We've had it backwards the whole time


Well-Known Member
The next time I hear that Iowa has "so much talent", I think I'm going to lose it. The truth is, this team doesn't have great talent, relative to so many other teams in the B1G and nationwide. The truth is, this team overachieved through the first part of this season and first 12 games of conference play. They had a good vibe and their confidence through that period carried them to the heights it did, despite their relative lack of talent not because of it.

Fran squeezed all he could out of this team to that point, based on its talent because they believed they were better than they really were. However, that can only carry you so far until the lack of talent bears its ugly head.

Some may disagree with me but let's look at this team and break down the talent. Yes, Marble is talented but who do we have other than him that really causes concern from the other teams? We have one guy who is really considered a threat from behind the 3-pt. arc, Oglesby, and it seems that every other team in the B1G has 3 or 4 better versions of JO. How about I break down some of the other players?

Gessell, despite his poor game last night is a pretty decent point. But he's just OK, not great and his shooting is just average-slightly above average.

Clemmons can play some defense but he is a below-average shooter, with a slighly awkward release.

Jok has some potential but we don't really know how that's going to work out yet.

Uthoff showed some flashes last night but he's so thin and needs to get stronger. His shooting could be good overall but is a work in progress.

White does some things well but is a below average shooter and can get shut down.

Basabe can be a defensive presence but is a below average shooter.

Olaseni-has shown a lot of improvement but his offensive game is still a work in progress.

Woody has made marginal progress from last year but has a range of 8-10 feet and is a below average shooter.

McCabe busts his butt out there and actually played well last night but is limited offensively.

Northwestern, in truth, has better shooters than we do and, in some respects, more talent.

Really, Fran got all he could get out of this average-talented team and should be praised, not criticized. Yeah, it's up to him to bring in more talent, athleticism and shooting but Rome wasn't built in a day. This program was garbage before he took it over and the progress has been uneven but he's got a good chance of getting it done. His last few gets on the recruiting trail appear to have us going in the right direction.
The next time I hear that Iowa has "so much talent", I think I'm going to lose it. The truth is, this team doesn't have great talent, relative to so many other teams in the B1G and nationwide. The truth is, this team overachieved through the first part of this season and first 12 games of conference play. They had a good vibe and their confidence through that period carried them to the heights it did, despite their relative lack of talent not because of it.

Fran squeezed all he could out of this team to that point, based on its talent because they believed they were better than they really were. However, that can only carry you so far until the lack of talent bears its ugly head.

Some may disagree with me but let's look at this team and break down the talent. Yes, Marble is talented but who do we have other than him that really causes concern from the other teams? We have one guy who is really considered a threat from behind the 3-pt. arc, Oglesby, and it seems that every other team in the B1G has 3 or 4 better versions of JO. How about I break down some of the other players?

Gessell, despite his poor game last night is a pretty decent point. But he's just OK, not great and his shooting is just average-slightly above average.

Clemmons can play some defense but he is a below-average shooter, with a slighly awkward release.

Jok has some potential but we don't really know how that's going to work out yet.

Uthoff showed some flashes last night but he's so thin and needs to get stronger. His shooting could be good overall but is a work in progress.

White does some things well but is a below average shooter and can get shut down.

Basabe can be a defensive presence but is a below average shooter.

Olaseni-has shown a lot of improvement but his offensive game is still a work in progress.

Woody has made marginal progress from last year but has a range of 8-10 feet and is a below average shooter.

McCabe busts his butt out there and actually played well last night but is limited offensively.

Northwestern, in truth, has better shooters than we do and, in some respects, more talent.

Really, Fran got all he could get out of this average-talented team and should be praised, not criticized. Yeah, it's up to him to bring in more talent, athleticism and shooting but Rome wasn't built in a day. This program was garbage before he took it over and the progress has been uneven but he's got a good chance of getting it done. His last few gets on the recruiting trail appear to have us going in the right direction.

This is correct - and this is what has happened to Iowa - the big ten has figured out how to shut them down - lock down on defense. Iowa has no one - outside of Marble - who can create their own game. So lock them up on the perimeter and boom, you have what you see.
I tend to agree with this.

Just very few guys that can penetrate and create their own shot, guys that seem scared to shoot, confidence in the tank.

And the defense has been poor, combine that with teams shooting well above their avg. Things ain't good.

I love this team and I still think Fran is a solid coach. Hopefully they can miraculously find some mojo.

You just can't shoot 32% from the field and 25% from three and expect to win.
I agree with part of this, but to say Northwestern is the more talented team, I question. Given they won round 3 lets not forget that they lost the two previous meetings by, correct me if I'm wrong, 26 points each game. I think they came in to last nights game with a greater chip on their shoulder and something to prove. They beat us playing there game and I honestly think we were out coached, but I dont' think they had more talent. If they truly were a more talented team as poorly as we shot the ball I think they'd of blown us out.
I think this is a talented and deep group, but lacking in some important areas. We have good depth, but lack penetrators and guys that can consistently break a defense down off the dribble. We have good interior players but an inability to consistently feed the post. The talent IMO isn't the problem it's simply not being used to to maximize what this group is capable of.

