What are you going to do with your Music City Bowl T-Shirt?

There's a 3rd world country that will take them. 2019 Super Bowl champ 49ers, 2020 Big 12 conference football champs Iowa St. Cyclones, etc......you know some underprivileged kid in one of these countries will be rockin 'Iowa v. Missouri Music City bowl' t-shirts in about 2 weeks.
There's a 3rd world country that will take them. 2019 Super Bowl champ 49ers, 2020 Big 12 conference football champs Iowa St. Cyclones, etc......you know some underprivileged kid in one of these countries will be rockin 'Iowa v. Missouri Music City bowl' t-shirts in about 2 weeks.

It will be much longer than 2 weeks. Global supply chains are at the breaking point right now because of shutdowns associated with The Germ. Maybe by summer those kids in Burkina Faso will get those shirts, but not before then.
I'll keep it for when ESPN makes a 30 For 30 about the greatest game never played. When they show the T-shirt on TV, and you know they will, I'll proudly stand up and say to my wife "See honey, I told you it wasn't a waste of money!" At which point she'll respond "Well, someone might actually recognize it if you hadn't worn it everyday for the last two years."