What every fan likes to hear from a new commit!

And for the record, I don't expect Iowa to compete for national titles either.

But everything in that post is everything ISU fans say about Iowa.

Your not foolin anyone.

Wait you seriously are saying I'm a clone fan? I'm more of a hawkeye fan than you could ever be. I just see things without my black and gold glasses. Never once did i bash anything about hawks. I just pointed out facts. When were the last time schools like Wiscy, Illinois, Kansas, Kstate, auburn, Wake forest Mich state, and BC were winning or competing for national titles. Saying that our recruiting class is better than another schools recruiting class just because they had more BCS offers is like saying that our OOC schedule is better than OSU's or PSU just because we play 2 BCS schools
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So, was the whole purpose of this thread to show Iowa fans that Cyclone fans can now sleep better at nite because a kid stated he wanted to be at ISU over all those big names? I mean, really... good job, hopefully he works out... you got a recruit that wanted to be at ISU- can this thread be over already?!
Wait you seriously are saying I'm a clone fan? I'm more of a hawkeye fan than you could ever be. I just see things without my black and gold glasses. Never once did i bash anything about hawks. I just pointed out facts. When were the last time schools like Wiscy, Illinois, Kansas, Kstate, auburn, Wake forest Mich state, and BC were winning or competing for national titles. Saying that our recruiting class is better than another schools recruiting class just because they had more BCS offers is like saying that our OOC schedule is better than OSU's or PSU just because we play 2 BCS schools

Do you have any idea what I'm talking about when I say ISU should be competing against BCS schools?

Iowa does that, they don't win many against USC, Florida and Alabama, but the teams who they compete against (Wisconsin,Illinois,Michigan, Michigan State, and other schools of that caliber).

If you look at the offer lists of the recruits from this years class, and last years, it certainly reflects that.

Your taking what I said and giving an extreme example.

Nowhere did I say Iowa or ISU should be competing against the blue bloods of college football for recruits.

Like I said, you don't seem to comprehend very well.
So, was the whole purpose of this thread to show Iowa fans that Cyclone fans can now sleep better at nite because a kid stated he wanted to be at ISU over all those big names? I mean, really... good job, hopefully he works out... you got a recruit that wanted to be at ISU- can this thread be over already?!

And he wanted to be at ISU because they wre really his only decent offer. (and decent is being kind)

Bragging about a juco kid that nobody wanted...congrats.
ISU also had a good number of recruits with strong offers as per Rivals, many of them being from BCS schools:

Jared Barnett - Houston, Kansas State

Adrian Bennett - Minnesota

Jeremiah George - Kansas, SMU, Colorado State, UCF

Bob Graham - Kansas, Kansas State, Louisville, Air Force, Colorado State

Duran Hollis - Iowa, Baylor, Houston, UTEP

Shontrelle Johnson - Georgia Tech, Kentucky, Northwestern, Memphis, Vanderbilt

Floyd Mattison - Oklahoma State, TCU, Houston

Jarvis West - Nebraska, Syracuse, Mississippi

Chris Young - Kansas State, Southern Miss, UAB

Southern Miss, UAB, SMU, Memphis, UTEP, Air Force and Colorado Stae...thats good company :rolleyes:

This year...

Brock Dagel - Zero offers besides ISU
Jevohn Miller - Zero offers besides ISU
Darian Cotton - Zero offes besides ISU
David Irving - Colorado State and Nevada
Kyle Boyd- Lousiania Monroe (didn't know that school exsit), Texas San An and Wyoming.
Teddy Lampkin a 5'7 Wr from Omaha that runs a 4.6... with an offer from KSU (grant that is a BCS offer, and a good one)

Jared Brackens - Minnesota and UTEP

All I'm saying is, if that was Iowa's 2011 class thus far, I would be pretty concerned.

Iowa gets under the radar kids, but we get our fair share of kids with good offers.
Last year's Rival's recruiting rankings:

Iowa #42
ISU #60

Really not that big of a difference...and one would expect Iowa to have a better recruiting year in 2010 based on ISU having a new coach, coming off a 2-10 season...Iowa was coming off a BCS year and a win over Georgia Tech.
So the rating difference seems pretty moderate to me.

ISU had a high rating because they had two JUCO 4 stars, both of which had crummy offers.

Take those away and ISU is near the bottom.

There was post on HR last year that actually mathematically proved this. Without those two, ISU was WAY down.
ISU had a high rating because they had two JUCO 4 stars, both of which had crummy offers.

Take those away and ISU is near the bottom.

