What if Football Just.... Died


Well-Known Member
Surprised I haven't seen this brought up.

Will say that having kids who also played soccer, I don't think that is the answer either as concussions happen there as well.. There are states neighboring Iowa that has trouble getting kids out at bigger schools. My own Iowa high school, a long time small school power house has gone to 8 man due to lack of kids (and a dwindling population).
I totally think the pool of players will decrease to the point where quality will slip. But I also think we've seen quality slip in baseball as well, but that is not concussion related.
I would get a lot more raking done and a lot less beer drinking if football died....Probably more visits to my in-laws, church perhaps.....;)
Maybe SI has had budget cuts. Business Insidr r had a similar article and they use a lot of 8th graders beingrecruited early tto be an intern.
If football dies it won't be because of soccer. Think of the top 20 NFL players. How many are feminine with their hair in buns? If your son is a soccer star, he wasn't gonna be the next Lawrence Taylor and won't be buying you a new mansion with his soccer earnings.
Clint Dempsey made 4.6 million dollars this year. That's more than you will make in your entire life and his parents live in a house much nicer than yours.

(spare me the lies about how you actually make $500,000 a year or whatever garbage you're thinking about typing)
In MN it's not just soccer, it's LaCrosse too. I live in a town where football has been king for a long time. 10 years ago 60 players was considered average numbers. Now the average has slipped to 45. The soccer team has 90 out this year and LaCrosse had 50. I'm not saying football will go away but they are not going to get the pick of the best athletes anymore.
Participation in high school football is down for sure but I don't believe it will ever "die". I think most of the decline is due to fewer multi-sport athletes. Kids are specializing in one sport. I don't believe that is a good thing but it's reality. At my high school, 15 years ago, we typically had 3 or 4 basketball players who started their season late because they played football. Last year we had nobody cross over from football to basketball.
In MN it's not just soccer, it's LaCrosse too. I live in a town where football has been king for a long time. 10 years ago 60 players was considered average numbers. Now the average has slipped to 45. The soccer team has 90 out this year and LaCrosse had 50. I'm not saying football will go away but they are not going to get the pick of the best athletes anymore.

At a number of high schools, soccer is getting more out. I watched some video of my Iowa High School online. I was shocked at the lack of athleticism with a lot of really chubby kids. Soccer is made for the 5-10 160 pound athlete.

Lacrosse = Soccer with clubs.
If football dies it won't be because of soccer. Think of the top 20 NFL players. How many are feminine with their hair in buns? If your son is a soccer star, he wasn't gonna be the next Lawrence Taylor and won't be buying you a new mansion with his soccer earnings.

I don't think the article was about football v soccer. But since you brought it up.... Btw, the list of highest paid world athletes 2016. The football listed is the round one.
Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary/Winnings Endorsements
1 Cristiano Ronaldo Football Portugal $88 million $56 million $32 million
2 Lionel Messi Football Argentina $81.4 million $53.4 million $28 million
3 LeBron James Basketball United States $77.2 million $23.2 million $54 million
4 Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $67.8 million $7.8 million $60 million
5 Kevin Durant Basketball United States $56.2 million $20.2 million $36 million
6 Novak Djokovic Tennis Serbia $55.8 million $21.8 million $34 million
7 Cam Newton American football United States $53.1 million $41.1 million $12 million
8 Phil Mickelson Golf United States $52.9 million $2.9 million $50 million
9 Jordan Spieth Golf United States $52.8 million $20.8 million $32 million
10 Kobe Bryant Basketball United States $50 million $25 million $25 million

Most valuable sports teams:
1. Real Madrid
2. Dallas Cowboys
3. NY Yankees
4. Barcelona
5. Manchester United
The football vs. soccer debate gets so old. Not going to dive into it but there's a ton of people that play both and find that soccer helps them develop skill and stamina that is beneficial in other sports. It doesn't have to be about soccer replacing football, I don't see why they both can't flourish.

Iowa is one of the handful of states that has their soccer season in the spring while most states play in the fall. In Iowa, it can be very beneficial for both programs to share athletes as a great deal of the skills and talents that make a player good in one sport will also make them better in the other.
The football vs. soccer debate gets so old. Not going to dive into it but there's a ton of people that play both and find that soccer helps them develop skill and stamina that is beneficial in other sports. It doesn't have to be about soccer replacing football, I don't see why they both can't flourish.

Iowa is one of the handful of states that has their soccer season in the spring while most states play in the fall. In Iowa, it can be very beneficial for both programs to share athletes as a great deal of the skills and talents that make a player good in one sport will also make them better in the other.

When I think of mutual benefit, I think about Tavian Banks. http://qctimes.com/sports/football/...cle_bba3bcfe-2e04-11de-a3d1-001cc4c03286.html

The article doesn't make the case for one or the other. As a parent of soccer and football players, I don't see soccer as a lot safer. Aside from my boys injuries, I also have a very bad knee due to soccer. The day before my knee injury I kicked a 48 yard field goal with room to spare at a major college stadium at a kids/dads day using a 1-2-plant form. Now I can't do an extra point.

For anyone who has ever played soccer, the correlation between femininity and masculinity is just stupid and those people are not looking under helmets (and some of the Goldilocks stick out of helmets. You have to be in much better shape to play soccer effectively than football. Chubby and slow boys who get winded doing a 60 yard sprint don't play soccer much.
Chubby and slow boys don't play much at the varsity or club soccer level and if so their teams are garbage.
If football dies out for whatever reason there will be some sporting or challenge type event to fill the void. It would involve teams, some contact, speed, a lot of strategy, but no head hunting concussions. That sounds like baseball to a degree and basketball but baseball needs to do something even more to speed up the game and I still say most teams in the NBA play some bad form of basketball as far as shooting, ball movement and defense.

Lacrosse could meet these requirements.
Most articles are supposed to be written at an 8th grade level so maybe that's it.
Well, how would most sports 'fans' understand it, if it wasn't? Most on this site don't have the attention span to read more than 30 words at a time...........

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