Wegher rewards Iowa columnist's support with silence

try again...and read C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L-Y.

"You don't know that he wasn't going to play in front of Hampton. I'd wager that he would have, given Kirks historical tendency to go with the known over the unknown. Going into the season, Wegher/Robinson were known quantities, while Hampton was coming off a knee injury and Coker was a true freshman. You also seem to forget (or ignore, which is just as likely) that Coker broke his collarbone in camp and missed five weeks. That, plus Kirk's tendency to go with known quantity/experience over inexperience/youth would suggest that Wegher would have started over Coker as well"

It really is not that difficult to comprehend and makes a lot more sense than anything you have stated yet.

"i'd wager...."anything stating Wegher playing over Hampton is difficult to comprehend. i bet most of this msg board would feel the same
"i'd wager...."anything stating Wegher playing over Hampton is difficult to comprehend. i bet most of this msg board would feel the same

You said the same about Wegher and Robinson yet they split carries in 2009---failure #1 on your part. No one else has claimed to know exactly how the playing time would shake out, you are the only person making guarantees of how the depth chart will look the next few seasons.
You said the same about Wegher and Robinson yet they split carries in 2009---failure #1 on your part. No one else has claimed to know exactly how the playing time would shake out, you are the only person making guarantees of how the depth chart will look the next few seasons.

robinson had 10% more carries than wegher and robinson averaged almost 15% more yards per carry in 2009.

fwiw robinson was the better back and i think a healthy hampton was our best back.
I don't get what Kaldenberg's deal is. Not that this is his opinion. He's entitled to that.

What I don't get is his incessant need to state it in seemingly EVERY Wegher-related thread. Kaldenberg, we don't need to see the same material over and over again. You don't have to post your opinions on Wegher anymore: it's worst-kept secret on the entire board. I'm not sure that there's a single poster here that doesn't associate you with Wegher "hate".
robinson had 10% more carries than wegher and robinson averaged almost 15% more yards per carry in 2009.

fwiw robinson was the better back and i think a healthy hampton was our best back.

They were separated by about 20 carries for the season and Wegher did not get a carry versus UNI, almost the entire difference They rotated every other series all season when both healthy, that cannot be disputed.

Wegher also had over 300 all purpose yards in addition to his rushing total on the season and set the Iowa rushing record for touchdowns for a freshman. He also rushed for 113 yards in the Orange Bowl and was the featured back with the game on the line.
He left because he wasn't going to get more playing time? That's both unfounded and absurd.
They were separated by about 20 carries for the season and Wegher did not get a carry versus UNI, almost the entire difference They rotated every other series all season when both healthy, that cannot be disputed.

Wegher also had over 300 all purpose yards in addition to his rushing total on the season and set the Iowa rushing record for touchdowns for a freshman. He also rushed for 113 yards in the Orange Bowl and was the featured back with the game on the line.

robinson din't play at all in 2 games.... nw and indiana in 2009. wegher avg. 1.7 ypc against Mn on 15 attempts, 0.1 ypc on 11 attempts against wisconsin, and 1.6 ypc against michigan on 13 attempts.

wegher averaged less than 3 ypc in 4 games in 2009. robinson averaged averaged more than 4 ypc in all but 2 games.

robinson is a better rb
Since Wegher arrived on campus, there has been talk that his ego was a bit much. This culmination of the last 5-6 months would seem to validate that.
All BK is trying to say is that BW wasn't going to play ahead of JH or ARob barring injury/suspension. I agree with him. BW saw the writing on the wall - especially when Coker came to camp and decided to quit. He has some personal issues as well and I'm sure that didn't help the situation. End of story...move along.
I got news for you guys, the paper didn't cover Brandon to "do the right thing" or to be nice to Brandon, they did so to sell fricken papers and make money. Wegher owes the paper a big pile of jack ****. I'm pretty sure he still gets a scholarship offer from Iowa regardless of how many articles this cry baby wrote. I'm pretty sure he still finds his way onto the field at Iowa as a freshman.

Brandon gained no absolutely nothing from any of those articles and he owes the paper absolutely nothing. In addition to being poorly written and worded that article was nothing but a whiny reporter attempting to take revenge the only way he could.
You guys are forgetting what's really important here: A nobody sports reporter wants to make this story about him. Stop talking about Wegher and think about how much he's suffered.
Jon Miller,

you deleted every thread where there was a rumor about Wegher or really anything negative said about the kid. Now the kid leaves Iowa, is getting killed by the fans, and you leave it up. Why?
Yah....I don't get the hate either. He made mistakes. He's atoning for them in his own way. Jeesh.

I agree. If the guy made some mistakes, maybe he's just trying to quietly move on. That's not such a bad thing, in my opinion.
Jon Miller,

you deleted every thread where there was a rumor about Wegher or really anything negative said about the kid. Now the kid leaves Iowa, is getting killed by the fans, and you leave it up. Why?

He deleted any threads that speculated as to why he was taking a leave from the team.

These threads are in reaction to the actual news that he is going to Oklahoma.

Surely even a silly clown fan can tell the difference.

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