this is a game to put them away as early as possible.

I think the hawks should be able to dominate like stanford did against Oregon, just two lesser teams playing today. Run the ball hard and tough, hit some nice passes, long drives for scores, be agressive on offense and dont let this young team up off the ground.

But I dont think Iowa is that far off from being close to the top 25. Increased passing game and one notch better on defense and the hawks will be back.
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What happens if Iowa loses to Purdue? The KF apologists will say: wait 'til next year. With Ferentz, it's a cycle of success..

That's one of the problems I have with Ferentz: His cycle of success... His inability to adjust to team demands and game demands (that might garner a win on game day). If things aren't exactly as they should be... wait 'til next year or next cycle whenever things are exactly as they should be.
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on 2nd thought, I'm not sure there are enough people who still care at this point. apathy and all that.
I think losing to Purdue would cure a lot of folks apathy.

This is a bad, bad, bad team. The fact that I (like most Hawk fans) consider losing to them a realistic possibility is probably not very good commentary on the state of the program. :(

ISU would probably be a TD favorite in West Lafayette.

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