What Happens When Ferentz is Done at Iowa?

Who Will be the Next Iowa Football Coach?

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Ferentz was an "unknown" to most people.

Unknown, he was definitely unknown as a D1 head coaching prospect.

And remember he coached the first two years at Iowa without a signed contract, just a handshake and a paycheck. That was gutty on KFs part 'knowing' he could get the job done.

One could say that Iowa has had 3 really good decades of football out of the last 60 years.

Evy's career, Fry from 81-97 minus a few years, and KF from 2001-2011. Even if Iowa went after the best coaches available when an opening comes up they might still miss on the hire. But I think the chances of keeping the winning ways is better hiring a proven BCS or mid-major coach than the unproven types like the mid-60's to late 70's.
You never answered my question, doosh.

How many times has Iowa finished in the bottom 10 of the country in offense during the KF era?

Nah, it's funner just to mess with you and watch you cry.

You always know you got em when they resort to name calling. Disappointing to be sure, but I'm getting used to it unfortunately.

Nah, it's funner just to mess with you and watch you cry.

You always know you got em when they resort to name calling. Disappointing to be sure, but I'm getting used to it unfortunately.


Exactly. You just throw **** against the wall in pretty much all of your points against KF.

Without looking, I am going to guess last year was the only season Iowa finished in the bottom 10 in the nation in offense under KF.
These are the end of year rankings for total offense for the Hawkeyes since 2004 (as far as ESPN goes back):

2004: 83
2005: 27
2006: 32
2007: 105
2008: 48
2009: 83
2010: 52
2011: 62
2012: 116

Exactly one season in the bottom 10 of the nation. It's possible 1999 or 2000 could have finished there as well but I wouldn't bet on it. Both 2001 and 2002 led the Big 10 in scoring and while the 2003 offense was by no means prolific, it certainly wasn't bottom 10 in the nation bad.

Imagine that, Freed has no clue what he is talking about when ripping on Ferentz.

It is sofa king played out.
I'm saying a mid level BCS coach, or better. Iowa is much more attractive than many posters want to admit. We aren't Alabama, but we aren't ISU either
If Barta is still there and KF ends up on a high or at least respectable note I could see Brian getting the job. If however there are losing records his last 1-2 years or there's a different AD around at that time they're going to want to make a signature hire on their own whomever that might be at the time. One of the Fry disciples could very well want a chance to come back to IC. Whoever that might be is up for grabs.
If Barta is still here when that time comes then pretty sure it will be like his first basketball hire...a disaster. Although, I've heard he is a big fan of Mark Farley at UNI and the way he knows Iowa and runs that program is a draw for Barta.
20+ posts deep and no one has mentioned Bobby Diaco.........wasn't he the rage just 3-4 mos. ago? Good gawd, I just use the word " rage" like a goofy 20 something......I am turning into a aging hipster.:(
I don't think Barta will be around too long after Sally rides into the sunset, so IMO, the situation is kind of fluid. With that said...
I don't think you'd get a big time BCS coach to come here, mainly due to not being able to recruit at a top level consistently. Unless, it's an Iowa boy coming home (ie. Beils or a Stoops type). Personally I'd prefer to get a proven coach to help keep Iowa as much of a top tier school.
I think they'll likely hire an assistant from a BCS school who may work out well enough.
Unfortunately, if it is Barta doing it, I think he'll go the mid-major route. Unless you hit a gem, it's not likely to turn out.
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These are the end of year rankings for total offense for the Hawkeyes since 2004 (as far as ESPN goes back):

2004: 83
2005: 27
2006: 32
2007: 105
2008: 48
2009: 83
2010: 52
2011: 62
2012: 116

Exactly one season in the bottom 10 of the nation. It's possible 1999 or 2000 could have finished there as well but I wouldn't bet on it. Both 2001 and 2002 led the Big 10 in scoring and while the 2003 offense was by no means prolific, it certainly wasn't bottom 10 in the nation bad.

Imagine that, Freed has no clue what he is talking about when ripping on Ferentz.

It is sofa king played out.

I had no clue what I was talking about. Dumb a-- statement. Didn't everybody know that Iowa has only finished in the bottom ten offenses once?????? The reason I didn't answer you the first time is because you called me a name. Really bright of you to expect someone to answer you after you call them a name.

If your above numbers are correct, Iowa has averaged 67.55 in offense over those 9 seasons. That sucks! But you'll say I don't know what I'm talking about.

You are false, terribly false, when you say I don't know what I am talking about when I am critical of ferentz.

Gee, look at that. You've called me countless names and I didn't call you one.



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