What I Don't Like About This Site


Active Member
This is what I don't like about this site.

At the other sites, once I am signed in, I am signed in for weeks. Here, I have to sign in every single time before I post something.

Then, after I sign in and try to post something, (when I click on "Submit Reply") it is like I have timed out or something, and it asks me to sign in a second time (even though I just signed in).

I am, thus, not a big fan of having to sign in twice every time I want to post something. Therefore, I find myself posting a lot more at the other sites.
Do you have cookies disabled? It could be that is your problem. I sign in and rarely do I ever sign in again, only when I clean up my history and delete cookies.
i never have to sign in mark keep signed in...i don't even know the last time i had to sign in on this computer. enable cookies will do the trick sir
Same as above, I am always signed in. I don't even know if I remember my password anymore.
Unless you are clearing your internet history frequently because you dont want your wife to catch you looking at porn you shouldnt have to sign in everytime
As the others has suggested, this is an issue on your computer set up. You need to go in and allow this site to place cookies on your computer. That is how it remembers you. I log into the site each day from at least five different devices...and I never have to sign back in.
You can do that?

Get the Google Chrome browser. Go to the wrench icon in the upper right, and select "New incognito window." No saved cookies, no history, etc.

Internet Explorer 8 also has this feature. Go to the Tools menu and select "InPrivate Browsing."

Don't think this will leave no trace of your activities, however. If you work in a place with content filtering, the filter probably keeps a record of where you go. Your computer won't keep a history, but the filter, your ISP, the Feds, and Google know where you have been.
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As the others has suggested, this is an issue on your computer set up. You need to go in and allow this site to place cookies on your computer. That is how it remembers you. I log into the site each day from at least five different devices...and I never have to sign back in.
Thanks for the quick response. My computer has always been set to accept cookies, so changing my cookies settings does not solve my problem. For whatever it is worth, I am using a Mac and my browser is Safari. And, again, I don't ever have this problem with any other website that I go to, including Rivals and Scout. So, I am still perplexed.
Thanks for the quick response. My computer has always been set to accept cookies, so changing my cookies settings does not solve my problem. For whatever it is worth, I am using a Mac and my browser is Safari. And, again, I don't ever have this problem with any other website that I go to, including Rivals and Scout. So, I am still perplexed.

Are you making sure the "remember me" box is checked when you log in?
I have a similar problem. I get to the forums via a bookmark and and not signed in, then when I click a link to enter a thread I am signed in. So I don't have to sign in, I have to "advance" a page for it to sign me in automatically. Now if I use a link to back to the thread list, I stay signed in, but if I go back via clicking back, or using a hotkey, I am not signed in anymore. It isn't a huge problem, but it is annoying.

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