What comes to mind when you think of Nebraska?


Well-Known Member
I'll go first:

1.) That boring thing you have to endure when you're in a hurry to ski or buy pot-brownies.

2.) Tom Kelly's Bowling Pro Shops
-These establishments and their commercials define Nebraska. Genuine. Authentic. Bona fide. Nebraska.

3.) Marlin Perkins of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom

4.) Council Bluffs (sorry, Hawk fans who live there)

5.) Sandhill cranes
-Several of them, but they too get bored and leave

6.) Irrigation pivots
-I guess legit corn can't grow without these

7.) Top-notch volleyball

8.) Wahoo and Ogallala
-Oooooh-eeeee, ooh-ahh-ahhh! Wahoo, Ogallala bing-bang!

9.) Somevomitand Puh
-Dirtiest player in the NFL

10.) Richie Incognito
-If your last name is Incognito, you sure as hell don't name your kid Richie. No wonder he's pi$$ed.

11.) Holy Dick, aka Christian Peter and Lawrence Phillips
-Exemplary, upstanding Nebraska student-athletes

12.) Big 12 North Championships! National Championships!! Big 10 Championship...expectations!!!

13.) Talent
-Not actual talent. Just the word 'talent'.

14.) Bo Pelini (adolescent punk)

15.) Dahorny Pierson-Gal
-We all know she gets around, especially if you punt it to her. I kid. Hope he's back next year.

16.) Tom Osborne
-Nice man and great coach...from the past.

17.) Mike Riley
-Nice man...presently.

18.) Rosenblatt Stadium
-Like the Blackshirts, something once good that no longer exists.

19.) 41 Chin-Ups! Imani Cross can do 41 chin-ups!! Therefore, he'll be an All-American!!! So lets do a 3-hour radio show in June about it!!!!

20.) Soooooo! Iiiiiiiiiiiin! Breh-ehhhhhd! So! In! Bred!
-Why do they yell this? Are they all related? I don't get it.

Funny list! People say that there is nothing in Iowa, but NE takes that to a whole new level. That state is flat and dull. And the football ain't even very good.

Damn....there is no freaking money here and the Nebraska Football team really sucks now and days.


And the Hawks are #3 in the Nation in 2015!!!!! Geez I remember the days when I had to walk home from school in snow this deep and Nebraska won National Titles. Not so much anymore. **** this state, take me home son!!!!!!


Gun it son! Get me the **** out of here!!!!
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  • johnny rodgers the gas station robber.
  • Christian Peter...rape, drugs, all within the seeing eyes of Osborne.
  • Lawrence Phillips, i will handle it Osborne
And the list goes on right Tommy?

Damn....there is no freaking money here and the Nebraska Football team really sucks now and days.


And the Hawks are #3 in the Nation in 2015!!!!! Geez I remember the days when I had to walk home from school in snow this deep and Nebraska won National Titles. Not so much anymore. **** this state, take me home son!!!!!!

Ha! That old dude is the same actor who shot John Wayne in the movie Cowboys. I'm still upset about that one.
God making it slightly too boring of a trip to endure more than a few times a year otherwise I'd spend all my life's savings in Colorado so thank you god for Nebraska
I think in my lifetime that 1981 season and the 10-7 win. I was just becoming aware of football as life, but that was the start of all this....where we are today as a program...didn't matter that it was nebraska..although at the time it was like a win over alabama or notre dame would mean to our program now...that 81 team was excellent...but it was Nebraska that was the team we beat that signaled the new Era of iowa football. Thanks for standing on the tracks that day Nebraska.
The number 10.

When I went to college in Nebraska, we called the typical Nebraska couple a 10. The guy is really skinny and the woman is really fat, so together, they look like the number 10.

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