Football is never going to completely die but I can see it fading away in high school sports, at least for the smaller schools. The injury risks are too high, more and more parents are encouraging kids to participate in other sports.
I think there's a sports bubble overall but it's due to economics more so than anything. With all the stadiums being built all over the place and money that's thrown around there's just a line in the sand of what people are going to be willing to pay to go. I think TV money is going to change in the sense that the shift from the package deals the Dishes and cable provide are beginning to go towards ala cart more. Thank the internet for that. But it'll come to a head eventually. Not sure how soon but it will.
I hope soccer don't get much bigger. It's so dang boring. I wouldn't let my kids play cause I don't want anything to do with it. The only thing it's good for is getting a tan. They already have a sport where all you do is run around and that's track. Soccer is a team version of golf. Maybe golf would be more fun if they had them run... Naw...