Whar ground breaking recruiting feature?

You still think I'm going to take your bait, don't you. How sad.

There is no bait from me Vin.....I am done with you. It is a waste of time, and I think you just are trying to draw me into this, because you are ticked that you are now banned from the OT.

Have a nice day Vintage.....
Aren't you the one who cries all the time, claiming Billso "tattled" on you to JD?

You might also want to be careful what you wish for, as I was reading that thread it is clear as to why you keep getting yourself and every alt banned from that forum. You don't have the ability to come across as a decent human being. If you want to continue to call women sluts, I will continue to tell you that if you said that to women in the presence of husbands, sons, or friends, that you would most certainly get your fat a$$ kicked. It isn't a threat, it is just a fact, as most men aren't going to stand by and watch you call their wife, mother, or friends a slut.

Could you be so kind to link the thread for the rest of us?
No fair!! I can't view teh thread in which I called every woman a slut!
Oh wait. I never did that; it was only bristol palin.
I think JD needs to reinstate everyone that was banned for one week and have a free for all :) Is Thunder still alive in that forum? Shirley, he can't be.
Repeatedly subverting the language filters is supposed to be a ban-able offense. Ima hold my breath until deano geets banned. 1.. 2 ..3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..21..21...24....25......26....30.......27....10....12..........crayon.........trik897-0...
Repeatedly subverting the language filters is supposed to be a ban-able offense. Ima hold my breath until deano geets banned. 1.. 2 ..3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..21..21...24....25......26....30.......27....10....12..........crayon.........trik897-0...

Someone call 911...and I'm going to need a breath mint...

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