What Ferentz said re: Robinson two weeks ago


Robinson was suspended from the team earlier this month by Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz. Here is what Ferentz said related to Robinson at that time:

Q. Do you expect Adam back?

COACH FERENTZ: That's a personal conversation. But my anticipation is he'll be back here in January.

Q. (Question regarding Adam's situation.)

COACH FERENTZ: We had an incident a week ago, I think that's welldocumented what that was all about. My sense again, I don't go on the message boards, my sense from the feedback I've gotten, a lot of people have lumped all three players together. It sounds like the number is bigger than three. If that is accurate, then that's news to me.

As I think Gary said earlier, we don't anticipate anything or announcements on arrests. We expect the rest of the players to go down to the bowl and expect them to practice and compete well.

Then this regarding Robinson: “Adam Robinson is a good guy. He just has not been taking care of business the way I expect him to. It’s a simple equation. He got to the point. He was approaching that point a couple weeks ago, as evidenced in the Ohio State game, him not participating at the front end. In my estimation, he wasn’t learning fast enough from that point on. To the best of my knowledge, he’ll be eligible for the game unless he fails to take his finals. I don’t anticipate that. It’s not a matter of eligibility. It’s a matter of him following up the way I feel he should.â€￾
It was drug related when Ferentz talked about him at the press conference. I said it than and was called out. Now, you know that it was. To bad, good talent
KF = Obi Wan
This is sad. You would think these kids would take the much needed discipline and guidance provided to play ball and use it to try and take it to the next level. Football is the last stop for some of these kids- if they F up, its the military or prison. If the Hawks blow the bowl game tonight, it will be one the most disappointing seasons in Iowa Football history. I am ready to put this season behind us and look forward to what Capt'n Kirk and the staff can put together for next season. The only positive I see is after this year, expectations will be lower than usual and it will give the Hawks a chance to raise some eyebrows. It seems like we always perform better as an underdog or with little expectations. Go Hawks!
I remember during the 2009 season thinking, "How are we gonna get Wegher, Robinson and Hampton enough carries to keep them content over the next two years?" Wow, how things change!
I hope so. I think he is a good FB player but this s--- needs to end.
What's wrong with fixing the problem instead of throwing the s--- to the curb? This is slippery slope for this kid if he does not get help now. Give the situation some time, Arob can be a success story, not a what if story.
What's wrong with fixing the problem instead of throwing the s--- to the curb? This is slippery slope for this kid if he does not get help now. Give the situation some time, Arob can be a success story, not a what if story.

I wish the young man all the success in the world and yes,this is a minimal offense. However, his behavior is not indicative of someone who wants to be a part of the Iowa FB team. I hope he has a successful career at another school. I think a change of venue is needed for him. After what the staff and team has been through over the past month, this is inexcusable.
Iowa was the best chance ARob had to play D1 football..too bad HE blew it. He's a selfish individual that let down the team just like DJK. Has nothing to do with talent....but has everything to do with pride and commitment.

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