There was post on HR last year that actually mathematically proved this. Without those two, ISU was WAY down.

agreed. look at their 'star rankings' based on kids coming out of high school and it ain't pretty....
tigger -

You're being a bit harsh concerning USC. While it's true that USC's athletes aren't always necessarily strong academically, USC is a much better academic institution than you're giving them credit. They have an excellent, well-endowed film school and they have a pretty darn good math department too. The applied math people there tried to lure me in there for a post-doc eons ago ... I came away from the place rather impressed.

You misinterpreted my post. I was NOT dissing USC as an academic institution in the broader perspective. I was specifically directing my harsh criticism to the FACT that the football program not only makes excessive demands of time, energy on players, but actively discourage them from taking more demanding courses, clearly indicate to them that "outside interests" (such as academic goals) can jeopardize their prospects of playing time, and are insistent that players once on campus must make football the all-consuming priority.

Of course there are other programs, basketball as well as football, where this indictment applies. But there are few, if any, that are well-endowed prestigious private major research universities comparable to Southern Cal.

Incidentally, while USC's film programs are excellent, that is primarily true of the production side, far less so for film studies/film criticism students, at both the undergraduate & graduate levels. One of my daughters (teaches film at Queens College, Belfast, Northern Ireland) is a doctoral candidate at Trinity in Dublin, has her MA from Iowa, MFA from U of British Columbia; she chose Iowa over USC, tells me that the best program in the nation is New York University, consider(ed) Ohio U and the U of GA better alternatives from the student's perspective than USC, and even in the Hollywood vicinity she gave more consideration to the U of Cal-Noridge than to USC.

But you certainly are correct that the school is a top-flight academic institution. Just not a place well-suited to be a student as well as an athlete. It was my firm impression that USC resembled the U of Michigan with its notorious separate school for "sports management", not structurally but even more acutely an environment discouraging "student-athletes" from working at being students as well as athletes.
I am mentally exhausted after that post
Do you have any idea what I'm talking about when I say ISU should be competing against BCS schools?

Iowa does that, they don't win many against USC, Florida and Alabama, but the teams who they compete against (Wisconsin,Illinois,Michigan, Michigan State, and other schools of that caliber).

If you look at the offer lists of the recruits from this years class, and last years, it certainly reflects that.

Your taking what I said and giving an extreme example.

Nowhere did I say Iowa or ISU should be competing against the blue bloods of college football for recruits.

Like I said, you don't seem to comprehend very well.

All you are saying is that you look at recruits by who has offered them. Which is the dumbest way to evaluate talent. I'm so glad that you are not a coach of any college sports team cause you my friend would fail badly. You would probably recruit the way Bret B at wiscy does by just waiting for a school to offer and then jumping on board after that recruit.
Its information about a team that is not only a rival of Iowa's, but an instate rival. Recruiting at ISU is, by any measure, relevant to to Iowa...and more generally, to Iowans. Believe it or not, there are a few on this site who are...like myself...fans of both teams.
Either you are talking about having a career a REALLY long time ago, or you are lying.

USC has become one of the top colleges in the country. Their admission standards are now on par with UCLA, Stanford, and Cal. They are currently ranked number 26 on the list of national universities, which puts them ahead of every Big Ten School (except Northwestern), and right behind Stanford, Cal, and UCLA.

I went to Cal. I had a girlfriend who graduated from USC law and several family members who went to University of California schools, and USC. I know the standard of education at USC and the other schools and I would not hesitate sending my kid to USC. And yes, it is light years ahead of ISU, and Iowa - where I attended grad school and taught lower and upper division courses. Believe me you can't do half of the stuff they do in an undergraduate class at Iowa that you can do at USC. Now, that being said, at 71 Iowa is still a lot better than the majority of division one schools. But you just cannot compare it favorably to USC.

Seriously, calling USC a football factory that doesn't care about academics is just so idiotic it is comical.

Apparently despite your illustrious educational preparation and that of your girl friend, friends, family dog, whoever, you seem not to have mastered simple reading comprehension.

NO WHERE, NO TIME in my post here or any where else have I suggested that Southern Cal is not an excellent academic & research university, that attracts top quality students (especially to its undergraduate schools).

(In another post on this topic I compared USC to the U of Michigan as another example of an outstanding, prestigious academic & research university that has allowed its athletic dept to operate as a virtually autonomous seperate entity, beyond the oversight and control of the academic administration and influence of the faculty; admittedly, the notorious "sports management school" at Michigan was structurally more independent of the academic administration that at USC--but in practice there may be as little or even less actual constraints.)

When you learn to read well enough to understand what is there in the actuall written words you will discover that what I said is that the USC's athletic department runs a "football factory" --and has for years.