This was by no means a shot at Fran or his system. Too many of them out there. Just simply an observation by a coach of a different sport.
I agree with part of this, but to say Northwestern is the more talented team, I question. Given they won round 3 lets not forget that they lost the two previous meetings by, correct me if I'm wrong, 26 points each game. I think they came in to last nights game with a greater chip on their shoulder and something to prove. They beat us playing there game and I honestly think we were out coached, but I dont' think they had more talent. If they truly were a more talented team as poorly as we shot the ball I think they'd of blown us out.

Northwestern is more talented in some areas, more specifically shooting. In this day and age, you have to have shooters to make it.
Northwestern did a 'Wisconsin' against us, offensively, when they attempted to drain the shot clock with every offensive possession. Last night, Iowa had a bad shooting night, granted, but Iowa's defense was the same as always.
The next time I hear that Iowa has "so much talent", I think I'm going to lose it. The truth is, this team doesn't have great talent, relative to so many other teams in the B1G and nationwide. The truth is, this team overachieved through the first part of this season and first 12 games of conference play. They had a good vibe and their confidence through that period carried them to the heights it did, despite their relative lack of talent not because of it.

Fran squeezed all he could out of this team to that point, based on its talent because they believed they were better than they really were. However, that can only carry you so far until the lack of talent bears its ugly head.

Some may disagree with me but let's look at this team and break down the talent. Yes, Marble is talented but who do we have other than him that really causes concern from the other teams? We have one guy who is really considered a threat from behind the 3-pt. arc, Oglesby, and it seems that every other team in the B1G has 3 or 4 better versions of JO. How about I break down some of the other players?

Gessell, despite his poor game last night is a pretty decent point. But he's just OK, not great and his shooting is just average-slightly above average.

Clemmons can play some defense but he is a below-average shooter, with a slighly awkward release.

Jok has some potential but we don't really know how that's going to work out yet.

Uthoff showed some flashes last night but he's so thin and needs to get stronger. His shooting could be good overall but is a work in progress.

White does some things well but is a below average shooter and can get shut down.

Basabe can be a defensive presence but is a below average shooter.

Olaseni-has shown a lot of improvement but his offensive game is still a work in progress.

Woody has made marginal progress from last year but has a range of 8-10 feet and is a below average shooter.

McCabe busts his butt out there and actually played well last night but is limited offensively.

Northwestern, in truth, has better shooters than we do and, in some respects, more talent.

Really, Fran got all he could get out of this average-talented team and should be praised, not criticized. Yeah, it's up to him to bring in more talent, athleticism and shooting but Rome wasn't built in a day. This program was garbage before he took it over and the progress has been uneven but he's got a good chance of getting it done. His last few gets on the recruiting trail appear to have us going in the right direction.

I couldn't believe when Dakich asked "who has as much talent as Iowa? Kansas.....maybe Kentucky?" Who the F in their right mind would make such an absurd comment? Fact of the matter is Iowa has a roster of relatively avg guys. That can be ok if they play as a unit; but they're not.
I tend to agree with this.

Just very few guys that can penetrate and create their own shot, guys that seem scared to shoot, confidence in the tank.

And the defense has been poor, combine that with teams shooting well above their avg. Things ain't good.

I love this team and I still think Fran is a solid coach. Hopefully they can miraculously find some mojo.

You just can't shoot 32% from the field and 25% from three and expect to win.

And that is against a garbage NW team. I mean if you can't even beat sobeldoucheky off the dribble you don't belong in D-1.
While I don't, for 1 second, believe the Dakich hype - to say that this team is without a lot of talent is crazy. The problem isn't talent. The problem relates to lack of leadership and trust in each other, imho. I'd take the Hawk's talent over NW (and many other B1G teams for that matter) any day of the week! By the same token, give me the senior leadership of an Aaron Craft (or even D Crawford for that matter) over what the Hawks have any day of the week!
50% coaching and 50% between the ears. NW can barely field a team, so no, they aren’t more talented than us. They did however execute a gameplan flawlessly and not have to adjust it the entire game.
Northwestern is more talented in some areas, more specifically shooting. In this day and age, you have to have shooters to make it.

You do realize that Northwestern is DEAD last in the Big Ten in Scoring offense, 3 point shoot %, FG % and 9th in the league in Shooting Freethrows.

So color me confused when you tell me Northwestern has more talent in SHOOTING and Scoring the ball..
I agree but I don't agree that NW has more talent than us. They simply played us at a time that we were so down because of all the loses.
You do realize that Northwestern is DEAD last in the Big Ten in Scoring offense, 3 point shoot %, FG % and 9th in the league in Shooting Freethrows.

So color me confused when you tell me Northwestern has more talent in SHOOTING and Scoring the ball..

Did you watch the game last night? I didn't say NW has more talent in all areas but anyone with eyes can see that their best 3-4 guys shooting the ball our more skilled than our best 3-4, no matter what the sometimes-misleading statistics say.
Did you watch the game last night? I didn't say NW has more talent in all areas but anyone with eyes can see that their best 3-4 guys shooting the ball our more skilled than our best 3-4, no matter what the sometimes-misleading statistics say.

I watched the game Garvey and witnessed a team that couldn't miss against Iowa. Northwestern shot 47% from 3 and my guess is they haven't shot that good in any game since the Big Ten Started.

They are not a good shooting team. Stats not misleading!!
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