Wegher rewards Iowa columnist's support with silence

I'm sure that reporter was great for Wegher at one time, when he could use the promotion, but not that he is not in IA, I guess he has no further use for him. Self-centered? Seems so.
This is a young man that i have zero respect for. It is best for everyone that he has moved on. Some things are more important that a good football player...the Iowa program is in a better spot with him elsewhere.
Agree iahawk he was definitely talented but the hawkeyes are much better off now without him. His heart was never fully with the hawks and its obvious. Time to move on...
What a ridiculous decision he has made. When you have more money than sense, I guess you can do this, but he has gone from being a potential icon in Iowa to an invisible walk on at OU. Good riddance. His treatment of the home town sports writer tells you everything you need to know about the self indulgent little brat.
Honestly, I didn't care for this story. It just came across as whiny, IMO.

He didn't return messages or calls about why he took his leave of absence? Can't imagine why he'd keep quiet about that stuff. PERSONAL issues generally means something you don't want in the press.

And didn't want to talk about going to OU? So what? We wouldn't learn what his reason was for leaving the Hawks, and all we'd get is maybe a little lip service (Thanks for the opportunity, etc.). Getting miffed about not hearing that is a waste of time, because anything he would have said in that interview would have been meaningless anyway.
Honestly, I didn't care for this story. It just came across as whiny, IMO.

He didn't return messages or calls about why he took his leave of absence? Can't imagine why he'd keep quiet about that stuff. PERSONAL issues generally means something you don't want in the press.

And didn't want to talk about going to OU? So what? We wouldn't learn what his reason was for leaving the Hawks, and all we'd get is maybe a little lip service (Thanks for the opportunity, etc.). Getting miffed about not hearing that is a waste of time, because anything he would have said in that interview would have been meaningless anyway.

I disagree. I hardly think the author was being whiny (when he had every right to be.)

The guy (and his paper) covered the he!! out of Wegher when he was growing up, put him on the map in high school, gave the Weghers' a bunch of great clips they could send out to recruiters, drove more than 1,200 miles to Des Moines and back to make the case to include him in all-state teams.

It wouldn't have hurt Brandon to return a call and talk to the hometown paper that had covered him all along to at least explain his decision to transfer. And to then give the story to an Oklahoma paper, when he's not even there yet and was hardly a prime recruit? Just an unclassy thing to do.

Unless BW decides down the road to trash Iowa, Ferentz or anything Hawkeye, I'm done posting on him. Good-bye and good riddance.
Why wish ill of the kid? Sure the kid could have been more forthcoming and considerate, but that's easier said than done. I know it's cliche, but this behavior and attitude does start at home. Most people, regardless of age, practice what they're preached. Supposedly Brandon is an adult, but that is in age only. Somebody is enabling and allowing him to leave Iowa for OK without scholarship or being polite. If he's paying his own way then so be it. My guess is Mommy and Daddy are footin' the bill and that's their perogative. I would do the same for my kid if he/she wasn't happy somewhere, but they would still be required to accountable for themselves.
Yah....I don't get the hate either. He made mistakes. He's atoning for them in his own way. Jeesh.
the writer is a baby. Weee weee weee. Im not Wegher's favorite. I got news for him, its his job to cover athletes and particularly elite ones. Wow, you drove a whole 2hrs and 45 mins to Des Moines. Could you imagine if Fran or Kirk cried like this over every recruit that didn't choose iowa?? They travel 1,000's of miles every year.
Yah....I don't get the hate either. He made mistakes. He's atoning for them in his own way. Jeesh.

In my opinion, the "mistakes", which are highly unsubstantiated, are just a cover up. "Mistakes" are not the reason he's no longer a Hawkeye.

Not getting his way on the depth chart is the reason he's no longer a Hawkeye.

So now we have a walk-on, "I'll show you" situation at Oklahoma that I think will end up being just that... a walk-on situation that will never develop into anything else.
In my opinion, the "mistakes", which are highly unsubstantiated, are just a cover up. "Mistakes" are not the reason he's no longer a Hawkeye.

Not getting his way on the depth chart is the reason he's no longer a Hawkeye.

So now we have a walk-on, "I'll show you" situation at Oklahoma that I think will end up being just that... a walk-on situation that will never develop into anything else.

I don't know what your deal is against Wegher to not acknowledge the kids talent but you should let go of your hate.
I don't know what your deal is against Wegher to not acknowledge the kids talent but you should let go of your hate.

He got carries as a freshman because of Jewel's injury and Jewel's injury only. He wasn't talented enough to crack the top 2 at RB in his sophomore year. He couldn't take it, so he quit. I'm sure Marcus Coker's presence didn't make things any better. Barring injuries, he wasn't going to EVER be Iowa's feature back.
He got carries as a freshman because of Jewel's injury and Jewel's injury only. He wasn't talented enough to crack the top 2 at RB in his sophomore year. He couldn't take it, so he quit. I'm sure Marcus Coker's presence didn't make things any better. Barring injuries, he wasn't going to EVER be Iowa's feature back.

I frankly have no idea now you can even be informed enough to make that comment on any player that essentially had 3 years left. The fact is the coaching staff wanted BW and thought enough of his talents to offer him a full ride to play football.

Questioning his ability on the field is quite odd, he obviously was a good football player and had a chance to continue to get a lot better. If it was about playing time and the depth chart he would not be going to Oklahoma. End of story.
He got carries as a freshman because of Jewel's injury and Jewel's injury only. He wasn't talented enough to crack the top 2 at RB in his sophomore year. He couldn't take it, so he quit. I'm sure Marcus Coker's presence didn't make things any better. Barring injuries, he wasn't going to EVER be Iowa's feature back.

I would say he took advantage of his opportunity when Jewel got injured. I'm not going to say he would have ever been THEE feature back but based on his performance his freshman year, he would have gotten carries and would have been on the field.
If it was about playing time and the depth chart he would not be going to Oklahoma. End of story.

It's exactly why Oklahoma. Going to UNI doesn't have an "I'll show you" play. The fact that RB at the college level isn't the position for him still hasn't sunk in yet.

Iowa either wanted him to stay at RB as #3 (possibly #4 behind Coker) or they wanted him to switch positions... I don't know which situation it was.

Iowa wanted him to stay, but for some reason or another Wegher wasn't getting what "he wanted" from Iowa. End of story.
He got carries as a freshman because of Jewel's injury and Jewel's injury only. He wasn't talented enough to crack the top 2 at RB in his sophomore year. He couldn't take it, so he quit. I'm sure Marcus Coker's presence didn't make things any better. Barring injuries, he wasn't going to EVER be Iowa's feature back.

You're funny. From now on I'll direct all of my questions regarding who will be where on the depth chart to you since you seem to know so much.
You're funny. From now on I'll direct all of my questions regarding who will be where on the depth chart to you since you seem to know so much.

He wasn't in the top 2. Are you arguing this? It was very clear all Spring and early Summer that it was going to be #1 Jewel and #2 Robinson.

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