What a waste of time is correct kirk.

Fire him now. He has never been worse than he is right now. Saying things are basically the same as when he got here.

This whole fiasco of a presser (while probably not KF idea) seems like a grounds for dismissal....truly out of touch and more importantly, he's ignoring any real rationale for future excitement or changes...other than we got to try a bit harder.
I wonder if Fran makes the tourney this year if he doesn't check out jobs elsewhere.. When the guy that hired you may not be around much longer due the stupidity surrounding the fb program.

Somebody tell Ferentz this could've happen to him. That press conference was brutal and entertaining all at the same time.
I work in corporate communications and marketing and this press conference was a COMPLETE waste of time. Pointless. The release of the 2-deep depth chart ... Today's presser ... Complete waste of time and 2 forced items that someone told Kirk he needs to do to keep the pitchforks away.

In reality, today's press conference will only create MORE negative reaction from fans. Wow, I wonder who makes these ill-advised decisions. This entire "thing" we call Iowa football is a disaster ... in every way.

Holy cow this will only continue to get worse. I used to make excuses for Kirk and Iowa football ... You know: "Wait until next year ..." Or, "Well, we had a young linebacking core," etc., etc. Now: No more excuses. None. Zero. The time for change, any type of change, is now. To come to your fans with a pointless press conference and offer the same 'ol, same 'ol ... when you know the vultures are circling (and righfully so) is a travesty. Holy cow ... I am so done with this coaching staff.
So Kirk is just now coming out of a 5 year haze where he only focused on fundraising and is now going to dedicate himself to being a football coach again. He's also going to ask the Packers how to play football....sweet!
The only thing that can save Kirk is CJ Beathard. If CJ transfers, Kirk is screwed and will be gone one way or another after next season.
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You and Barta are a complete waste of time. This presser fixed nothing. It just made people more mad. Less interested.

Iowa football is now really picking up some speed down the hill.

There will be no change. We hear this lie every year.

If kirk thinks his staff is good then he really is not a smart man.

come on, OTH, analyze his comments and point out the good and the bad, rather than the usual pointless bashing.
The only thing that can save Kirk is CJ Beathard. If CJ transfers, Kirk is screwed and will be gone one way or another after next season.
You are batsh*t insane if you think that CJ is the savior of this program. Go re-watch the bowl game.
come on, OTH, analyze his comments and point out the good and the bad, rather than the usual pointless bashing.

There was not one thing that he said that we needed to hear. He wont change thats if he sees it fit for him to change. He related everything to 1999. Thats where we are at? Have we paid kirk millions to bring us back to where it started?

This presser was a huge backfire. It just ****** people off. It gave no hope for better football.
I heard him convey these things.

1) we hear you
2) we're not happy either
3) we believe we have the right people
4) we recognize that we need to change what we're doing and or how we're coaching/teaching
5) I need to spend more time with the team.
6) We're open to change within the bounds of the kinds of players we get and we are always going to play defense (I think that means defense first)

that may not be what you wanted to hear or what I wanted to hear but I guess thats just tough ****.
I heard him convey these things.

1) we hear you
2) we're not happy either
3) we believe we have the right people
4) we recognize that we need to change what we're doing and or how we're coaching/teaching
5) I need to spend more time with the team.
6) We're open to change within the bounds of the kinds of players we get and we are always going to play defense (I think that means defense first)

that may not be what you wanted to hear or what I wanted to hear but I guess thats just tough ****.

I would agree with this. But I have issue with the bolded part. Kirk & staff need to do a better job improving the "kinds of players we can get". They can get the mid-level guys to Iowa if they worked harder & smarter.

And in 3 of the last 4 years (2011, 2012, & 2014) Iowa has played little to no defense. If he believes anything different that things are far worse than anybody realizes.