Wegher going to OK to play for Stoops

I definitely think he could have been a good Big Ten player. But, I think his talents are better suited for the Big 12. That's not a slight against him or the Big 12. But he's not a power back by any means, and speed definitely has a prominent place in the Big 12.

Actually, that's my biggest complaint with Wegher, i.e., all the "runs 4.28 40" on his ego...er, website.

If Wegher runs a 4.28 40, he forgot to show it on the field last year. He certainly had "decent" speed, but nowhere NEAR advertised.
I find it funny that during his recrutment there were rumors he was waiting for Stoops to offer him and when none came he came to Iowa.
Four Wegher facts to consider:

He was an important player on last year’s team.

His absence hurt this year’s team.

He is fertile.

He will never be a Hawkeye again.
Actually, that's my biggest complaint with Wegher, i.e., all the "runs 4.28 40" on his ego...er, website.

If Wegher runs a 4.28 40, he forgot to show it on the field last year. He certainly had "decent" speed, but nowhere NEAR advertised.

4.28 is certainly an exaggeration. But I'd be surprised if he were slower than 4.45. He was also more focused on keeping ahold of the ball than hitting homeruns.
I thought this too, but apparently he is walking on. No sitting out a year for him.

That is incorrect. NCAA transfer rules state a player must be enrolled for 1 year academically before they're eligible to play when transferring between D1 schools.
On a side note, and IMO the crux of the Wegher situation with Iowa: why can't Ferentz recruit players with athleticism? Also, if Ferentz lucks into recruiting a player with athleticism, why won't they stay?

My take: Chaney Jr., the only player who had sub 4.5 forty speed on this year's active squad, which is my definition of exceptional speed - stretching the field kind of speed, played an extremely limited role throughout his career at Iowa. It was said, as a receiver, Chaney Jr., was erratic catching the ball. I think he demonstrated some ability catching the ball when he returned punts and kickoffs the last 3 games of his career. IMO, he should have been used in returns much sooner. Could Chaney Jr. have been useful playing somewhere? Oh, yeah! Why did the coaching staff waste his speed? Who knows?

Does this prevent Ferentz from recruiting athleticism? IMO, most definitely. An athletic player will not come to Iowa to have his athleticism, his NFL meal ticket, "put under a bushel".

Does Iowa need athleticism to be successful? No. Iowa runs a system on offense and defense.

IMO, Iowa is nothing more than a top 25 football program until Iowa recruits more athletes - and uses their athleticism.
I doubt we'll see that with Ferentz or Parker.

Are you happy with that? I know HawkfaninTexas and Tweeterhawk are.

When it's been proven our pass defense isn't so hot.
And our offense needs to step up.
Why not recruit more athletes and use them?
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@cabsec All Chaney had was speed, he dropped several passes this year on crucial downs, he was dangerous as a returner- to Iowa with poor decisions on when to field the ball. He had no shake, no ability to make players miss. He got yards on reverses when Iowa dominated the blocks, and he could run in a straight line. He saw the field too much imo. I want football players first and then athletes.
Does Iowa need athleticism to be successful? No. Iowa runs a system on offense and defense.

When it's been proven our pass defense isn't so hot.

Seriously "system" on offense and defense only people that don't understand sports say this. EVERY team runs a system on offense or defense you run something you can be successful using. Teams that change to every new whim tend to struggle and that is why they change to every new whim. You don't have to blitz like the Jets to have a good defense (in fact Rex Ryan Blitzed an all-time low last week to beat the great Peyton Manning). Our "system" only develops more professional football players than most schools (i.e. TEs, OL, DL, LB, DBs, some RBs...the only places we don't develop that great have been QB and WR). And I believe the QB thing is going to start changing because a lot of our QBs weren't pros because of their size not their skill (i.e. Brad Banks and Drew Tate). Look at the size of Stanzi, Vandenberg, and the incoming Rudock.

The thing about the pass defense is just dumb. just because we give up short passes to take away the big play. Watch what good defenses do. They limit big plays and force teams to have long drives because sustaining drives is difficult. When Bob Sanders was a DB we did the same thing. The more you blitz the more likely you give up big plays the coaches have decided that the risk isn't worth the reward based off the skills of our players and the players they recruit.

The only place I would have liked to see Chaney used more was in Kick-Off because of his speed. In punts you have to know when to get away from the ball, when to call a fair catch, and when to try to get yards. And you have to make that decision while your eyes go from defense to ball to defense to ball and in under 4 seconds. Not easy and he struggled at it after Sandeman got hurt. I believe this to be part of what we struggled with was our starting position on punts when he was returning.

If under 4.5 speed makes you an athlete then the best WR ever to play the game of football WASN'T an Athlete because Jerry Rice ran above 4.5 on the 40. There is something to be said about football speed versus 40 speed. Some people seem to lose No speed when they put on the pads and that is what matters FOOTBALL SPEED. Edds didn't have sub 4.5 speed yet I remember him covering lots of WRs and TEs and RBs that would be faster than him because of Football Speed and Coaching and Intelligence.

This game will always be more about schemes and systems than the athlete. If athletes won all the time why is it Michael Vick has never won a championship, yet Tom Brady has 3?
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