What I very clearly & explicitly said was that the Trojan football program is conducted in a manner that makes it very difficult for a student-athlete to be a student as well as a football player. If living in California or even just rreading the LA newspapers wasn't enough to learn this notorious fact than I recommend you immediately give that girl friend power-of-attorney before you bankrupt yourself buying orange groves in Antarctica.
Why post it here?

Good and fair question. I'll give you a good answer.

1) Because the recruiting conducted by Iowa's rivals effects Iowa, albeit indirectly, and thus is relevant.

2) Because I'm both an Iowa fan (second) and an ISU fan (first), the events at both schools are of interest to me...and though you may not feel this way...a number of Iowa fans are actually fans of both schools as well and so are interested in such stuff.

3) The topic was of "general" interest regarding how important it is that recruits genuinely commit to, and love, the school they select.

4) For a topic you think irrelevant, a 3 page response thread seems to say otherwise.

5) FYI, I didn't ONLY post it here...just posted it here "also".

Iowa's rivals are teams in the Big 10. Unless a kid has offers from Iowa and ISU, they're not competing with each other for recruits, and in most cases where that is happening, Iowa has been cleaning ISU's clock. So I don't believe that for a second. This kid (whatever his name was) commiting to ISU isn't relavent to the Iowa Hawkeyes in even the slighest sense of the word.

No it wasn't. Nobody here was interested in it before you posted, and nobody is now. You don't see Hawk fans posting the story of how DJK went to a foster family at age 10 on Cyclone Fanatic, do you? It's certainly an interesting story, but how well do you think it would be received over there?

Don't put words in my mouth.
Its information about a team that is not only a rival of Iowa's, but an instate rival. Recruiting at ISU is, by any measure, relevant to to Iowa...and more generally, to Iowans. Believe it or not, there are a few on this site who are...like myself...fans of both teams.

You keep saying that, but you don't say why. Unless Iowa had an offer out to this kid, it's not relavent to the Hawks. Not one iota.
All you are saying is that you look at recruits by who has offered them. Which is the dumbest way to evaluate talent. I'm so glad that you are not a coach of any college sports team cause you my friend would fail badly. You would probably recruit the way Bret B at wiscy does by just waiting for a school to offer and then jumping on board after that recruit.

Mac do you really sit down and watch video of every potential recruit to judge how good they are? I'm guessing being that all of us are fans, and not recruiting cordinators, we look at who has offered them to see how good they are. To say that it is dumb for a fan to look at who offered them to judge talent, is dumb. Maybe if he was a coach and used that to evaluate but hes not, and I find it hard to believe you don't look at offers and stars either, and if you have time to watch videos of every potential recruit and break them down play by play, than more power to you, and I'm not just talking about a highlight tape that shows every good play someone made, colleges like tapes of full games too, to see what that player does when he isn't the highlight real.

So again, If you do break all these players down and judge talent then I think it would be awesome if you did a yearly grading system to show up rivals, scout, and espn.
This thread has gotten out of control... it's so stupid i've got to keep coming back to read what gets posted next
Mac do you really sit down and watch video of every potential recruit to judge how good they are? I'm guessing being that all of us are fans, and not recruiting cordinators, we look at who has offered them to see how good they are. To say that it is dumb for a fan to look at who offered them to judge talent, is dumb. Maybe if he was a coach and used that to evaluate but hes not, and I find it hard to believe you don't look at offers and stars either, and if you have time to watch videos of every potential recruit and break them down play by play, than more power to you, and I'm not just talking about a highlight tape that shows every good play someone made, colleges like tapes of full games too, to see what that player does when he isn't the highlight real.

So again, If you do break all these players down and judge talent then I think it would be awesome if you did a yearly grading system to show up rivals, scout, and espn.

No i am not a judge of talent. I just think its absurd to grade a recruit based solely on his offer list. And if the poster I responded to wants to provide a good reason why we should be telling this 16 year old kid that he sucks and should never play football that does not include your offer list is not good, then please be my guess.
All you are saying is that you look at recruits by who has offered them. Which is the dumbest way to evaluate talent. I'm so glad that you are not a coach of any college sports team cause you my friend would fail badly. You would probably recruit the way Bret B at wiscy does by just waiting for a school to offer and then jumping on board after that recruit.

So you say evaluating recruits by their offers is a bad way to go about it, and then go on to name a current D1 head coach who's coming off a bowl win who does it? Seems like you defeat your own argument.

Believe it or not, when one school offers, a lot of times several others folllow up.

I'm not a D1 coach, like most fans, I don't have a whole lot else to base it off of.

You can pretend your good at evaluating film, I choose not to.

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